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Additional Information

Below you will find important information regarding the onboarding process, FEMA Tender of Service (STOS) program, and Logistics Supply Chain Management System (LSCMS-C).

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If you need further information, please email and a member of the team will provide the information for you.


  • FEMA only onboards carriers within the identified onboarding period, no exceptions. The strict onboarding period enables FEMA to focus on disaster response operations during high risk periods.
  • A Transportation Service Provider may only onboard under one (1) identified SCAC code. You may not register multiple entities to increase probability of receiving FEMA moves.
  • The amount of time required for a TSP to fully complete STOS onboarding can vary depending on multiple factors. We encourage all who wish to apply to read through the onboarding process and prepare ahead of time. This is especially true for registering with the SAM (step 2 of the onboarding process). FEMA does not manage the SAM and cannot influence how fast registrations are processed.

The STOS Program

  • Registration with the Program does not guarantee that you will be offered transportation business with FEMA.
  • FEMA’s transportation needs are highly dependent on disaster response requirements. The FEMA Tender of Service Program fulfills transportation needs for incidents that are impactful enough to require a National-level response. There may be times when FEMA has very few transportation requirements as well as times when FEMA has an urgent need for a great deal of transportation support.
  • FEMA may contact your business at any time, 24/7, for transportation assistance. It is important to provide us with a single point of contact (email and phone #) that is monitored 24 hours per day.
  • All air, maritime, and rail moves are spot bid. Transportation Service Providers are not required to submit rates for these modes.
  • All FEMA-Approved Transportation Service Providers are eligible for spot bid opportunities, but not all will be contacted for every spot bid. Instead, FEMA reaches out to approved Transportation Service Providers on a rotating basis.