المناطق المحددة: كارثة 4332
لمعرفة المزيد عن هذه الكارثة
![Map of Texas Map of Texas](https://gis.fema.gov/maps/disaster/dec_4332.png)
مساعدة فردية
يحق للأفراد والأسر في هذه المقاطعات المحددة والمعينة، التقدم للحصول على الخدمات المالية والمباشرة. تقديم طلب الحصول على مساعدة, أو تعرف على المزيد لبرنامج المساعدة الفردية.
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Karnes (County)
- Kleberg (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Wharton (County)
مساعدة عامة
حكومات الولايات والمحلية والقبلية والإقليمية وبعض المنظمات الخاصة غير الهادفة للربح في هذه المقاطعات المعينة مؤهلة للحصول على المساعدة في أعمال الطوارئ وإصلاح أو استبدال المرافق المتضررة من الكوارث. تعرف على المزيد لبرنامج المساعدة الفردية.
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Karnes (County)
- Kleberg (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Bexar (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- Dallas (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Karnes (County)
- Kleberg (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tarrant (County)
- Travis (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
- Aransas (County)
- Austin (County)
- Bastrop (County)
- Bee (County)
- Brazoria (County)
- Burleson (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Chambers (County)
- Colorado (County)
- Comal (County)
- DeWitt (County)
- Fayette (County)
- Fort Bend (County)
- Galveston (County)
- Goliad (County)
- Gonzales (County)
- Grimes (County)
- Guadalupe (County)
- Hardin (County)
- Harris (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Jefferson (County)
- Jim Wells (County)
- Lavaca (County)
- Lee (County)
- Liberty (County)
- Madison (County)
- Matagorda (County)
- Milam (County)
- Montgomery (County)
- Newton (County)
- Nueces (County)
- Orange (County)
- Polk (County)
- Refugio (County)
- Sabine (County)
- San Augustine (County)
- San Jacinto (County)
- San Patricio (County)
- Tyler (County)
- Victoria (County)
- Walker (County)
- Waller (County)
- Washington (County)
- Wharton (County)
لا شيء
كيف يتم الاعلان عن كارثة
ينص قانون (Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief) روبرت ت. ستافورد للإغاثة في حالات الكوارث والمساعدة في حالات الطوارئ، جزئيًا على ما يلي: "يجب تقديم جميع الطلبات الخاصة بإعلان الرئيس، عن وقوع كارثة كبرى من قبل حاكم الولاية أو الإقليم المتضرر ، أو من قبل زعيم القبيلة"
يرجى زيارة صفحة كيف يتم الإعلان عن كارثة للحصول على معلومات مفصلة عن القواعد والإجراءات التي توجه العملية ، بما في ذلك:
- المتطلبات الواجب إتباعها من قبل المحافظ / القادة عند تقديم طلبهم للإعلان الرئاسي عن الكوارث.
- تمنح السلطات، الحكومات القبلية الهندية المعترف بها فيدراليا، خيار طلب إعلان رئاسي للطوارئ أو إعلان كارثة كبرى.
- كيفية عمل مكاتب وكالة FEMA ، الإقليمية مع حكومات الولايات أو الحكومات القبلية الهندية لإجراء تقييمات الأضرار الأولية(PDAs).
- العوامل التي تحدد وقت إتاحة المساعدة الفردية.