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Documentation (Reconsideration)

Appeal Brief Appeal Letter

Appeal Brief

ApplicantCarman Township Road District
Appeal TypeSecond
PA ID#071-U9VAW-00
PW ID#953
Date Signed2014-05-07T00:00:00


Appeal Letter

May 7, 2014

Jonathon E. Monken, Director
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
1035 Outer Park Drive
Springfield, IL 62701

Re:  Second Appeal–Carman Township Road District, PA ID 071-U9VAW-00, Documentation, FEMA-1771-DR-IL, Project Worksheet (PW) 953

Dear Mr. Monken:

This letter responds to your office’s inquiry regarding the propriety of recouping $12,116 from the Carman Township Road District (Applicant) based upon an August 3, 2012 second appeal decision issued by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency.  FEMA determined in the second appeal that the Applicant failed to provide documentation to support this cost as part of a project to repair a flood-damaged roadway and directed that the $12,116 be deobligated.

Specifically, FEMA determined in the second appeal decision that the Applicant’s total request for reimbursement of $308,245 for work to repair Carthage Lake Road documented in Project Worksheet (PW) 953 included $12,116 for a “previous payment” for which no supporting documentation was available.  FEMA determined that this amount was erroneously included in the final calculation of project costs at project closeout.  FEMA’s second appeal decision, therefore, instructed the FEMA Region V Regional Administrator to deobligate the $12,116.

Following that decision, FEMA Headquarters staff was advised of documentation, including a cost summary record, voucher, and reimbursement form, that was included within the administrative record at the time of the decision and substantiated the “previous payment” of $12,116.  As such, this amount is eligible for reimbursement.  By this letter, I am requesting the Regional Administrator to reinstate the $12,116.



Brad J. Kieserman
Assistant Administrator
Recovery Directorate

cc:   Andrew Velasquez, III
       Regional Administrator
       FEMA Region V