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Public Assistance Hazard Mitigation

During the disaster recovery process, FEMA provides assistance for hazard mitigation measures through the Public Assistance program.

Public Assistance hazard mitigation provides funding to protect damaged public infrastructure from future events and helps communities build back better.

Hazard mitigation is part of the post-disaster Public Assistance grant; it is not a separate application or grant program. Throughout the Public Assistance grant process, hazard mitigation measures can be identified and discussed with support from FEMA.

Projects are funded by a combination of federal and non-federal sources. The federal share is determined by FEMA and may be used to pay a minimum of 75% of eligible costs. Any remaining eligible costs are derived from non-federal sources (e.g., state, community).

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Section 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act authorizes the Public Assistance Program, so PA hazard mitigation may be referred to as "406 mitigation".

Eligibility for Public Assistance Hazard Mitigation Funding

Disaster-damaged facilities must meet Public Assistance eligibility requirements to include mitigation. Eligible mitigation measures are those the applicant performs on the damaged portion(s) of the facility.

To be eligible for this funding, mitigation measures must:

  • Directly reduce the potential of future damage to the damaged portions of the facility.
  • Be cost-effective.
  • Be technically feasible and effective.
  • Be compliant with federal laws, regulations and Executive Orders.

If an applicant suggests mitigation measures that are distinct and separate from the damaged portion(s) of the facility, FEMA evaluates the proposal and determines   eligibility on a case-by-case basis. Considerations include how the mitigation measure protects the damaged portion(s) of the facility and whether the mitigation measure is reasonable based on the extent of the damage.

Eligible Types of Work

Public Assistance hazard mitigation measures can be included on any permanent work project, but not emergency work under Categories A and B. The following are considered permanent work categories:

  • Category C: Roads and bridges
  • Category D: Water-control facilities
  • Category E: Public buildings and equipment
  • Category F: Public utilities
  • Category G: Parks, recreational, and other facilities

Applying for Hazard Mitigation Funding

If a disaster has affected your community, contact your assigned FEMA Public Assistance Program Delivery Manager (PDMG) for more information or review the FEMA Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide.

Public Assistance hazard mitigation measures are identified by preparing a cost-effective Hazard Mitigation Proposal.

Find examples of Public Assistance hazard mitigation projects completed after a  disaster.