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California Wildfires and Straight-line Winds
Lub sij hawm ntawm qhov xwm txheej: Jan 7, 2025 - Jan 31, 2025
Hnub tshaj tawm: Jan 8, 2025
Txuas ceev
- Cov ntaub ntawv rub rov qab: Lub xeev thiab hauv zos | Lub teb chaws
- Txuas: Social Media | Mobile apps thiab cov ntawv nyeem
- Kev sab laj 24/7: Kev pab cuam ua ceev heev
Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog qhov kev puas tsuaj no
Cov peev txheej hauv zos
Cov ntaub ntawv hauv zos
Xov xwm hauv zos & Media
Mus saib Xov xwm & Media Nplooj ntawv rau kev ua ub no, daim ntawv tseeb, Kev tshaj tawm xov xwm thiab lwm yam khoom siv multimedia.
What We Are Doing
FEMA and our federal partners are on the ground working closely with state and local officials to aid response and early recovery efforts.
Disaster Recovery Centers are now open for survivors to get in-person help with the application process. To find the nearest DRC, text “DRC” along with your ZIP Code to 43362.
What You Can Do
People in Los Angeles County affected by the wildfires should first contact their insurance company and then apply for disaster assistance.
Continue to pay close attention to instructions from state and local officials as wildfire response efforts continue.
State-run and nonprofit shelters are open and partners like the American Red Cross and others are providing a safe place to stay, meals and emotional comfort to people. To find a shelter, text SHELTER and your ZIP code to 43362, visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Family Reunification
If you need help reconnecting with loved ones missing after the wildfires:
- Visit the Red Cross website
- Call 800-733-2767 and provide as much details as possible to help operators locate loved ones.
Beware of Fraud and Scams
After a disaster scam artists often attempt to take advantage of disaster survivors. Visit Disaster Fraud for tips to protect your identity and stay informed. If you believe you are the victim of a scam, report it immediately: email, call 1-866-223-0814, or fax 202-212-4926.
Stay in Touch with FEMA
After you apply, let us know if anything changes. You can make updates in your online account on at any time to do the following:
- Update your personal information and needs
- Review your disaster assistance application
- See letters FEMA sends you
- Get details about or upload additional documents FEMA may need to process your application or appeal
You can also call the FEMA Helpline: 1-800-621-3362 or visit a Disaster Recovery Center for in-person assistance.
Application Status
You can check your status at and upload updated information as needed.
If your application status says, “Not Approved,” this can be for a variety of reasons. Check online for a copy of your determination letter that will explain the specific reasons you are not approved. Many times, we just need some extra information, or you may need to correct information.
Local Informational Resources
Find information on evacuation, shelters, road closures, fire status updates and more:
- 2025 Los Angeles Fires
- CAL FIRE Incidents
- City of Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County
- Greater Los Angeles Wildfires | 211LA.
- L.A. Works
- Local air quality on
Review Safety Tips on
Mental Health Resources for Disaster Survivors
Use these resources from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
988 Crisis Lifeline
Sometimes help can’t wait. If you or someone you know is in danger or having a medical emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Access the 988 Crisis Lifeline by dialing/texting 988 or chatting at You will speak with a crisis counselor any time of day or night.
Disaster Distress Hotline
The helpline is open to anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.
You can call the toll-free, multilingual Disaster Distress Helpline for confidential counseling, referrals and other support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call or text 1-800-985-5990. Spanish speakers should press “2”. Deaf and hard of hearing ASL callers can text the helpline, or call the hotline using a preferred third party Relay service.
Yuav pab li cas
Pab dawb thiab pub dawb
Kev rov qab tuaj yeem siv sij hawm ntau xyoo tom qab ua muaj kev puas tsuaj. Tuaj yeem pab tau ntau txoj hauv kev, xws li pub nyiaj ntsuab, cov khoom tsim nyog los yog koj lub sij hawm. Kawm paub ntxiv txog yuav ua li cas pab cov tib neeg xav tau kev pab.
Tsis txhob ua koj tus kheej-Mus rau thaj chaw ua muaj kev puas tsuaj. Lub koom haum ua ntseeg tau Hauv cov cheeb tsam cuam tshuam paub qhov twg cov neeg tuaj yeem xav tau. Ua hauj lwm nrog cov koom haum tsim los xyuas kom koj muaj kev ruaj ntseg zoo, Kev cob qhia thiab kev txawj ntse xav tau los teb.
FEMA Tus neeg ua haujlwm pab dawb ua haujlwm pabcuam (VALs) Tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo thiab koom tes nrog kev yeem, Kev ntseeg thiab cov koom haum hauv zej zog uas ceeb toom rau kev puas tsuaj.
Ua lag luam nrog FEMA
Yog tias koj txaus siab muab cov kev pab cuam them nyiaj thiab cov khoom siv rau kev pab cuam kev puas tsuaj, Mus saib peb Nplooj ua lag luam nrog FEMA pib.
Yog tias koj muaj lub lag luam uas cuam tshuam nrog kev tshem tawm cov khib nyiab thiab xav ua hauj lwm ntawm kev ntxuav hauv cheeb tsam cuam tshuam, Thov hu rau tsoom fwv hauv cheeb tsam cuam tshuam los muab koj cov kev pab cuam.
Kev cog lus nyiaj txiag
kev pab tus kheej | Tus nqi |
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