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FEMA Funds Community Engagement for COVID-19 Vaccinations

Release Date:
5월 12, 2021

As more Americans receive coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations, the end of the pandemic and a return to normal life is in sight. FEMA continues to support state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in the fight against COVID-19 by reimbursing eligible expenses related to the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Funding under FEMA Public Assistance program includes community engagement and information dissemination to promote vaccination availability, scheduling, and accessibility, as well as reimbursement for activities to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. This funding is eligible under current FEMA policies and is available to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and eligible private and non-profit medical facilities carrying out vaccination administration activities.

Expense Eligibility 

1. Communication and outreach1

Communications and outreach on availability, safety, and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations include:

  • Advertising campaigns to include Public Service Announcements, advertising costs, flyers, signs or other items needed to communicate;
  • In-person community engagement activities, including personnel costs (consistent with FEMA Public Assistance eligibility criteria for labor costs); and
  • Outreach to private sector companies and community organizations to support efforts to vaccinate employees and members (consistent with FEMA Public Assistance eligibility criteria).

2. Vaccination Information Sharing2

Call centers or websites for the purpose of sharing vaccination information with the public on how, where, and why to get vaccinated:

Call centers 

  • Scheduling and filling open appointments at vaccination centers;
  • Follow-up communications on second dose appointments;
  • Facility support costs including leasing space, utilities, maintenance, and security;
  • Staffing and other costs necessary to operate and maintain the website and consistent with FEMA Public Assistance labor policies.
  • Mobilization and demobilization costs.


  • Labor or contract costs necessary for the design and development of the website; and
  • Staffing and other costs necessary to operate and maintain the website and consistent with FEMA Public Assistance labor policies.

3. Accessible Communications3

Costs associated with ensuring communications are accessible and effective for the whole community including individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals with disabilities, and others with access and functional needs:

  • Translation and interpretation services;
  • The provision of auxiliary aids; and
  • Services such as qualified sign language interpreters, Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART), braille, or large print materials.

4. Transportation

Eligible transportation expenses include those associated with travel to ensure outreach to remote areas and underserved populations. Transportation to and from sites for the administration of vaccinations is also eligible.

FEMA encourages applicants for Public Assistance funding to work with other community partners in communicating with and engaging the public to support full implementation of COVID-19 vaccinations. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has also launched a COVID-19 public education campaign at COVID-19 Community Corps | WECANDOTHIS.HHS.GOV. The public education campaign is a national initiative to increase public confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines while reinforcing basic prevention measures such as mask wearing and social distancing.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact FEMA Office of External Affairs:

1Chapter 2:VI.B. Emergency Protective Measures of Version 3.1 of the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide (PAPPG); and Section C.3.h of Version 2 of the Public Assistance COVID-19 Medical Care Policy

2Chapter 2:V.A. Applicant (Force Account) Labor of PAPPG V3.1.

