Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office Advocate, Paula Gutierrez, and her team of two Community Liaisons are a key resource of equity and advocacy for claimants. The Claims Office Advocate role was developed based on feedback from the affected communities during the Claims Office public comment meetings.
The Office of the Advocate is comprised of three Claims Office employees who are here to ensure that the Claims Office is tailored to the unique needs of your communities. The mission of the Claims Office Advocate is to advocate for claimants and potential claimants with compassion, equity, and fairness by:
- Reducing the Complexity of the Claims Process: Assist claimants who are having difficulty with the claims process and develop recommendations for claims process improvement.
- Educating Claimants: Acts as an additional resource to claimants by helping to improve understanding of the claims process and providing guidance about the steps in that process and the associated requirements.
- Timely and Fair Resolution of Issues: Promote timely and fair resolution of complex issues by working collaboratively with Claims Office leadership and staff.
How to Contact the Advocate and Community Liaisons
To reach the Advocate Team, you may:
- send an email to: FEMA-Hermits-Peak-Claims-Advocate@fema.dhs.gov.
- call the Claims Office Helpline, Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at 505-995-7133.
- call Paula P. Gutierrez, Claims Office Advocate at 505-995-7129.