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News and Events from the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Center) fosters partnerships between government and faith-based organizations (FBOs) to increase the nation’s resilience by creating trust and developing relationships.

Stay informed with our webinars and local stories below.

Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers - October 2024

FEMA and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships release “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers.” This document outlines best practices for engaging faith-based and community organizations before, during, and after disasters to help jurisdictions improve their resilience and emergency management capabilities.  

Download the guide or register for a webinar session.


An Audio Document.

Episode 94: Role of Faith Based and Community Organizations in Emergency Management

A successful disaster response depends of the partnership of the whole community, including the tremendous support of voluntary organizations and the faith community. On today’s episode, we explore how leveraging the many strengths of neighborhood partners can ensure success before, during, and after disasters.

Download Audio | Download Transcript


Protecting Places of Worship Network - Fall Religious Observances Threat Briefing - YouTube

This webinar provides participants with a threat briefing ahead of the period of Fall religious holidays and the “Protecting Places of Worship National Weeks of Action”. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in partnership with the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Federal Emergency Management Agency and interagency partners, presented a webinar for the faith-based community educating on the Six Steps to Enhance Security Against Targeted Violence and more. Moreover, this webinar provides a threat briefing ahead of the period of Fall religious observances and the “Protecting Places of Worship National Weeks of Action” in September. In addition, federal partners shared practical tools and resources to help strengthen the safety and security of places of worship & community spaces.

Extreme Heat Impacts on Mental Health Webinar - YouTube

This webinar focuses on the mental health impacts of extreme heat, especially on people who are at greater risk, such as older adults, children and people with disabilities. This webinar was co-hosted in conjunction with FEMA Region 5 and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, in coordination with FEMA’s Offices of Disability Integration and Coordination and External Affairs. 

The webinar also highlights inclusionary community engagement practices and lessons learned from non-governmental organizations on mitigating against the impacts of extreme heat. In addition, the webinar includes tips on how to prepare for extreme heat events and #SummerReady resources.

Climate models predict that extreme heat will become more frequent and intense as climate change continues. #SummerReady aims to reach vulnerable populations and boost awareness of the impacts of extreme heat and the simple steps to prepare.


A African American Make with a blue suit on, red tie, white shirt and glasses while standing in front of the American flag and DHS flag

Meet Marcus Coleman, Director of DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Marcus Coleman was sworn-in as the new Director of the DHS Center for Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Partnerships Center) after his appointment by the Biden-Harris Administration.
Learn More about Mr. Coleman

a brick build broken

In Tennessee, an Outreach to Houses of Worship

The tornado struck so quickly that Reverend Judi Hoffman barely had time to dive into the bathtub to get to safety. The storm struck in the very early morning on March 3, causing extensive damage to the 113-year-old sanctuary, parsonage and church office building of the East End United Methodist Church (UMC) in Nashville, Tennessee.

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