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OpenFEMA Dataset: HMA Subapplications - v1
키 | 값 |
Entity Name | HmaSubapplications |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1M |
Program URL | |
카테고리 | Hazard Mitigation |
키워드 | mitigation |
Deprecation Date | 2024-04-30 |
Deprecation Message | A newer version of this OpenFEMA data set has been released. This older dataset version will be archived by April 30, 2024. The following page details the latest version of this data set: |
Deprecation New URL | |
This dataset contains Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) subapplications/subgrants from the FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) system (FEMA’s new grants management system). FEMA GO started accepting Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) subapplications in Fiscal Year 2020. FEMA GO is projected to support the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in Calendar Year 2023. For details on HMA subgrants not captured in FEMA GO, visit
This dataset contains information on the HMA subapplications/subgrants that have been submitted to or awarded in FEMA GO, as well as amendments made to the awarded subgrants. Sensitive information, such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), has been removed to protect privacy. The information in this dataset has been deemed appropriate for publication to empower public knowledge of mitigation activities and the nature of HMA grant programs. For more information on the HMA grant programs, visit: For more information on FEMA GO, visit:
This dataset comes from the source system mentioned above and is subject to a small percentage of human error. In some cases, data was not provided by the subapplicant, applicant, and/or entered into FEMA GO. The financial information in this dataset is not derived from FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations, and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.
FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:
If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA News Desk at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at
Full Data
양식 | 주소 | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 4944 | tiny (< 10MB) |
json | Link to json | 4944 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsona | Link to jsona | 4944 | tiny (< 10MB) |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | 4944 | tiny (< 10MB) |
Data Fields
이름 | 제목 | 유형 | 설명 | Is Searchable |
subapplicationIdentifier | Subapplication Identifier |
Single-value that uniquely identifies the subapplication/subgrant. The Subapplication Identifier is made up of the [FEMA Organization Code][FEMA Region Letter Code]-[Fiscal Year Opportunity]-[Program Code]-[Application Number]-[Subapplication Number]. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO. | yes |
program | Program |
Name of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program (e.g., Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant program) associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
fiscalYear | Fiscal Year |
The Federal Government Fiscal Year of the grant program funding opportunity. The Fiscal Year runs from October 1 to September 30. This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
region | Region |
Number (1-10) used to represent the Region associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
applicantName | Applicant Name |
Name of the Applicant requesting Hazard Mitigation Grant funding (e.g., Illinois Emergency Management Agency). An Applicant becomes a Recipient (previously termed Grantee) when it receives a Federal award directly from a Federal awarding agency to carry out an activity under a Federal program. This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantName | Subapplicant Name |
Name of the Subapplicant requesting Hazard Mitigation Grant funding (e.g., City of Chicago). A Subapplicant becomes a Subrecipient (previously termed Subgrantee) when it receives a subaward from a pass-through entity (i.e., Recipient) to carry out part of a Federal award. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantCity | Subapplicant City |
Name of the City (e.g., Chicago) associated with the subapplicant/subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantState | Subapplicant State |
Full name of the State (e.g., Illinois) associated with the subapplicant/subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantStateAbbreviation | Subapplicant State Abbreviation |
Two letter abbreviation of the State (e.g., IL represents Illinois) associated with the subapplicant/subrecipient. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantZipCode | Subapplicant Zip Code |
Five digit ZIP Code associated with the subapplicant/subrecipient (e.g., 60614). This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantZip4 | Subapplicant Zip 4 |
Four digits that designate a specific location within the ZIP Code associated with the Subapplicant/Subrecipient (e.g., 0001). This is an optional field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
subjectEO12372 | Subject EO12372 |
Indicates if the Subapplicant/Subrecipient is subject to review by Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs. For more information on Executive Order 12372, see This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
eo12372ReviewDate | EO12372 Review Date |
Date the subapplication/subgrant was made available to the Executive Order 12372 for review. This is a conditional field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO that is dependent on Subject EO12372 being Yes. | yes |
subapplicantFederalDebt | Subapplicant Federal Debt |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient is delinquent on any federal debt. Delinquent debt applies to the applicant organization and not to individual people who work on or sign the application. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
dateInitiatedInSystem | Date Initiated In System |
Date and time the subapplication was initiated in the system. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO. | yes |
dateSubmittedToApplicant | Date Submitted To Applicant |
Date and time the subapplication was submitted to the applicant/recipient. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO. | yes |
dateSubmittedToFema | Date Submitted To FEMA |
Date and time the subapplication was submitted to FEMA by the applicant/recipient. This is a system generated field in FEMA GO. | yes |
proposedProjectStartDate | Proposed Project Start Date |
Proposed start date of the subapplication/subgrant schedule, which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO. | yes |
proposedProjectEndDate | Proposed Project End Date |
Proposed end date of the subapplication/subgrant schedule which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO. | yes |
estimatedTotalDuration | Estimated Total Duration |
Estimated total duration of the subapplication/subgrant in number of months which may differ from the official Period of Performance. This is a required field in the Schedule section in FEMA GO. | yes |
fundingCategory | Funding Category |
Grant program funding category selected by the subapplicant/subrecipient. The funding categories differ for each grant program and are outlined in the Fiscal Year Notice of Funding Opportunity. For more information on funding categories for each grant program, visit This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicantType | Subapplicant Type |
Type of subapplicant/subrecipient, self-designated by the subapplicant/subrecipient. Subapplicant/Subrecipient can be Federally Recognized Tribes, State Agencies, Private Non-Profits, Tribal Agencies, Local Governments/Communities. This is a required field in the Subapplicant Information section in FEMA GO. | yes |
status | Status |
Current status of the subapplication/subgrant in the system (e.g., Ineligible, Not Selected, Subaward Offered, Subaward Selected, Submitted to FEMA, etc.). This is a system maintained field in FEMA GO. | yes |
subapplicationType | Subapplication Type |
Type of subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Management cost, Plan, Project, Project Scoping, Technical Assistance, etc.). This is a required field in FEMA GO. | yes |
benefitingCounties | Benefiting Counties |
County or County equivalent entity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. Multiple counties are possible and are delimited by a semicolon. This is a required field in the Community section in FEMA GO. | yes |
primaryActivity | Primary Activity |
Primary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO. | yes |
primarySubactivity | Primary Subactivity |
Primary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Primary Activity is not NULL. Not all Primary Activities have a Primary Subactivity. | yes |
secondaryActivity | Secondary Activity |
Secondary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO. | yes |
secondarySubactivity | Secondary Subactivity |
Secondary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Secondary Activity is not NULL. Not all Secondary Activities have a Secondary Subactivity. | yes |
tertiaryActivity | Tertiary Activity |
Tertiary mitigation activity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Secondary Activity is not NULL. | yes |
tertiarySubactivity | Tertiary Subactivity |
Tertiary mitigation subactivity associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Tertiary Activity is not NULL. Not all Tertiary Activities have a Tertiary Subactivity. | yes |
primaryCommunityLifeline | Primary Community Lifeline |
Primary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. For more information regarding community lifelines, see This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. | yes |
primaryCommunityLifelineComponent | Primary Community Lifeline Component |
Primary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Primary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component. | yes |
secondaryCommunityLifeline | Secondary Community Lifeline |
Secondary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. | yes |
secondaryCommunityLifelineComponent | Secondary Community Lifeline Component |
Secondary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component. | yes |
tertiaryCommunityLifeline | Tertiary Community Lifeline |
Tertiary Community Lifeline associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Community Lifeline is not NULL. | yes |
tertiaryCommunityLifelineComponent | Tertiary Community Lifeline Component |
Tertiary Community Lifeline Component associated with the subapplication/subgrant. This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Tertiary Community Lifeline is not NULL. Not all Community Lifelines have a Component. | yes |
primaryHazard | Primary Hazard |
Primary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. | yes |
secondaryHazard | Secondary Hazard |
Secondary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is an optional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. | yes |
tertiaryHazard | Tertiary Hazard |
Tertiary hazard associated with the subapplication/subgrant (e.g., Flooding, Fire, Tornado, etc.). This is a conditional field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Secondary Hazard is not NULL. | yes |
smallImpoverished | Small Impoverished |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient self-identified as a small impoverished community as defined by 42 U.S.C. 5133(a). Under the HMA Grant Programs "Small Impoverished Community" is synonymous with "Economically Disadvantaged Rural Community". This is a required field in the Budget section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
populationAffected | Population Affected |
Percentage of population affected by the subapplication/subgrant. This value is self-reported by the Subapplicant/Subrecipient. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. | yes |
phasedProject | Phased Project |
Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant is phased. Complex mitigation projects can be phased which enables the Subapplicant/Subrecipient to develop technical and environmental information, including design, engineering studies, and permitting, before FEMA approves funding for full construction. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
construction | Construction |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient proposes to perform construction activities under this subapplication/subgrant. This is a required field in the Scope of Work section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
priorSubapplication | Prior Subapplication |
Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant was created from a prior FEMA HMA Advance Assistance or Project Scoping award or any other federal grant award, or the subapplicant is a past recipient of Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities non-financial Direct Technical Assistance. This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
communityRatingSystem | Community Rating System (CRS) |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient participates in FEMA's Community Rating System (CRS). For more information regarding CRS, see This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
crsRating | CRS Rating |
Number (1-9) used to represent the subapplicant/subrecipient's Community Rating System Class. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Community Rating System (CRS) is 'Yes'. | yes |
cooperatingTechnicalPartner | Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient participates in the Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) program. For more information regarding CTP, visit This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
adoptedIcc | Adopted International Building Codes (ICC) |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient adopted building codes are consistent with International Code Council's (ICC) building codes. This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
yearBuildingCode | Year Building Code |
Year of the subapplicant/subrecipient's building code. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Adopted International Building Codes (ICC) is 'Yes'. | yes |
buildingCodesOnBcegs | Building Codes Assessed on Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) |
Indicates if the subapplicant/subrecipient's building codes are assessed on the Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS). For more information regarding BCEGS, see This is a required field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
bcegsRating | Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) Rating |
Number (1-10) used to represent the subapplicant/subrecipient's Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) rating. This is a conditional field in the Evaluation section in FEMA GO for Plan, Project, and Project Scoping Subapplication Types that is dependent when Building Codes Assessed on Building Codes Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) is 'Yes'. | yes |
mitigationPlanCovered | Mitigation Plan Covered |
Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant activity is covered by a current FEMA approved multi-hazard mitigation plan in compliance with 44 CFR Part 201. For more information regarding Mitigation Planning, see This is a required field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
mitigationPlanType | Mitigation Plan Type |
Type of mitigation plan that covers the subapplication/subgrant activity. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes'. | yes |
mitigationPlanSubtype | Mitigation Plan Subtype |
Indicates if the mitigation plan, that covers the subapplicant/subgrant activity, for the State/Territory/Tribal Mitigation Plan Types is enhanced or standard. Local Mitigation Plan Types do not have a subtype. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes' and Mitigation Plan Type does not contain 'Local'. | yes |
dateMitigationPlanApproved | Date Mitigation Plan Approved |
Date the mitigation plan covering the subapplication/subgrant activity was approved. This is a conditional field in the Mitigation Plan section in FEMA GO that is dependent when Mitigation Plan Covered is 'Yes'. | yes |
costEffectivenessMethod | Cost-Effectiveness Method |
Method used to evaluate the subapplication/subgrant's cost-effectiveness. Mitigation activities are required by statute and regulation to be cost-effective, and the determination is performed in a variety of ways (e.g., FEMA BCA Toolkit, pre-calculated benefits, other BCA methodology approved by FEMA). This is a required field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types. | yes |
costEffectivenessNotApplicable | Cost-Effectiveness Not Applicable |
Indicates whether cost-effectiveness is not applicable to the subapplication/subgrant as claimed by the Subapplicant. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is 'Not Applicable'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
preCalculatedBenefit | Pre-Calculated Benefit |
Type of pre-calculated benefit used to determine the subapplication/subgrant's cost-effectiveness (e.g., Acquisitions in the special flood hazard area, Residential hurricane wind retrofits, etc.). For more information on pre-calculated benefits, see This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is 'Pre-calculated benefits'. | yes |
environmentalBenefit | Environmental Benefit |
Indicates if environmental benefits were added to the benefits in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Environmental benefits capture the benefits resulting from mitigation activities that improve or preserve the natural environment, such as acquisitions, relocations, and floodplain and stream restoration. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. | yes |
seaLevelRise | Sea Level Rise |
Indicates if sea level rise was incorporated into the flood elevations in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Sea level rise benefits capture the cost associated with elevation/acquisition projects against anticipated flooding due to rising sea levels. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. | yes |
socialBenefit | Social Benefit |
Indicates if social benefits were added to the benefits in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. Social benefits capture the avoided costs associated with mental stress, anxiety, and lost wages that disaster survivors would otherwise experience. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
natureBasedSolutions | Nature-Based Solutions |
Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant incorporates nature-based solutions. Nature-based solutions include both green and natural infrastructure. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
mitigatingProjectSiteInventory | Mitigating Project Site Inventory |
Indicates if the subapplication/subgrant proposes to mitigate project site inventory (e.g., buildings, vacant land, infrastructure/utility/other locations). This is a required field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
projectSiteInventoryLocationKnown | Project Site Inventory Location Known |
Indicates if the location of the project site inventory is known at the time of submission. Examples of unknown locations at time of submission include, but are not limited to, saferoom/shelter lottery subapplication/subgrants. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Mitigating Structures is 'Yes'. Yes is indicated with either a 'true' or '1'. No is indicated with either a 'false' or '0'. | yes |
numberofBuildingLocations | Number of Building Locations |
Number of building locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'. | yes |
numberInfrastructureLocations | Number Infrastructure Locations |
Number of infrastructure/utility/other locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'. | yes |
numberVacantLandLocations | Number Vacant Land Locations |
Number of vacant land locations proposed to be mitigated. This is a conditional field in the Project Site Inventory section in FEMA GO for Project Subapplication Types that is dependent when Structures Location Known is 'Yes'. | yes |
federalShareAmount | Federal Share Amount |
Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by FEMA. In general, HMA funds may be used to pay up to 75 percent of the eligible activity costs. For more information regarding cost sharing, see This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished. | yes |
nonFederalShareAmount | Non-Federal Share Amount |
Cost share amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by Non-Federal sources. Contributions of cash, third-party in-kind services, materials, or any combination thereof, may be accepted as part of the Non-Federal cost share. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished. | yes |
totalSubapplicationAmount | Total Subapplication Amount |
Total amount in dollars requested/approved for the subapplication/subgrant. The total cost to implement approved mitigation activities is generally funded by a combination of Federal and Non-Federal sources. This is a required field in the Budget section in FEMA GO. | yes |
totalObligatedAmount | Total Obligated Amount |
Total federal amount obligated for the subgrant. Obligations are executed in increments, based on the subgrant meeting an established project milestone schedule, until the subgrant is completed. This is a system maintained field in FEMA GO that is dependent when Status is 'subAwardAccepted'. | yes |
federalSharePercentage | Federal Share Percentage |
Percentage of the project cost to be covered by FEMA. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished. | yes |
nonFederalSharePercentage | Non-Federal Share Percentage |
Percentage of the project cost to be covered by Non-Federal sources. This is a system generated field in the Budget section in FEMA GO that is dependent on the response to Small Impoverished. | yes |
benefitCostRatio | Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) |
Numerical expression of the cost-effectiveness of the subapplication/subgrant as submitted by the subapplicant (i.e., not FEMA validated). The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) is derived from a subapplication's total net benefits divided by its total cost. Composite BCRs of 1.0 or greater have more benefits than costs and are therefore cost-effective. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. | yes |
bcaTotalBenefits | BCA Total Benefits |
Anticipated benefits that occur for the life of the project used to derive the Benefit-Cost Ratio to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. Benefits may include avoided damage, loss of function, and displacement. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. | yes |
bcaTotalCosts | BCA Total Costs |
Total costs of the subapplication/subgrant used to derive the Benefit-Cost Ratio to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. The BCA Total Costs may differ from the Total Subapplication Amount due to costs not required to be included in the Benefit-Cost Analysis. This is a conditional field in the Cost-Effectiveness section in FEMA GO for Management Cost, Project, Project Scoping and Technical Assistance Subapplication Types that is dependent when Cost-Effectiveness Method is not 'Not Applicable'. | yes |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, This is a conditional field in FEMA GO that is dependent when Program is 'Hazard Mitigation Grant Program'. | yes |
selectionStatus | Selection Status |
The status of the subapplication/subgrant assigned by the Program during the Selection Phase (e.g., Identified for Further Review, Not Selected, Ineligible, etc.). The Selection phase occurs after a grant application period closes. A subapplication that is listed as 'Identified for Further Review' is not a notification of award. Applicants are required to work with a FEMA Regional Office to complete the pre-award activities for subapplications. | yes |
selectionFederalShareAmount | Selection Federal Share Amount |
Cost share amount in dollars approved during the Selection Phase for the subapplication/subgrant to be covered by FEMA. This value may differ from the Federal Share Amount field. This is a conditional field that is dependent when Selection Status is 'Identified for Further Review'. | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
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