alert - warning

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Technology Vendors & Developers

Private sector IPAWS technology vendors and developers include Alert Origination Software Providers, who furnish the software interface that alerting authorities use to generate Common Alerting Protocol messages. The software then delivers those messages to the IPAWS Open Platform for Emergency Networks (IPAWS-OPEN) for dissemination to the public via Wireless Emergency Alerts, the Emergency Alert System and other communications pathways.

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View a list of Alert Origination Software Providers that have successfully demonstrated their IPAWS capabilities.

IPAWS also engages vendors and developers of Internet Services, Unique Systems and Future Systems.

Internet-Based Services

In addition to distributing alerts and warnings through pathways such as radio, TV, mobile phones and NOAA Weather Radio, internet-based service providers can connect to the IPAWS All-Hazards Information Feed to consume alerts and warnings and disseminate via their communications pathways.

These service providers complete a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the FEMA that allows them to access, monitor and retrieve public alerts in CAP format from the IPAWS All Hazards Information Feed. The MOA allows these companies to monitor and distribute public alerts that have been issued through IPAWS.

The IPAWS All-Hazards Information Feed is a real time source of messages intended for public dissemination. It is a simple to implement, PIN-controlled interface.

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To receive and/or redistribute the alerts, warnings, and notifications posted on the IPAWS All Hazards Information Feed, please register for an account on the IPAWS User Portal. If you are approved for access by an IPAWS Team Member, you can submit a Memorandum of Agreement Application via the portal. 

For a list of companies with access to the IPAWS All-Hazards Information Feed, email

Unique Alerting Systems

State, local, tribal and territorial alerting authorities may have a range of unique alerting and dissemination technology at their disposal to alert the public of an emergency. These systems could include, but are not limited to, emergency telephone networks, sirens, or digital road signs. These unique systems can be upgraded to be compliant with CAP to seamlessly  integrate with IPAWS and make the alert and warning process streamlined and more robust.

By making unique alerting systems CAP-compliant, alerting authorities will be able to send a single alert through IPAWS that will reach radio, television, mobile phones, NOAA Weather Radio, internet based services and other CAP-compliant technologies. Using multiple pathways for alerts increases the likelihood that the message will successfully reach the public. Using a single CAP alert message reduces the amount of time required to prepare separate, system-specific alerts, thus speeding the delivery of potentially critical, life-saving information.

IPAWS is not mandatory and does not replace existing methods of alerting but does offer a capability to make alerting more effective, reliable, integrated and flexible.

Future Systems

IPAWS uses the internationally recognized eXtensible Markup Language (XML) message exchange data standard CAP. Technologies that use CAP and have internet access can be programmed to receive and distribute IPAWS alerts. Although most messages are text only, CAP messages may also include rich. multi-media attachments and links in alert messages.

Desktops, computer gaming systems, search engines, social media and instant messaging are all examples of technologies and services that are using or could use IPAWS to deliver life-saving messages to the public. Future alerting technology developers are encouraged to leverage IPAWS in ways that will advance public safety officials’ ability to send alerts and warnings.