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Don’t Let Spring Flooding Catch You Unprepared: Take Control and Prepare in 3 Easy Steps

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Release Date:
3월 27, 2024

PHILADELPHIA- As the weather turns warmer, FEMA Region 3 encourages residents to think about if they’re prepared should spring storms impact their community. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States and can occur anywhere at any time. Rainfall is only one of the many reasons flooding can disrupt a community. Other causes include melting snow, coastal storms, storm surges, and overflows of dams and other water systems. 

That’s why FEMA Region 3 is kicking off a new campaign with a focus on 3 important steps people can take now to minimize storm's impacts and protect their families.

Take Control and Prepare in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Get advance notice of expected flooding. Sign up for alerts.
  2. Know what to do. Practice protective measures. 
  3. Know you’re protected. Talk to your insurance agent. 

Sign up for Alerts 

The FEMA app is your personalized disaster resource. Within the app, you can receive real-time weather and emergency alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations across the country. It can also help you find a nearby shelter if you need to evacuate. It is available on iOS or Android

Did you know some states also have their own emergency alert system? 

Delaware: The Delaware Emergency Notification System (DENS)  

District of Columbia: Alert DC

Maryland: MD Ready 

Pennsylvania: Alert PA

Virginia: Check with your local officials for county-specific alerting systems.

West Virginia: Check with your local officials for county-specific warning systems.

Practice Protective Measures

Flash flooding can happen quickly and without warning. If you encounter flash flooding, remember “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.” Moving water has tremendous power. Just six inches of moving water has the potential to knock you off your feet and a foot of water can sweep a vehicle off the road. 

If your vehicle is trapped in rapidly moving water and water is rapidly rising inside the vehicle: exit immediately, seek refuge on the roof and signal for help. If trapped in a building or a home, get to the highest level and call for help. 

Talk to your Insurance Agent

Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. That is why spring is a great time to consider flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Just one inch of water in your home can cause $25,000 in damage and flooding is typically not covered by homeowners’ or renters’ insurance. Call your insurance agent to get a quote in just a few minutes. Having a policy in place can provide financial peace of mind before the next storm hits. 

“While springtime brings the promise of longer and warmer days, it can also bring dangerous weather” said FEMA Region 3 Regional Administrator MaryAnn Tierney. “Taking these three steps now can make a huge difference should our region be impacted by spring weather.”

In support of this campaign, FEMA Region 3 created a public service announcement to promote spring weather safety and flood insurance. Watch the video here and help us spread the word to your friends, families, and neighbors about what everyone can do to be prepared this spring season.

For more information on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), visit and to find information on preparing for a storm, visit

To schedule an interview, reach out to the FEMA R3 News Desk at


FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters. FEMA Region 3’s jurisdiction includes Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

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