alert - warning

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What should I do if I complete my project and have excess funds remaining?

After completing the awarded projects, some recipients may have unexpended funds remaining in their budget. These excess funds may result from any combination of under-budget acquisition activities or competitive procurement processes. The excess funds threshold is $10,000.

An amendment request is not necessary unless the item you intend to purchase requires an EHP review.

  • Excess funds cannot be used to support Fire Prevention and Safety activities. The opportunity for excess funds is limited when the original uncompleted Scope of Work is changed via Amendment.
  • Excess funds cannot be used for grant writer/preparer fees.
  • Excess funds may only be used for allowable activities identified in the AFG Program funding notice.
  • Excess funds are limited to the purchase of High Priority AFG Program items only.

The opportunity for excess funds is limited when the original uncompleted Scope of Work is changed via an Amendment.

Exceptions to the $10,000 use may be considered by FEMA if urgent and compelling need that can be directly related to a demonstrated event impacting the health and safety of the firefighters within the department can be identified.

For more details, please see Excess Funds Restrictions section of the AFG funding notice for the applicable year.