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Commonly Asked Questions on the Federal Financial Report (SF-425)

The table below is a reference guide to help states, territories, and the District of Columbia complete the Federal Financial Report (SF-425). This report is required throughout the Lost Wages Assistance grant period of performance, including partial calendar quarters, as well as in periods where no grant award activity occurs.

Question #

Instructions and Guidance

Question 1: Federal Agency and Organization Element


Question 2: Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned by Federal Agency

Grant Award Number Listed at the top of your award letter.  Ends in “SPLW”.

Question 7: Basis of Accounting

Select “Cash” or “Accrual”. Please consult with your treasurer/accountant to verify what type of accounting is used.

  • Accrual basis of accounting refers to the accounting method in which expenses are recorded when incurred. Typically, the state records this information from a purchase order, i.e., invoice.
  • Cash basis of accounting refers to the accounting method in which expenses are recorded when they are paid. Typically, the state records this information from checks paid.

Question 8: Project/Grant Period

July 25, 2020 to your current period of performance end date.

Question 9: Reporting Period End Date

Should be the last date for the quarter being reported (i.e. 12/31/2020). For quarterly, semi-annual, and annual interim reports, use the following reporting period end dates: 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, or 12/31.

Question 10: Transactions

Question 10a: Cash Receipts

Enter the total amount of cash received from FEMA. This will be the total amount of all payment/drawdown requests received from the Federal government.

Question 10b: Cash Disbursements

Enter the amount of Federal funds the recipient has spent from the amount the recipient withdrew from the Federal government. Even though a recipient withdrew funds from LWA, this does not necessarily indicate the recipient spent the entire amount.

  • Example: If state withdrew $10,000 of benefits from the Federal government, but only paid claimants $7,000 of the Federal funds, then the recipient will enter $7,000 for question 10b.

Question 10c: Cash on Hand (Line 10a Minus 10b)

This number will indicate whether or not you will have unused Federal funds. If the Federal funds withdrawn (Question 10a – Cash Receipts) is greater than the amount spent (Question 10b – Cash Disbursements), then this number will be positive.

  • Example: If a state withdrew $10,000 (Cash Receipt) from the Federal government, but only paid $7,000 (Cash Disbursement) of the Federal funds, then the recipient will enter $3,000 for question 10c. This indicates the amount the recipient must spend or return to FEMA.

Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance

Question 10d: Total Federal Funds Authorized

Enter the total amount of Federal funds awarded. This will include the initial amount and any amendments to add funding.

Question 10e: Federal Share of Expenditures

Enter the Federal share for the benefits and administrative costs the recipient has obligated with the grant.

  • Example: If a recipient has a 25% cost-share for a $200,000 award and paid $100,000 worth of benefits and administrative costs under their grant, then the answer to 10e is $75,000 ($100,000 x 0.75 = $75,000).

Question 10f: Federal Share of Unliquidated Obligations

Line 10d minus line 10e. In most cases, this reflects the amount of Federal funds paid to the recipient by FEMA that has not been spent.

Question 10g: Total Federal Share

Line 10e plus line 10f.

Question 10h: Unobligated Balance of Federal Funds

Line 10d minus 10g.

Recipient Share

Question 10i: Total Recipient Share Required

Based on the amount of lost wages benefits and administrative costs spent, this question asks the recipient to enter the total cost-share required for these purchases. This amount should not include cost sharing and match amounts in excess of the amount required by the Federal agency for the cost share.

  • Example: A recipient has a 25% cost-share and has provided Lost Wages payments to 100 eligible claimants. The answer is $10,000 because 25% of $40,000 is $10,000.00. (100 claimants X $300 each / .75 = $40,000 of which 75% is the Federal Share and 25% is the State Share)

Question 10j: Recipient Share of Expenditures

Based on the amount of benefits and administrative costs the recipient has obligated to the LWA Program, this question asks the recipient how much of their cost share did they spend? This question is similar to question 10e.

  • Example: The recipient has a 25% cost-share, has paid 100 claimants $300 each using funds received from FEMA, then they have only used Federal funds to cover the cost of the items. They have not met their required cost-share. They will answer $0 for this question.

Program Income

Lines 10l to 10o - Generally, there should be no program income associated with the LWA Program; as a result, the answer for this section should be $0.

Question 11: Indirect Expenses:

If applicable, please enter the total amount of indirect costs obligated to the award during this quarter. If there are no indirect expenses, please enter $0.

Question 13: Certifications

Must be signed by the unemployment agency POC responsible for administering supplemental lost wages.