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California: Mendocino County Wildfire Community Resilience Project

Mendocino retrofits residences with ignition-resistant construction materials.

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Ukiah, California: $37.86 million

Project Description

In September of 2020, a wildfire in Mendocino County destroyed 56 structures in the unincorporated Sherwood Corridor and areas near this disadvantaged community. To mitigate against the future threat of wildfires, Mendocino County will improve fire resistance and protect property. The project includes retrofitting about 750 residential homes using ignition-resistant materials, reducing hazardous fuels in about 1,520 acres of land, and improving two earthen dams that provide water storage.
These hazard mitigation efforts will help protect about 2,109 structures including 26 water distribution features. The Sherwood Corridor consists of the Brooktrails Township Community Services District and this road also accesses three other neighborhoods called Spring Creek, Sylvandale and The Gates. This project will also benefit the adjacent city of Willits.
