Cov cuab yeej ua pab rau kev puas tsuaj

Cov ntawv yuav Tshaj Tawm

Yeeb yaj duab & duab


Txuas nrog peb

Cov peev txheej ntawm nplooj ntawv no yog qhov zoo tagnrho rau cov neeg koom tes sab nraud thiab cov xov xwm tab tom nrhiav cov ntsiab lus rov qab los ntawm kev puas tsuaj los qhia rau hauv kev tshaj xov xwm thaum thiab tom qab muaj kev puas tsuaj, Xws li: Kev sib raug zoo duab, nplooj ntawv thiab tshaj tawm tsab ntawv, Cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab tuaj yeem nkag tau ua ntau hom lus.

Cov ntawv yuav Tshaj Tawm

An Audio Document.

Rub cov ntawv tshaj tawm nyob hauv ntau hom lus Txhawm rau pab sib txuas lus nrog koj lub zej zog txog kev thov kev pab lo ntawm FEMA.

Saib tag nrho cov ntawv sau

Yeeb yaj duab thiab duab

FEMA muaj ntau txhiab tus neeg ua hauj lwm xa mus ua hauj lwm kev puas tsuaj thoob plaws teb chaws. Peb muab cov yeeb yaj kiab tshiab thiab cov duab tso tawm los ntawm cov lus teb ntawm peb lub platform DVIDS.

FEMA hauv YouTube

Saib FEMA daim video playlist hauv YouTube kom paub txog kev pab cuam kev puas tsuaj los pab cov neeg muaj txoj sia nyob los ntawm txheej txheem rov qab.

Cov duab yeeb yaj kiab & PSAs muaj kev pab Kev puas tsuaj (Lus Askiv thiab Spanish)

Cov duab yeeb yaj kiab no piav qhia txog kev pab ntawv cas tsoom fwv cov kev pab cuam mus txog cov zej zog tom qab uas muaj kev puas tsuaj.

Saib tag nrho cov animations thiab cov PSA's

External Link Arrow

Daim yeeb yam neeg american piav tes(ASL)

Cov yeeb yaj kiab no muaj cov lus tseem ceeb nthuav tawm hauv Daim yeeb yam neeg american piav tes(ASL) thiab kaw cov kab lus.

Saib tag nrho cov yeeb yaj kiab ASL

External Link Arrow
Illustration of a spokesperson on a television broadcast being watched by two peoples

FEMA tab tom tawm tshiab

Tsis muaj cov xwm txheej tshaj tawm tam sim no.

Saib uas yav dhau los nyob feed


Yuav Thov Li Cas Rau Kev Pab Pej Xeem - Cov Lus Qhia

Kev Kos Duab Npaj Siv

  • Hom: Facebook & Twitter
  • Cov Lus: English

Yuav Thov Li Cas Rau Kev Pab Pej Xeem - Cov Lus Qhia

Thaum npaj ua ntawv thov Cov neeg thov yuav tsum siv Public Assistance Grant Portal los ua lub luag hauj lwm rau txhua yam hauj lwm ntsig txog lawv qhov kev thov. 

Cov neeg thov tuaj yeem siv cov nyiaj pab cuam portal rau:

  • Sau npe thiab hloov kho tus neeg thov profile 
  • Xa ib daim ntawv thov rau "tsoom fwv kev pab" 
  • Upload cov ntaub ntawv qhov tsheej tsheem 

Mus saib nplooj ntawv Cov Cuab Yeej thiab Cov Kev Pab cuam rau cov khoom siv ntsuas cov lus, qhov project template, tus nqi kwv yees thiab lwm yam kev pab txhawb nqa cov txheej txheem thov. 

Nkag mus ntawm | Qhia video

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If responding to a particular disaster, you can find more information about that incident on its disaster page.
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Txuas nrog peb

Xov xwm qho chaw ua hauj lwm

Txuas nrog FEMA lub chaw hauj lwm xov xwm los ntawm:

Los yog tuaj xyuas peb Xov xwm tshaj tawm thiab qhov tseeb daim ntawv saib tag nrho cov ntsiab lus luam tawm yav dhau los.

Koom haum Media

Illustration of Multimedia Graphics including a mobile phone, youtube play button, thumbs up, chat bubble and microphone

Peb siv FEMA cov kev tshaj tawm hauv zej zog los pab sib tham nrog pej xeem thaum muaj kev puas tsuaj.
Ua raws li no.

Cov peev txheej los txhawb koj lub zej zog Ua ntej kev puas tsuaj tshwm sim, Mus ntsib peb npaj. gov Koom haum Media nyeem tawm.

Hloov tshiab