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National Advisory Council

The National Advisory Council (NAC) advises the Administrator on all aspects of emergency management, including preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation for natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other manmade disasters. 

NAC Meetings

The Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Advisory Council (NAC) meeting to publicly deliberate and vote on the Planning for Animal Wellness (PAW) Working Group recommendations, to be held on February 12, has been cancelled. This meeting was announced in a Federal Register Notice. Neither in-person nor remote attendance options will be available, due to this cancelation. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this cancelation. 

About National Advisory Council Membership


The NAC consists of up to 35 members appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Administrator as Representatives, Special Government Employees (SGEs), or Ex Officio. To the extent practical, members are geographically diverse and represent a substantive cross-section of officials, emergency managers, and emergency response providers from state, local, tribal and territorial governments, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations.

The Administrator appoints NAC members to three-year terms, with approximately one-third expiring each year. NAC members may apply to serve a consecutive three-year term.

Learn About Applying to Join the Council


The FEMA National Advisory Council advises the FEMA Administrator on all aspects of emergency management. In keeping with guidance from the Department of Homeland Security, the current council members have been dismissed. We greatly appreciate the time and expertise that the outgoing council members have contributed to our agency.


The NAC may establish subcommittees and working groups for any purpose consistent with its charter. Subcommittees and working groups do not work independently from the NAC and must report their recommendations and advice to the NAC for full deliberation and discussion. Subcommittees and working groups have no authority to make decisions on behalf of the NAC and may not report directly to the Administrator or any other entity.

The 2025 NAC subcommittees include:

  • Consequence Management
  • Long-Term Risk Reduction
  • Technology, Security & Innovation
  • Emergency Management Reimagined Task Force [ad hoc]

Additionally, FEMA was tasked by Congress to engage with non-federal experts on two subjects. The FEMA Administrator directed the NAC to oversee these activities. This request resulted in the Planning for Animal Wellness Work Group and the Preliminary Damage Assessment Advisory Panel. Find more information regarding the Congressional tasking for the Planning for Animal Wellness Act (PAW) and the Congressional passage of the Preliminary Damage Assessment Improvement Act.

Previously the NAC had other Congressionally mandated subcommittees.

View Previous NAC Recommendations and Responses

NAC Authorities

Legislation required that FEMA establish the NAC to ensure input from and coordination with state, local, tribal and territorial governments, nonprofit, and private-sector emergency management communities on the development and revision of plans and strategies; the administration of and assessment of FEMA’s grant programs; and the development and evaluation of risk assessment methodologies.

About Us

Rob Long
Director, Office of the National Advisory Council

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