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FEMA Team Deploys to Michigan to Support State's Vaccine Distribution Program

Release Date:
2월 17, 2021

CHICAGO – A FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) team has deployed to Michigan to assist the state’s efforts in expanding COVID-19 vaccination capacity across the state. The DSA team—consisting of ten FEMA staff with expertise in community outreach—will support state health strike teams across the state starting this week.

“This FEMA team is prepared to fully support Michigan’s vaccine distribution plan,” said Kevin M. Sligh, acting regional administrator, FEMA Region 5. “These specialists are an important resource to the state’s overall COVID-19 response, helping to ensure everyone in Michigan who wants a vaccine can get one.”

The DSA team's mission will include assisting the state with creating county health profiles to expand vaccine capacity at the local level and staffing state health strike teams to help communities address shortfalls and expand the vaccine program across Michigan.  

“We truly appreciate the support from our federal partners as we continue our efforts to distribute these vaccines across the state of Michigan,” said Capt. Kevin Sweeney, deputy state director of Emergency Management and commander of the Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division. “This will help us to achieve our goal of providing a safe and effective vaccine to everyone who wants one.”

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, DSA teams were used to build community outreach to educate disaster survivors about the availability of federal disaster assistance and services. DSA teams were virtually deployed to support the mid-Michigan flood disaster last year and these teams also assisted disaster survivors after the 2017 central Michigan flooding.

DSA team members hail from throughout the nation. Like all FEMA personnel, DSA team members can be identified by their official federal photo ID badge. If in doubt, immediately contact your local law enforcement or local emergency number for assistance.

For information on how to make an appointment to receive the vaccine, updates on the state’s plan and eligibility, and answers to frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, go to To learn more about FEMA’s vaccine support mission, go to

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FEMA's mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.
