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Hazard Mitigation Assistance Document Library

Find resources for applying to and managing grants.

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Archived: FY15 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance Addendum

This addendum supplements the information provided in the HMA Guidance.

This guidance was effective from February 27, 2015 through March 22, 2023.

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Archived Policy: DRRA 1204, Post Fire Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

This policy establishes the framework and requirements to implement HMGP Post Fire. This policy was effective for FMAG declarations issued on or after October 5, 2018 through March 22, 2023.

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DRRA 1205 Implementation Job Aid

The Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) Section 1205 addresses the use of assistance to provide funding to help reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, or loss in any area affected by a wildfire or windstorm. Section 1205 lists 14 eligible activities. These activities can be allowed under eligible projects within the existing HMA program. HMA has developed a Job Aid on how these activities can be incorporated in eligible mitigation project applications, and to document that highlights the program guidance sections and efficiencies that support these activities.

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Highlights of ASCE 24-14 Flood Resistant Design and Construction

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 24-14 is a referenced standard in the 2015 International Building Code® (IBC) and the 2015 International Residential Code® (IRC). Building and structures within the scope of the IBC proposed to be constructed in flood hazard areas must be designed in accordance with ASCE 24-14. The IRC requires dwellings in floodways to be designed in accordance with ASCE 24-14 and includes an alternative that allows communities to require homes in any flood zone to be designed in accordance with ASCE 24-15. Highlights of ASCE 24-14 that complement the NFIP minimum requirements include Building Performance; Flood-Damage Resistant Materials; Utilities and Service Equipment and Siting Considerations.

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Flood Mitigation Grant Applications Geospatial File Eligibility Criteria Job Aid

A crucial component of the Community Flood Mitigation project subapplication is proving that the proposed project benefits NFIP-insured properties for which submission of a benefitting area map and associated geospatial file is required. This job aid provides detailed information on how to create a Benefiting Area Map for submission with a project subapplication.

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Hazard Mitigation Assistance Cost Share Guidance

This guidance is a tool for applicants and subapplicants to assist with understanding match requirements for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants, including BRIC. The guide encourages early coordination for cost share strategies and provides examples of different ways to meet the non-federal cost share requirement, including the use of donated resources.

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MT eGrants Frequently Asked Questions

This is a list of frequently asked questions collected by the Mitigation eGrants team. These are common issues users of the system need assistance with and how to resolve them.

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eGrants Tribal Grant Application Job Aid

This reference guide provides states, federally-recognized tribal governments the ability to apply for federal awards and manage their Grant application and subapplication processes electronically.

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MT eGrants Preparing “Applicant Acting as Subapplicant” Subapplications for Management Costs

Please refer to FEMA GO for management cost subapplications. This document has been archived and is included for reference only.

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MT eGrants Project Subapplications Checklist

Please refer to FEMA GO for project subapplications. This document has been archived and is included for reference only.