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Procurement Regulations
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State Entities
Procurement Regulations

Updated Procurement Regulations Effective as of Oct. 1, 2024
When conducting purchases under a FEMA award, recipients and subrecipients must adhere to federal procurement regulations outlined in 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.317 – 200.327.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently revised these standards, which will be effective for FEMA awards with a federal award date or disaster declaration date on or after Oct. 1, 2024.
FEMA will update its policy and guidance documents to incorporate these revisions. In the meantime, for more information, please refer to the 2024 OMB Revisions Fact Sheet.
General Procurement Resources
Roadmap to Procurement Compliance Checklist
The Roadmap guides FEMA award recipients and subrecipients through the federal procurement rules applicable to their situation, which is based on their entity type, procurement dollar amount, type of work, as well as other factors.

PDAT Field Manual
This in-depth resource lists, describes, and exemplifies the mandatory requirements for recipients and subrecipients when purchasing under a FEMA award. This manual supersedes the 2014, 2016, and 2019 versions of the Field Manual.

Contract Provisions Guide
The Contract Provisions Guide Version 2 (October 2024) is designed to help recipients and subrecipients understand which clauses are required for their contracts and includes sample language for those clauses. The guide supersedes: The Contract Provisions Guide Version 1 (June 2021) (available in Spanish here); and The Contract Provisions Template (July 2020) (available in Spanish here).

Informal Methods of Procurement by Non-State Entities Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides key information for non-state entities purchasing goods and services under $250,000. It also provides checklists to help comply with micro-purchase and small purchase requirements.

Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: Exemptions for Indian Tribes
This fact sheet provides key information for federally recognized Indian Tribes about the exemptions they are entitled to when purchasing under a FEMA award.
Procurement Resources by Topic
State Entities
Title | Description |
Purchasing Under a FEMA Award: State Entities | This fact sheet provides information on the federal procurement rules applicable to state entities when purchasing under FEMA awards and disaster declarations issued on or after November 12, 2020. This fact sheet is also available in Spanish. |
Procurement of Recovered Materials | This website provides guidance on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines Program. |
Title | Description |
Emergency & Exigent Circumstances Fact Sheet | This fact sheet provides key information to consider when utilizing contracted resources under exigent or emergency circumstances and is also available in Spanish. For disasters declared before November 12, 2020, see the 2020 version of the E&E Fact Sheet. |
Prepare Before a Disaster Fact Sheet | This fact sheet provides information on contracting actions FEMA award recipients and subrecipients can take before a disaster strikes. |
Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide (PAPPG) | The PA Policy and Program Guide (PAPPG) is a comprehensive, consolidated program and policy document for the Public Assistance Program. |
Public Assistance Second Appeals Database | This appeals database is an online, searchable database containing FEMA responses to applicant appeals for assistance, including appeals related to the federal procurement rules. |
Responsible Contractors & Fraud
Title | Description |
System for Award Management (SAM): Search Records | This website is where non-federal entities can search for contractors to ensure they do not appear on the government wide exclusions list for having been suspended or debarred. |
Fraud Fact Sheet | This fact sheet is intended to inform FEMA award recipients and subrecipients on common findings of procurement fraud, recipient responsibilities, and how fraud and suspicious activities can be reported. |
To Report Fraud: | The FEMA Fraud and Investigation Division 1-866-223-0814 The DHS OIG Hotline Complainant Form 1-800-323-8603 FEMA Suspension and Debarment femas& U.S. Department of Justice, National Center for Disaster Fraud Complaint Form 1-866-223-0814 |
Other Resources
Title | Description |
Prohibition on Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services | This FEMA policy provides guidance to FEMA’s recipients and subrecipients and their contractors and subcontractors on prohibitions regarding certain telecommunications and video surveillance equipment and services beginning on or after Aug. 13, 2020. |
FEMA’s Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO) | Explore FEMA Advanced Contracts for goods and services awarded in advance of major disaster declarations for recurring disaster response and recovery requirements. These advanced contracts are managed by FEMA’s Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (OCPO). |