alert - warning

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The Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) receives and authenticates messages transmitted by alerting authorities. IPAWS-OPEN then routes the messages to IPAWS communications pathways. Software and hardware developers are creating IPAWS-OPEN-compatible alert origination and dissemination tools that allow messages to travel to the public via radio, television, cellular phone, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Weather Radio, internet-based and other dissemination systems.


IPAWS-OPEN receives and authenticates messages from federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management officials and routes them to IPAWS-compliant public alerting systems.

The platform uses the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), an international standard used by IPAWS to send public alerts and warnings. Existing state or locally owned and operated warning systems – such as sirens, highway signs or emergency telephone notification systems – can be designed to receive alerts from IPAWS-OPEN.

Public safety organizations can use CAP to exchange incident reports and related information between different IPAWS-OPEN compatible software systems.

IPAWS-OPEN is compatible with National Weather Service (NWS) message dissemination systems, including NOAA Weather Radio. IPAWS-OPEN may be used to route messages to the NWS gateway, which results in an increased number of channels that can be used to warn the public.

Access to IPAWS-OPEN

All access to IPAWS-OPEN is free of charge.

Federal, state, territorial, tribal and local jurisdictions and organizations: Learn how to become an alerting authority.

Private or public sector developers can access the IPAWS test and development environment when they are designing IPAWS-OPEN-compatible systems. They can also access the IPAWS All-Hazards Information Feed of live alerts for redistribution and/or situational awareness.