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Regional Business Emergency Operations Center (RBEOC)

Staying connected to the right partners can make a big difference when you’re trying to keep your business operating after a disaster, or you want to prepare your employees and customers for an emergency.

In 2015, FEMA Region 3 created the Regional Business Emergency Operations Center (RBEOC) to formally enhance two-way communication and engagement with the private sector throughout the disaster lifecycle, including pre-disaster preparedness, disaster response and post-disaster recovery.


Membership in the RBEOC is virtual, and participation is free, voluntary and open to all members of the private and public sectors. By becoming a member, you’ll join our network of trusted partners and will receive regular updates, event invitations, and preparedness resources from us.

To join, fill out the Membership Agreement and email it to our Private Sector Liaison.

What Happens During An RBEOC Activation

During activations, we invite RBEOC members to participate in daily calls to hear incident updates from Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) leadership, Emergency Support Function (ESF) partners and affected state partners. We also track members’ needs, capabilities, concerns and updates and share them within the RRCC and with appropriate partners.

Annual Events

Every year, FEMA Region 3 hosts a Private Sector Readiness Day at
our office in Philadelphia. This event is an opportunity for businesses
within our region to come together with emergency managers to talk
through a disaster scenario, each of our priorities and concerns, and
opportunities to coordinate.

We also host Ready Business Workshops in communities across our region to educate businesses on hazards common to the area and the simple steps they can take to prepare their facilities, employees and customers for an emergency.

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You can also check out FEMA's National Business Emergency Operations Center for virtual tools designed for all locations.