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Pre-Disaster Mitigation FY2018 Subapplication Status

This page provides the status of the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) planning and project subapplications that were submitted to FEMA for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 application cycle. FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs provide funding to protect life and property from future natural disasters. The PDM grant program is designed to implement a sustained predisaster natural hazard mitigation program to reduce overall risk to the population and structures from future hazard events, while also reducing reliance on Federal funding in future disasters.

For FY 2018, $250 million was appropriated for PDM. FEMA made available $250 million for grants. On August 3, 2018, FEMA announced the application period from October 1, 2018-January 31, 2019 in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) posted on The agency’s priorities for the FY 2018 PDM program are:

FY2018 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program Priorities

FEMA will select eligible subapplications up to the available PDM funding amount of $250 million in the following order:

1. Statutory Allocation of $575,000 Federal Share for States, Territories and the District of Columbia (DC)

To meet the statutory requirement, FEMA will select eligible planning and project subapplications from each state, territory and DC in order of the applicant’s rank (#1–x) to the lowest ranked subapplication that brings the total federal share to no more than $575,000 (see Other Eligibility Criteria subsection under section C of this NOFO).

For example, an Applicant’s #1 ranked subapplication for $200,000 Federal share and #2 ranked subapplication for $340,000 would be selected for the allocation; however, the #3 ranked subapplication for $575,000 and any other eligible subapplications would be considered on a competitive basis in priority category 3 below.

2. Tribal Set Aside of $15 Million for Federally-Recognized Tribes, Not to Exceed $575,000 Federal Share Per Tribal Applicant

FEMA will set aside $15 million for federally-recognized tribes applying directly to FEMA as applicants.  FEMA will select eligible planning and project subapplications for each tribal applicant in order of the tribe’s rank (#1–x) to the lowest ranked subapplication that brings the total federal share to no more than $575,000, not to exceed a total of $15 million.

3. Competitive Funding

After meeting the statutory requirement for state/territory allocations and the tribal set aside, FEMA will select from the remaining eligible planning and project subapplications from all applicants on a competitive basis up to the available amount of funding.

If an applicant submits projects in excess of the limit for competitive consideration (see Other Eligibility Criteria subsection under section C of this NOFO), then FEMA will only review the highest ranked competitive project subapplications up to the limit.

FEMA will select subapplications for competitive funding in the following order:

  1. Multi-state/tribal mitigation initiatives.FEMA will select one eligible multi-state/tribal mitigation planning or project subapplication per applicant.
  2. Planning subapplications from applicants that have less than $400,000 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) planning funds available. FEMA will select eligible planning subapplications from applicants that have less than $400,000 HMGP planning funds available (see Hazard Mitigation Grant Program subsection in Section H of this NOFO).
  3. Project subapplications from applicants that have less than $4 million HMGP regular project funds available. FEMA will select eligible project subapplications from applicants that have less than $4 million HMGP regular project funds in the following order:
    1. Non-flood hazard (e.g., seismic, wildfire, landslide, wind and drought) mitigation projects
    2. Flood mitigation activities except acquisition, elevation, or mitigation reconstruction (e.g., stormwater management and flood control measures)
    3. Acquisition, elevation and mitigation reconstruction projects
    4. Generators for critical facilities identified in a FEMA-approved Mitigation Plan
  4. Planning subapplications from applicants that have $400,000 or more HMGP planning funds available. FEMA will select eligible planning subapplications from applicants that have $400,000 or more HMGP planning funds available.
  5. Project subapplications from applicants that have $4 million or more HMGP regular project funds available. FEMA will select eligible project subapplications from applicants that have $4 million or more HMGP regular project funds available in the following order:
    1. Non-flood hazard mitigation projects
    2. Flood mitigation activities except acquisition, elevation, or mitigation reconstruction
    3. Acquisition, elevation and mitigation reconstruction projects
    4. Generators for critical facilities identified in a FEMA-approved Mitigation Plan

FEMA will further prioritize planning and project subapplications in priority categories 2 and 3 above, as needed, in the following order:

  1. Subapplicant’s small impoverished community status (see Cost Share or Match subsection under section C of this NOFO);
  2. Indication of public-private partnership (i.e., whether private sector funding is included in the required non-federal cost share);
  3. Subapplicant’s FEMA-validated residential or commercial Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) rating, as appropriate to the activity type, from a grade of 1 to 10;
  4. FEMA-validated Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for projects (see Benefit Cost Analysis for Mitigation Projects subsection under section D of this NOFO); and
  5. The applicant’s rank of subapplications (see Content and Form of Application Submission subsection under Section D of this NOFO).

For more information on BCEGS, please visit the Insurance Services Office - Mitigation website.

FEMA may select a subapplication out of priority order based upon one or more of the following factors:

  • Availability of funding;
  • Duplication of subapplications;
  • Program priorities and policy factors; and,
  • Other pertinent information.

To be eligible for the state/territory allocation or the tribal set aside, the applicant’s highest ranked planning or project subapplication must not have exceeded $575,000 Federal share.  There was no limit to the number of planning and project subapplications that applicants could have submitted for the state/territory allocation or tribal set aside up to $575,000 federal share, but the applicant must have ranked them higher than subapplications for competitive consideration. Applicants could not have included more than nine (9) project subapplications for competitive consideration over and above any project(s) submitted for the state/territory allocation or tribal set aside. 

Any applicant agency that was willing to serve as the applicant for multi-state or multi-tribal mitigation activities must have included one multi-state/tribal project subapplication(s) in their grant application for a maximum of ten (10) competitive projects, notwithstanding any project(s) that were submitted towards their state/territory allocation or tribal set aside.  Applicants who included multi-state/tribal subapplication(s) in their grant application must have clearly identified how the effort was coordinated.

FEMA received 579 subapplications from 90 applicants (42 of which were federally-recognized Indian Tribal Governments) totaling $512.5 million: 226 planning, 298 projects, and 55 applicant management costs. FEMA has completed its eligibility review to ensure compliance with HMA Guidance and has made selections based on the agency’s priorities and available funding. FEMA has identified for further review 359 PDM subapplications from 72 applicants (27 of which are Indian Tribal Governments): 190 planning, 120 projects, and 49 associated applicant management costs totaling $247.3 million.  FEMA selected (identified for further review) all eligible subapplications in priorities 1 through 3cii. Eligible subapplications in priority 3 were ranked in order by project type; small, impoverished community status; BCEGS rating; and BCR for selection. FEMA is unable to fund (not selected) the remaining eligible subapplications in priority 3.  The table below lists the submitted planning and project subapplications and the status of each alphabetically by applicant. Further explanation of the status is provided below the table.

FY2018 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Subapplicant Status

The below table lists the submitted planning and project subapplications and the status of each alphabetically by applicant.

Learn about the definition of each status description:

Applicant Subapplication Title Submitted Federal Share Status
AK LHMP Updates $89,100.00 Identified for Further Review
AK LHMP Updates 2 $129,780.00 Identified for Further Review
AK LHMP Updates 3 $146,580.00 Identified for Further Review
AK Port of Alaska Strengthen Fender Assemblies $4,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AK FY2018 SMC $1,024,998.00 Identified for Further Review
AK Yakutat's Water & Sanitation Service Infrastructure Planning Project $187,497.02 Identified for Further Review
AK Port of Alaska Resilient Infrastructure - Petroleum Cement Terminal $10,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AL 2018 AEMA SMC $9,435.65 Identified for Further Review
AL Division D Multi-Jurisdictional Multihazard Mitigation Plan $100,019.79 Identified for Further Review
AL Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Division B $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AL Fayette County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $20,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AL Tuscaloosa County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $20,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AL Marshall County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $20,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AL Community of Hulaco - Safe Room/Storm Shelter Construction $74,944.35 Identified for Further Review
AR Mount Ida School District $510,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Stone County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan $22,500.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Van Buren County Mitigation Plan Update $30,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Grant County Hazard Mitigation Plan $18,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Pope County Mitigation Plan $36,750.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Marshall High School Safe Room $1,097,568.44 Identified for Further Review
AR Arkansas 2018 PDM Management Costs $651,900.00 Identified for Further Review
AR Perryville School District Safe-room $960,000.00 Not Selected
AR Cotter School District $1,380,462.27 Not Selected
AR Harmony Grove Safe Room $2,464,242.75 Not Selected
AR Mississippi COunty Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $7,125.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM Advance Assistance: Pre-wildfire Assessment $194,792.67 Identified for Further Review
AZ Maricopa County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 $82,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Coconino-Coconino County Blue Ridge Community Wildfire Protection Plan $16,125.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Coconino-Coconino County City of Williams Community Wildfire Protection $19,850.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018 PDM Apache County D2-Kinlichee Red Clay Wash $170,895.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Taylor Railroad Grade Wash $409,461.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Apache County D2-Tanner Springs $330,920.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Snowflake Boulevard $224,586.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Sunland Gin Road Flood Mitigation $1,200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018 PDM State of Arizona Management Costs $1,351,440.40 Identified for Further Review
AZ 2018-PDM-Oro Valley-Generator Project $90,984.00 Not Selected
AZ 2018 PDM Reslient Infrasturcture - Ephraim Canyon Flood Control $8,487,533.96 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Pinetop FD Hazardous Fuels Mitigation $153,900.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Yarnell Fire Station Generator Project $23,250.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018 PDM Flood Control District of Maricopa County Floodplain Management Plan $37,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Catalina Ridge Channel Reconstruction $1,599,976.78 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Christensen Road at Lower Magma Channel Drainage Improvements $486,806.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Gila Bend Structural Mitigation Projects $2,520,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
AZ 2018-PDM-Cottonwood-Old Town" Flood Improvements" $1,970,625.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Bad River Bad River Flood Study Advance Assistance $144,543.18 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Barona Band of Mission Indians Barona Band of Mission Indians Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $42,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Blue Lake Rancheria Blue Lake Rancheria Wildfire Mitigation Project $272,842.50 Identified for Further Review
Blue Lake Rancheria Blue Lake Rancheria Wildfire Mitigation Project Management Costs $26,949.42 Identified for Further Review
CA Cahuilla Reservation Fuels Reduction and Defensible Space Fire Mitigation Projec $248,458.26 Identified for Further Review
CA Redwood City - Easter Bowl and Glenloch Tanks Seismic Improvements Project $306,584.25 Identified for Further Review
CA Advance Assistance - Anaheim Hills Innovative Fire Mitigation Feasibility Study $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CA East Valley Water District Seismic Reservoir Study Advance Assistance Project $124,918.98 Identified for Further Review
CA California 2018 PDM Management Cost $3,287,177.25 Identified for Further Review
CA Chula Vista WUI Hazardous Fuel Reduction and Defensible Space Project $2,081,940.00 Not Selected
CA City of San Bernardino Seismic Retrofitting of Civic Center Parking Structure $4,000,000.00 Not Selected
CA City of San Bernardino Seismic Retrofitting of City Hall Main Building $4,000,000.00 Not Selected
CA Good Samaritan PDM Seismic Bracing of Hospital Equipment and Utilities $1,740,458.18 Not Selected
CA Good Samaritan PDM Seismic Bracing of Kitchen $422,953.18 Not Selected
CA San Bernardino Municipal Water Department Seismic Retrofit Concrete Reservoirs $1,360,760.00 Not Selected
CA City of Redwood City Main City Area Water Distribution System Retrofit Project $3,000,000.00 Not Selected
CA Statewide Resilient Infrastructure Multi-family Seismic Retrofit Program $10,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
CA Buena Vista Creek Debris Basin Project $2,971,237.42 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
CA Cedar Creek Canal and Monte Vista Spill Design and Improvements to reduce the po $1,841,419.59 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Cher-Ae Heights of the Trinidad Rancheria Cher-Ae Lane Slope Stabilization $574,821.00 Identified for Further Review
Cher-Ae Heights of the Trinidad Rancheria Trinidad Rancheria Management Costs $19,755.00 Identified for Further Review
Cherokee Nation Cherokee Nation Mitigation Plan Update $140,301.47 Identified for Further Review
Cherokee Nation Cherokee Nation Community Storm Safe Project $259,375.26 Identified for Further Review
Cherokee Nation Cherokee Nation M & A of PDM Grant and Projects $39,967.67 Identified for Further Review
Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribe Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes Public Safety Project $575,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribe Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes Public Safety Project $57,507.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
CO Grand County Hazard Mitigation Plan $41,500.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Larimer County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO El Paso County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $108,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Northeast Colorado Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Weld County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $60,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Update the Hazard Mitigation Plan For Montezuma County, CO. $32,250.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Chaffee County HMP Update $41,378.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Jefferson County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $70,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO City of Aurora Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $54,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Boulder County FY18 PDM-Community Pre-Disaster Program Advance Assistance $197,821.50 Identified for Further Review
CO Resilient Infrastructure Dam Safety Mitigation at Goose Pasture Tarn Dam $10,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Sugarloaf Road Mitigation Project $2,680,823.70 Identified for Further Review
CO Chaffee County Wildfire Mitigation Project $247,500.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Cottonwood Creek at Woodmen and Austin Bluffs $2,981,770.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Bear Creek at 8th Street $505,930.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Pine River Ranches Bridge Replacement $825,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CO 2018 PDM State Management Cost Application $1,830,153.00 Identified for Further Review
CO Town of Estes Park Flood Mitigation 2018 PDM $1,019,350.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
CO City of Aurora Upper Westerly Creek $4,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut City of Norwalk Five Mile River Pump Station Upgrade-PDM2018 $135,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut FY 2019 PDM Grant - Barkhamsted $113,653.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut Daniels Farm Road Mitigation Project $373,998.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut Norfolk Sewer District - WWTP Emer. Generator $88,300.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Connecticut Emergency Shelter Generator Project. 10 East St, Morris, CT $90,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Coquille Indian Tribe CIT - Backup Generator Mitigation Project $147,060.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Coquille Indian Tribe CIT - Backup Generator Mitigation Project $ - Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
CT NW Hills NHMP Update $65,879.67 Identified for Further Review
CT Lower Connecticut River Valley Multijurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Pla $187,500.00 Identified for Further Review
CT WestCOG Local MultiJurisdictional MultiHazard Mitigation Plan $186,197.93 Identified for Further Review
CT Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments-PDM18 $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
CT FY 2018 PDM Management Costs $137,105.24 Identified for Further Review
DE Bayview Home Elevation $423,150.00 Identified for Further Review
DE NCC Multi Jurisdiction AHMP 5 Yr Revision $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Kent County Delaware All Hazards Mitigation Plan $37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Town of Fenwick Island FEMA Project - Arendal $90,877.50 Identified for Further Review
DE West Cedar Avenue Flood Mitigation Planning Study - Lewes, Delaware $88,500.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Flood study at the Indian River Marina campground in Rehoboth Beach Delaware $45,090.00 Identified for Further Review
DE Wein Home Elevation Project-PDM $123,750.00 Not Selected
DE 63 Meadow Road New Castle Acquisition $104,250.00 Not Selected
DE KCLC Pump Station LS1 Emergency Generator $25,950.00 Not Selected
DE KCLC Pump Station LS11C Emergency Generator $25,575.00 Not Selected
DE KCLC Pump Station 30B Emergency Generator $29,475.00 Not Selected
DE KCLC Pump Station 45 Emergency Generator $25,200.00 Not Selected
DE KCLC Pump Station 30A Emergency Generator $25,500.00 Not Selected
DE Kent County DPS Generator Project $84,750.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Advanced Assistance $141,921.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Monroe County - Guidance Care Center - Emergency Generator $75,930.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2018-PDM Orange City-Installation of 8 Generators at Critical Need LiftStation $297,710.25 Identified for Further Review
FL Manatee County/Cedar Hammock Fire Rescue Mitigation Generator Project $44,970.00 Identified for Further Review
FL Flagler Co. Health Department Wind Retrofit $59,145.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Miami-Dade County, FL: North Central Branch Library Hardening Project $26,470.27 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Miami-Dade County, FL: Allapattah Branch Library Hardening Project $52,412.57 Identified for Further Review
FL FY 2018 PDM - Broward County - Mast Arm Conversion - Broward Blvd @E. 15th Ave. $341,025.35 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Miami-Dade County, FL: North Dade Regional Library Hardening Project $166,139.32 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Miami-Dade County, FL: Coral Gables Branch Library Hardening Project $311,254.57 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019-PDM-Miami-Dade County, FL: South Dade Regional Library Hardening Project $609,561.38 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2019 PDM - Walton Co, Florida - Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $56,625.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY 2019 PDM - Monroe County Hazard Mitigation Strategy Update $298,500.00 Identified for Further Review
FL Broward County PDM Advance Assistance $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
FL FY2018 HMA - Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program Management Cost $1,854,744.22 Identified for Further Review
FL PDM FL-2019-053 City of Jacksonville Nemours Childrens Specialty Care Generator $2,282,406.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
FL FY2018 PDM, City of Jacksonville-PW Pump Station Generator Landon Avenue $236,347.73 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
FL 7th Street Drainage Improvement Project $337,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
FL FY2018 PDM City of St. Petersburg North Basin Seawall Mitigation Project $4,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
FL City of St Petersburg Central Basin Seawall Mitigation Project $4,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
FL FY 2019 PDM - City of Miami Beach - Par 3 Resilient Infrastructure Project $1,617,443.25 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes Fort Peck Tribes PDM Plan Update $30,000.00 Identified for Further Review
GA Georgia PDMC18 Portable Generator Application $543,751.50 Identified for Further Review
GA PDM 2018 Management Grant $54,375.00 Identified for Further Review
HI State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency $56,607.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
HI High Resolution Numerical Simulation of April 2018 Flooding at Kauai & Oahu $297,167.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
HI Hawaii County: Integration of Climate Change Adaption Plan into Mitigation Plan $75,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
HI Analysis to Establish Research-Based Shoreline and Riparian Setbacks for Hawaii $146,225.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
HI Mauna Kea Fire Mitigation Project $217,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
HI Unv. of Hawaii: Hurricane/Cyclone Return Period & Intensity Study $225,749.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Hoh Indian Tribe Hoh Indian Tribe Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Grant 2019 $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Hydaburg Cooperative Association Hydaburg Cooperative Association PDMC 18 Grant Sub-Application: High Wind Damage $232,200.00 Identified for Further Review
Hydaburg Cooperative Association Advanced Assistance - PDMC18.HCA.Tsunami Evac. Proj. $147,375.00 Identified for Further Review
Hydaburg Cooperative Association Hydaburg Cooperative Association PDMC 18 Grant Application.Project Mgmt. Sub-App $37,957.00 Identified for Further Review
IA State of Iowa PDM 2018 Management Cost $845,758.00 Identified for Further Review
IA Des Moines County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $11,700.00 Identified for Further Review
IA Harrison Shelby Joint Hazard Mitigation Plan $30,186.00 Identified for Further Review
IA Sioux, O'Brien and Osceola County Multijurisdictional HM Plan Update $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
IA TIP Mitigation for Electric Distribution Lines $443,286.00 Identified for Further Review
IA State of Iowa PDM 2018 Advanced Assistance $196,976.00 Identified for Further Review
IA City of Ames Squaw Creek Resilient Infrastructure Flood Mitigation Project $3,747,450.00 Identified for Further Review
IA Cedar Rapids Gatewell Structures Flood Mitigation Project $862,946.00 Not Selected
IA Butler County REC 2018 PDM Infrastructure Strengthening $837,000.00 Not Selected
IA West Fork CSD Middle School Safe Room $909,786.00 Not Selected
IA Dike-New Hartford Tornado Safe Room, Wrestling Room, Weight Room $707,411.00 Not Selected
IA RRMU Generator Project - Water Treatment Plant $80,558.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
IA BSA Mitigwa Scout Camp Safe Rooms Project $401,448.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
ID Bannock County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan $67,399.59 Identified for Further Review
ID 2018 PDM State of Idaho MTA $57,450.00 Identified for Further Review
ID City of Eagle Pathway Mitigation Project $679,493.80 Identified for Further Review
ID Lemhi County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $26,063.00 Identified for Further Review
ID Driggs Liftstation Generator Project $53,456.25 Not Selected
ID Teton EOC Generator PDM18 $127,500.00 Not Selected
ID Wendell Highway District, 2018 Niagara Springs Grade Hazard Mitigation $123,543.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
ID City of Weippe Flood Mitigation along Grasshopper Creek $329,258.70 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
ID City of Cottonwood Culvert Relocation Project $2,947,065.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
IN Camp ToPeNeBee Shelter Plan $458,325.00 Identified for Further Review
IN Indiana County MHMP Updates - PDMC 18 $291,867.00 Identified for Further Review
IN Salem High School Safe Room $3,879,644.25 Identified for Further Review
IN City of Decatur 2018 PDM Flood Acquisition Project $660,204.00 Identified for Further Review
IN Morgan Co Acq PDMC 2018 $1,820,550.00 Identified for Further Review
IN City of Greenwood 2018 PHMG $2,690,826.18 Identified for Further Review
IN City of Fort Wayne 2018 Flood Acquisition Project $347,424.00 Identified for Further Review
IN Salem Middle School Safe Room $3,614,700.00 Identified for Further Review
IN St. Joseph County Floodplain Home Buyout Program $2,199,580.49 Identified for Further Review
IN Indiana Management Cost Application - PDMC 18 $1,596,312.00 Identified for Further Review
Karuk Tribe Happy Camp Wellness Center $98,995.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Family Service Center $80,969.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Kingfisher Market $80,969.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Yreka Housing Tribal Programs Office $80,969.25 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Wellness Center, Yreka $80,969.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Happy Camp Fencing Replacement $45,299.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Orleans Housing Fence Replacement $67,949.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Karuk Tribe Management Cost $38,868.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
KS City of Harper Safe Room $354,974.25 Identified for Further Review
KY Lewis County Landslide Acquisition (38.575909 -83.325257) $183,018.00 Identified for Further Review
KY Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Karst for the LTADD $293,994.01 Identified for Further Review
KY PDM 2018 Management Costs - Kentucky $1,170,973.00 Identified for Further Review
KY FIVCO ADD Regional Multihazard Mitigation Plan $100,000.00 Not Selected
KY Bluegrass Area Development District Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $150,000.00 Not Selected
KY Louisville MSD - 2018 PDM Waldoah Beach $842,683.87 Not Selected
KY Louisville Metro Hazard Mitigation Plan Update PDM 2018 $137,985.00 Not Selected
KY University of Kentucky Hazard Mitigation Plan Update PDM 2018 $199,221.00 Not Selected
KY Western Kentucky University Pre-Disaster Mitigation $175,392.00 Not Selected
KY Adams Ridge Road Elevation Project $2,625,000.00 Not Selected
KY Menifee County Rockfall Mitigation 2 $3,999,900.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
KY Menifee County Rockfall Mitigation $3,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
KY Hillaire Drive Hazard Mitigation Project $129,307.97 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
LA GOHSEP Statewide Planning Application (1 of 2) $284,998.50 Identified for Further Review
LA GOHSEP Statewide Planning Application (2 of 2) $284,998.50 Identified for Further Review
LA Advance Assistance - Street Level Imagery in St. Tammany Parish $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Terrebonne Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 $65,108.00 Identified for Further Review
LA Terrebonne Parish 2018 PDM St. Louis Canal Road (Westside/Alma) Drainage $1,334,477.57 Identified for Further Review
LA GOHSEP PDM SMC FY2018 Application $998,503.62 Identified for Further Review
LA Jefferson Parish/Gretna 25th Street Resilient Infrastructure Project - FY18 PDM $10,000,000.00 Not Selected
LA Livingston Parish Fire Protection District #4 - Safe Room Project $847,097.25 Not Selected
LA Jean Lafitte PDM-E $1,734,943.50 Not Selected
LA Jean Lafitte PDM-R $652,755.84 Not Selected
LA JP PDM 2018 - Second Harvest Food Bank Wind Retrofit $856,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
LA LUMCON Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant $1,748,219.77 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
LA Iberville Parish Flood Barrier Wall $2,439,039.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
LA Oysterbed Surge Protection and Floodplain Restoration $3,999,378.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Leech Lake Band Of Ojibwe Advanced Assistance for Leech Lake Energy Resilient Response and Recovery $180,100.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MA 2018 PDM Local Multi Jurisdictional Planning Grant Massachusetts $243,581.00 Identified for Further Review
MA South Branch Parkway Drainage Improvements $550,000.11 Identified for Further Review
MA Town of Conway - Delabarre Avenue Erosion Repair $261,461.25 Identified for Further Review
MA City of Boston Resilient Fort Point Channel Infrastructure Project $9,999,999.99 Identified for Further Review
MA Town of Clinton FMA Advance Assistance Project $99,930.00 Identified for Further Review
MA Advance Assistance: Moon Island/Causeway: Developing a Mitigation Plan $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MA 2018 PDM State Management Costs - Massachusetts $942,000.69 Identified for Further Review
MA GLSD Riverside Pump Station Emergency Generator, North Andover, MA $2,677,500.00 Not Selected
MA Quincy, MA Coastal Flood Mitigation $2,138,250.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Makah Tribe Makah Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $134,881.20 Identified for Further Review
Massachuets Wildfire Planning for Dukes County Mitigation Plan Update $22,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians Gun Lake Tribe Mitigation Plan $49,852.50 Identified for Further Review
MD Town of Hebron Generator for Water Tower 201 Culver Street $78,375.00 Identified for Further Review
MD Acquisition of Multi-Structure Chester River Beach Property for Flood Mitigation $171,431.25 Identified for Further Review
MD FY18 PDM MEMA Management Cost $1,147,872.47 Identified for Further Review
MD Canal Woods Flood Mitigation Project $75,000.00 Not Selected
MD Baltimore County Hazard Mitigation Update Plan $36,415.57 Not Selected
MD Frederick County, MD MultiJurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $112,500.00 Not Selected
MD Kent County Maryland, Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $70,875.00 Not Selected
MD Crisfield Tide Gates, Culvert Modification, and Pumping Stations $1,241,526.60 Not Selected
MD Back-up Power Generator, Ground Water Treatment Plant, Port of Baltimore $181,013.25 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Pratt Road Watershed Drainage Project - Phase 1 $42,618.74 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Queen Annes Generator Project $42,750.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Eastern Shore Innovation Center - Generator Project $41,414.25 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Thurmont Municipal Building Generator $29,625.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Resilient Infrastructure- H7 Dry Flood Mitigation Facility $3,600,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Church/Emory Street Drain Improvements $900,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Mullen Avenue Landslide, Luke, MD $512,436.40 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Maryland Avenue Culverts $2,925,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD City of Gaithersburg Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project $1,436,427.25 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MD Acquisition of River Beach Property to Mitigate Against Flood Impact $273,545.58 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
ME Town of Houlton Morningstar Road Culvert Replacement/Upsizing $585,000.00 Identified for Further Review
ME Advance Assistance Machias Flood Protection $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
ME 2018 Maine PDM Grant $79,899.00 Identified for Further Review
MI County of Allegan; Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $25,750.00 Identified for Further Review
MI Update Hazard Mitigation Plans- Alger, Delta, Menominee & Schoolcraft Counties $58,500.00 Identified for Further Review
MI Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, City of Detroit $51,840.00 Identified for Further Review
MI GLS Region V mitigation plan updates - Genesee & Lapeer $117,187.17 Identified for Further Review
MI TRI-COUNTY REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN $164,910.00 Identified for Further Review
MI Jackson County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $34,477.00 Identified for Further Review
MI County of Newaygo Hazard Management Plan Project $46,861.39 Identified for Further Review
MI City of Lansing 2018 HMA Floodplain Acquisition and Demolition $507,307.00 Identified for Further Review
MI Lakeshore Boulevard Coastal Resilient Infrastructure Project $2,025,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MI State of Michigan-FY 2018 PDM Management Cost $251,781.00 Identified for Further Review
MI Lakeshore Boulevard Coastal Flood Mitigation Project $2,025,000.00 Not Selected
MI Estral Beach 2019 PDM 5 Home Elevation grant $397,482.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MITW MITW Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant $516,819.26 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MN 2019 expiring plans $154,500.00 Identified for Further Review
MN 2020 plan updates $294,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MN City of Newport Advanced Assistance $28,980.00 Identified for Further Review
MN Highbanks Neighborhood Mitigation $2,388,580.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MN COL City of Blaine Safe Room $1,506,569.40 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MO PDM FY18 - Mo. State Allocations Project-S. Pemiscot R-5 School Dist. Safe Room $574,992.00 Identified for Further Review
MO FY18PDM Competitive Priorities Local MultiJur MultiHazard Mitigation PlngUpdates $228,121.50 Identified for Further Review
MO PDMFY18 Competitive Priorities - City of Truesdale Safe Room $1,682,883.00 Identified for Further Review
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - Potosi R-III School District-Elem. Safe Room $1,462,500.00 Identified for Further Review
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities-Rockwood R-VI / Wildwood MIddle Sch Safe Room $1,218,750.00 Identified for Further Review
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - Hickory Co R-I School District Comm. Safe Room $1,536,975.00 Not Selected
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - Woodland R-4 School District Safe Room $2,070,000.00 Not Selected
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - Hartville R-II Safe Room $2,025,000.00 Not Selected
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - Summersville R-II Community Safe Room $1,004,400.00 Not Selected
MO PDM FY18 Competitive Priorities - City of Clarksdale Comm. Safe Room $702,000.00 Not Selected
MO PDM FY18 Resilient Infrastructure Grundy Electric $1,209,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MP Saipan Office on Aging Storm Readiness Project $120,505.00 Identified for Further Review
MP Rota Guesthouse Storm Readiness Project- PDM FY18 $113,605.00 Identified for Further Review
MP CNMI FY18 Pre-Disaster Mitigation $99,446.00 Identified for Further Review
MP FY18 CNMI PDM Management Cost $48,355.58 Identified for Further Review
MP Disaster Risk Reduction Planning Update-Garapan District $150,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MS Forrest Heights Levee Project $4,000,000.38 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
MT Montana Region 5 MHMP Update $199,999.98 Identified for Further Review
MT Dawson County PDM Planning $100,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MT State of Montana PDM Management Costs 2018 $64,014.75 Identified for Further Review
MT Ninemile Creek Mitigation Project $1,200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
MT City of Great Falls Missouri River Shoreline Mitigation Project 2018 $340,151.85 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Eagle Evacuation route PS&E $111,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Eagle Wildfire mitigation $63,880.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Eagle Eagle AK HMP update $34,725.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Eyak Eyak Village Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Resiliency Project $409,766.80 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Klut Kaah Kluti-Kaah Memorial Hall Seismic and Clean air retrofit. $41,010.00 Identified for Further Review
Native Village of Klut Kaah Copper River Erosion Project $60,880.00 Identified for Further Review
Native Village of Klut Kaah 2019-2022 Hazardous Fuel & Wildfire Management Plan $267,162.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Native Village of Shaktoolik Advanced Assistance: Shaktoolik Environmental Hazard Strategy Development $193,650.00 Identified for Further Review
ND City of Beulah Storm Shelter $73,946.25 Identified for Further Review
ND McKenzie County Storm Shelters $88,149.75 Identified for Further Review
ND City of Mandan Emergency Generators Project $358,875.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Grand Forks County MHMP Update $46,987.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Stutsman County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $29,700.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Richland County MHMP $35,400.00 Identified for Further Review
ND McKenzie County MHMP Update $34,800.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Barnes County MHMP Update $27,000.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Bottineau County MHMP Update $32,482.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Ransom County MHMP Update $24,500.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Sargent County MHMP $30,000.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Nelson County MHMP Update $23,500.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Kidder County MHMP Update $16,000.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Towner County MHMP Update $26,400.00 Identified for Further Review
ND ND Resilient Infrastructure Project - Fargo Pump Station Flood Mitigation $4,311,502.50 Identified for Further Review
ND University of Mary Slope Stability Project - Phase II $3,965,216.85 Identified for Further Review
ND City of Fargo WWTP Flood Protection Plan $3,679,792.50 Identified for Further Review
ND City of Jamestown James River Riverbank Restoration Project $831,921.73 Identified for Further Review
ND 2018 PDM State Management Costs $1,543,183.00 Identified for Further Review
ND Unity Medical Center - 2018 Generator Project $446,990.00 Not Selected
ND Tri-County Water District Reservoir Generators $196,920.00 Not Selected
ND McIntosh County Generators $81,173.92 Not Selected
ND 2018 PDM NDDES Critical Facility Generators $1,007,947.19 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
ND Kirkelie Township Bank Stabilization Project $62,625.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NE Perkins, Chase, and Dundy Counties Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan $40,717.50 Identified for Further Review
NE Region 23 HMP Update $47,250.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Nemaha Natural Resources District Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $101,850.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Cedar and Dixon Counties Multihazard Mitigation Plan Update $71,250.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District Hazard Mitigation Plan $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Twin Platte Natural Resources District Multihazard Mitigation Plan Update $55,125.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Quad County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $48,750.00 Identified for Further Review
NE Lower Big Blue/Little Blue NRD Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan Update $225,000.00 Not Selected
NE Central City Safe Room $2,707,473.42 Not Selected
NE 2018 Adams County Little Blue River Bank Stabilization Projects $566,877.75 Not Selected
NE Forest Lake Boulevard Drainage Improvement Project $486,000.00 Not Selected
NE Imperial Community Safe Room Project $878,199.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Newtok Village Council 2020 Resilient Home Mitigation $1,215,580.00 Identified for Further Review
Newtok Village Council 2020 Resilient Water Systems $3,679,934.00 Identified for Further Review
NH FFY 2018 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates $163,499.25 Identified for Further Review
NH FFY 2018 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates_2 $173,999.25 Identified for Further Review
NH Town of Salem - Main Street & South Broadway $3,172,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NH FFY 2018 State of NH Management Costs $325,143.21 Identified for Further Review
NH Town of Plymouth, NH - Loon Lake Road Flood Mitigation Project $380,273.25 Not Selected
NH Hollis Rocky Pond Road Well Generator $61,350.00 Not Selected
NH Surry Pond Road Culvert Project $148,875.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NH Town of Lee Tuttle Road Project $234,750.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NJ Gloucester County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Grant 2018 $125,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Cumberland County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Grant 2018 $125,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Cape May County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan Update $125,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Warren County Mitigation Plan $125,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Sussex County Multi-Juridictional All-Hazard Mitigation Update $124,998.50 Identified for Further Review
NJ City of Lambertville Swan Creek Embankment Erosion Mitigation Project 2 $345,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ H6-H7 Stormwater System Hoboken NJ $4,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ Atlantic City Flood Control $3,596,088.97 Identified for Further Review
NJ Exton Road Pump Station PDM $287,887.50 Identified for Further Review
NJ Northwest Hoboken Resilient Infrastructure Park $10,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NJ NJOEM - PDM Advanced Assistance 2018 $199,999.91 Identified for Further Review
NJ 2018 PDM State Management Costs $7,744,549.35 Identified for Further Review
NJ 5th Street Pumping Station Mitigation Hoboken NJ $1,338,750.00 Not Selected
NJ Windsor Avenue Elevation $1,606,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NJ Seaside Heights Flood Mitigation Project (Water Treatment Plant) $1,317,997.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NJ Rehabilitation of Greenbriar I Wastewater Pump Station $186,825.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NM Lea County Mitigation Plan Update $52,350.00 Identified for Further Review
NM Luna County Mitigation Plan Update $41,250.00 Identified for Further Review
NM Curry County Mitigation Plan Update $48,750.00 Identified for Further Review
NM Valencia County Mitigation Plan Update $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
NM Village of Pecos Generator Project $50,362.50 Identified for Further Review
NM Belen Aragon Pond Advanced Assistance $199,929.00 Identified for Further Review
NM State Management Costs $377,158.21 Identified for Further Review
NM Lower Montoyas Arroyo Bank Stabilization Flood Mitigation $3,238,690.68 Identified for Further Review
NM Quay County Generator Project $84,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Northern Cheyenne Tribe Northern Cheyenne Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan Update $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NV Reno Purchasing Warehouse Emergency Generator Project $575,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NV Hobart Reservoir Dam Advance Assistance $198,149.34 Identified for Further Review
NV Marlette Lake Dam Resilient Infrastructure Project $10,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NV PDM 2018 NDEM Management Costs $1,474,814.93 Identified for Further Review
NV City of Reno City Hall Seismic Retrofits $3,975,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NY PDM Acquisition #1 on Lovers Lane in Town of New Albion $304,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NY Erie County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update (PDM) $225,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NY NYCHA Flooding Risk Reduction Project, NYC,PDM Advance Assistance 904.2 $198,719.25 Identified for Further Review
NY PDM/Resilient Infrastructure by NYSDOT: Interstate 88 over Schoharie Creek $5,046,544.50 Identified for Further Review
NY Livingston County Multi Jurisdictional All Hazards Mitigation Plan $67,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NY PDM by NYSDOT: US 9 over Ausable River - Clinton County $3,606,892.50 Identified for Further Review
NY St. Lawrence County NY Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan $225,000.00 Identified for Further Review
NY Westchester County Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation $172,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NY Franklin County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $48,750.00 Identified for Further Review
NY Chenango County All Hazards Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
NY NYSDHSES PDM Management Cost Application $1,383,468.00 Identified for Further Review
NY FY18 PDM NYC DOE Emergency Power for 6 Schools $3,568,970.25 Not Selected
NY PDM Village/Town of Mount Kisco Branch Brook Hydrology Study Advance Assistance $112,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NY Village of Deposit Flood Mitigation Study - Advance Assistance $112,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
NY PDM Advance Assistance V Newark Valley Slosson Creek, Cook Street Hydraulic Eval $32,812.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
OH Miamisburg Fourth Street Sycamore Creek Mitigation Project $190,350.00 Identified for Further Review
OH Village of Ottawa Ohio PDM Acquisition Project $347,550.00 Identified for Further Review
OH Ohio Safe Room Rebate Program PDM 18 (Set-A-Side) $37,100.00 Identified for Further Review
OH City of Rittman Advance Assistance Landis Ditch Study PDM18 $112,100.00 Identified for Further Review
OH Village of Valley View 2018 PDM Project $1,545,562.50 Identified for Further Review
OH State of Ohio PDM 2018 Management Cost Application $420,875.37 Identified for Further Review
OH City of Lancaster OH Miller Park Emergency Generator Project $48,000.00 Not Selected
OH St. Marys Residential PDM Project $1,496,290.53 Not Selected
OH Lateral B Stream Restoration $430,618.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
OK City of Tulsa Fulton Creek Flood Control - Advanced Assistance $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
OK OEM SoonerSafe ISR Phase 24 $574,500.00 Identified for Further Review
OK PDM FFY 2018 SMC $14,796.00 Identified for Further Review
OR OMD-OEM State Management Cost $336,787.50 Identified for Further Review
OR NHMP Updates - Coos, Curry, and Wallowa Counties and the City of Sweet Home, OR $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
OR City of Portland Mitigation Action Plan Update $150,000.00 Identified for Further Review
OR Advance Assistance Basin G2 Drainage Planning, Wheeler, Oregon $119,371.50 Identified for Further Review
OR City of Reedsport Resilient Infrastructure $4,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
OR City of Ashland Wildfire Mitigation Project $3,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
OR Seismic Retrofit of Sanitary Sewer Pipe Aerial Crossings on Johnson Creek $422,775.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
PA Lackawanna County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $39,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Washington County Mitigation Plan Update 2020 $42,600.00 Identified for Further Review
PA County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $37,875.00 Identified for Further Review
PA County of Chester Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Venango County $37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Lawrence County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $44,400.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Lycoming County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 $45,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Centre County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $50,250.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Dauphin County-Wide All-Hazards Mitigation Plan $56,250.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Bucks County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $60,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Carbon County, Pennsylvania $45,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA 2018 PDM Management Cost $412,500.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Advanced Assistance Upper Delaware River and Lackawaxen Watershed Mitigation $100,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA HMA 2018 Advanced Assistance Silver Creek Corridor Flood Reduction Study/Design $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
PA Resilient Infrastructure Luzerne County Closure Structure Mitigation $813,900.00 Identified for Further Review
PA West Mead Township Generator $26,595.00 Not Selected
PA PDM 2018 Shamokin Coal Township Sewer Mitigation $711,000.00 Not Selected
PA LTMA Standby Generators For Three Sewage Pump Stations $202,500.00 Not Selected
PA White Township and Indiana Borough Flood Mitigation Projects $1,489,875.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
PA Ligonier Township Linn Run Flood Mitigation Project $333,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
PA Bethel Park Flood Mitigation Project $693,750.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
PA Coffeetown Road Infrastructure Mitigation $187,794.74 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
PA NCEMA Generator and Lugs $102,186.16 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pala Band of Mission Indians Pala Flood Mitigation Planning Advance Assistance $127,320.00 Identified for Further Review
Pala Band of Mission Indians Pala Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $65,658.35 Identified for Further Review
Pala Band of Mission Indians Pala Management Costs $7,575.00 Identified for Further Review
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Pokagon Band Tribal Mitigation Planning Project $30,060.00 Identified for Further Review
Pueblo of Pojoaque Pueblo of Pojoaque, Pre-Disaster Planning Project $204,963.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Puyallup Tribe of Indians Puyallup Tribe of Indians Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Application $117,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Mitigation Grant 2019 PLPT $199,456.00 Identified for Further Review
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma OLC Safe Room $573,187.00 Identified for Further Review
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Advance Assistance - Safe Room Planning $115,843.00 Identified for Further Review
Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma 2018 PDM M&A $67,676.00 Identified for Further Review
Quinault Indian Nation Taholah - Aalis Dr Realignment Planning $112,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Quinault Indian Nation Fire Station - Generator $29,023.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Quinault Indian Nation Queets Clinic - Generator $29,023.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Quinault Indian Nation RSHC - DIVVY $19,387.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Hazard Mitigation Plan - new $84,524.43 Identified for Further Review
RI 93.1 - Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $25,264.99 Identified for Further Review
RI RI Management Costs $57,504.00 Identified for Further Review
RI Narragansett Scarborough Wastewater Treatment Facility Groin Rehabilitation $1,075,832.15 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
RI BHDDH - Generator for Group Homes $150,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
RI Newport RI Advanced Modeling and Simulation Technology $150,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Sac and Fox of Missouri Sac and Fox Storm Shelters $125,047.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi Cattail Creek Drainage Basin Advance Assistance $178,964.43 Identified for Further Review
Samish Indian Nation Samish Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan $82,941.94 Identified for Further Review
Samish Indian Nation Samish Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Management Costs $3,522.53 Identified for Further Review
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Energy Storage System (ESS)/Generator San Manuel Indian Reservation $575,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Sandia Pueblo Pueblo of Sandia Hazard Mitigation Plan $78,093.75 Identified for Further Review
Sandia Pueblo Pueblo of Sandia Hazard Mitigation Plan Management Costs $7,809.37 Identified for Further Review
SC Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, Jasper Counties $35,358.79 Identified for Further Review
SC Lower Savannah Regional Multihazard Mitigation Plan $78,208.30 Identified for Further Review
SC City of Myrtle Beach FMP Update $44,191.50 Identified for Further Review
SC Town of Nichols - Elevation Project $287,970.00 Identified for Further Review
SC City of Tega Cay, City Hall Generator $51,502.50 Identified for Further Review
SC SHMP Update - Critical Infrastructure Mapping $210,929.24 Identified for Further Review
SC Moncks Corner Acquisition Project $1,514,947.50 Identified for Further Review
SC SC PDM 2018 Management Cost $567,111.00 Identified for Further Review
SC Colleton County Special Medical Needs Project $270,000.00 Not Selected
SC Aiken County Pre-Hazard Mitigation Project $225,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
SC City of Simpsonville Generator Grant $171,120.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
SC Mount Pleasant Generator $365,565.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
SC Town of James Island Mitigation Grant $215,253.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
SC City of Folly Beach Water Resilience Project $2,303,664.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
SD Aurora County Safe Rooms Project $118,875.00 Identified for Further Review
SD City of Brookings Structure Acquisition Project $147,525.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Stanley County Acquisition Project, Moore Property $226,419.42 Identified for Further Review
SD Aurora County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Jones County PDM Plan Update $13,125.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Moody County PDM Plan Update $11,936.25 Identified for Further Review
SD Grant County PDM Plan Update $13,905.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Charles Mix County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Lyman County PDM Plan Update $7,500.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Jerauld County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Hutchinson County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Bon Homme County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Davison County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Douglas County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Brule County PDM Plan Update $6,000.00 Identified for Further Review
SD Armour Storm Water Collector Evaluation (Advanced Assistance) $22,500.00 Identified for Further Review
SD PDM 2018 Management Cost $111,388.50 Identified for Further Review
SD City of Waubay Safe Room $504,104.25 Identified for Further Review
Seminole Tribe of Florida Seminole Tribe of Florida All Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $150,692.57 Identified for Further Review
Seminole Tribe of Florida Seminole Tribe of Florida Forestry and Wildland Program $278,938.97 Identified for Further Review
Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe Water Tower Retrofit $37,464.30 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe Generator Backup Systems Final $361,386.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Water Conveyance Project $576,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Water Conveyance Project $57,600.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Advance Assistance for Swinomish Tribe Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project $105,211.11 Identified for Further Review
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Advance Assistance Swinomish Indian Tribal Community $10,439.10 Identified for Further Review
TN Tennessee Management Cost Application $248,295.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
TN Flood Hazard Mitigation Project - Smyrna, TN $3,310,595.86 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma Tonkawa Tribe Planning Project Advance Assistance $81,750.00 Identified for Further Review
TX RGCOG_Update Comprehensive Far West Texas Hazard Mitigation Plans $264,317.00 Identified for Further Review
TX PDM FY18 Management Costs $3,251,079.00 Identified for Further Review
TX Hazard Mitigation Plans City of Texarkana, Titus and Red River County $90,000.00 Not Selected
TX County of El Paso Texas Multihazard Mitigation Plan $45,000.00 Not Selected
TX HazMAP Updates for Johnson, Somervell, and Wise Counties $270,900.00 Not Selected
TX HazMAP Updates for Ellis and Navarro Counties $226,800.00 Not Selected
TX University of Texas at Arlington Hazard Mitigation Plan $60,000.00 Not Selected
TX Countywide Resilient Infrastructure Program Improvements $7,125,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
TX Hays County Community Flood Mitigation Project - PDM $7,921,747.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
TX Town of Prosper Drainage Improvement $1,391,625.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
TX Resilient Infrastructure: C147-00-00 Flood Risk Reduction Project $10,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
TX City of Farmers Branch PDM Floodway Mitigation Project $2,426,712.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe USIT Wastewater Disposal Field Stormwater Retrofit $522,728.00 Identified for Further Review
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe USIT Management Costs $52,272.00 Identified for Further Review
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe USIT Advance Assistance for Water Line Seismic Retrofit and Red Creek Erosion $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Brigham City Hall/Sewer Lift Stations Generators $411,628.50 Identified for Further Review
UT Salt Lake City Fix the Bricks $3,923,012.07 Identified for Further Review
UT Pineview Estates Erosion Hazards Mitigation $1,217,250.00 Identified for Further Review
UT CUWCD DVWTP Process Improvement Project $4,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT FCAOG Nat. Haz. Mitigation Plan Update 2022 $99,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT MAG Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $71,250.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Tooele County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $45,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Davis County Mitigation Plan Update 2021 $22,500.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Provo City Advanced Assistance - Levee Evaluation $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Salt Lake City Advance Assistance Surplus Levee $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
UT Utah 2018 PDM Management $918,724.43 Identified for Further Review
UT North Salt Lake Eaglepointe Landslide Mitigation $2,290,965.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
UT Multi-Jurisdictional, Multi-use Power Generation $225,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
UT Kanab City Flood Mitigation Project $4,000,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
UT Penstock Waterlines Resilient Infrastructure Project $9,742,800.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
VA Virginia 2018 Strategic Local Mitigation Planning $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
VA PDM 2018 Portsmouth Infrastructure Improvements and Mitigation Strategies $137,812.50 Identified for Further Review
VA Resilient Infrastructure - Chesterfield Co. Water Treatment Plant $8,671,959.00 Identified for Further Review
VA Virginia PDM Management Costs $1,082,676.00 Identified for Further Review
VA PDM 2018 CRC - Drakes Branch Municipal Building/Fire Department $205,699.50 Not Selected
VA City of Martinsville-Nationwide Homes Drainage Improvement Project $1,146,150.00 Not Selected
VA Newport News Harwood¿s Mill Reservoir Dam Improvements $2,051,250.00 Not Selected
VA PDM 2018 Chesapeake - Install Fixed Generators at 3 Wastewater Pump Stations $225,000.00 Not Selected
VA Greene County Acquisition and Demolition of 1 Property $515,811.00 Not Selected
VA Assessment of Landslide Hazard Risk in King William County $58,832.91 Not Selected
VA PDM 2018 Acquisition of 1 Property (Nottoway Lane) $203,395.50 Not Selected
VI USVI Housing Authority Simmons Senior Center Wind Retrofit $81,221.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
VT State of Vermont Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Development $170,475.00 Identified for Further Review
VT Huntington Landslide Acquisition/Demolition $292,713.75 Identified for Further Review
VT VT Route 9 Whetstone Brook Flood Mitigation Project $3,588,800.49 Identified for Further Review
VT State of Vermont 2018 PDM (MC) $64,162.50 Identified for Further Review
VT Town of Duxbury Culvert Replacement - Advance Assistance $63,000.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
VT Jeffersonville Drought Mitigation Water Source Upgrades -- Advanced Assistance $86,436.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
VT Advance Assistance Town of Danby Green Hill Road/Purchase Brook Culvert $27,745.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
VT Advance Assistance:Town of Weathersfield Culvert Replacements Engineering/Design $22,500.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
WA Yakima County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $52,500.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Pacific County Hazard Mitigation PDM Application $63,750.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Whatcom County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update $75,000.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Town of Carbonado Generator for Water Treatment Plant $182,716.62 Identified for Further Review
WA City of Ocean ShoresTsunami Vertical Evacuation Project $3,592,141.50 Identified for Further Review
WA Stevens Elementary Tsunami Evacuation Shelter $2,976,137.25 Identified for Further Review
WA Tacoma Water System Seismic Resiliency Project $4,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Capitol Hill Housing Bremer Apartments Seismic Retrofit $3,762,234.36 Identified for Further Review
WA MVSD Old Main High School Seismic Upgrade Project $3,024,138.00 Identified for Further Review
WA City of Westport Vertical Evacuation Project -Advance Assistance $103,140.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Advance Assistance for San Juan County Courthouse Earthquake Retrofit $73,500.00 Identified for Further Review
WA Washington State FY 2018 PDM Management Costs Subapplication $1,703,660.49 Identified for Further Review
WA City of Walla Walla Generators for Critical Facilities $159,076.50 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
WA Pierce County Lower White River Resilient Infrastructure $7,927,233.96 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
WA City of Seattle Hiawatha Community Center Seismic Retrofit $435,425.16 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
WA Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District Water Reservoir Seismic Project $3,132,044.00 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements
WI St.Croix Co (WI) Fairgrounds Community Safe Room $524,295.00 Identified for Further Review
WI Calumet County, Wisconsin Hazard Mitigation Plan $20,400.00 Identified for Further Review
WI City of Superior All Hazard Mitigation Update $29,619.60 Identified for Further Review
WI Village of Spencer Pre-Disaster Mitigation Project $3,019,928.03 Identified for Further Review
WI Advanced Assistance - Data Collection and Rebuilding Natural Infrastructure $199,999.86 Identified for Further Review
WI PDM 2018 State Management Costs $320,355.52 Identified for Further Review
WY Laramie County Child's Draw Basin Advance Assistance Drainage Master Plan $199,999.50 Identified for Further Review
WY Upper North Platte River Restoration and Flood Mitigation Project, Saratoga WY a $877,911.75 Did Not Meet HMA Requirements