Christopher Logan

Christopher Logan

Deputy Associate Administrator

Christopher Logan serves as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Resilience. In that role, he serves as the senior career official leading the agency’s risk management, insurance, hazard mitigation, preparedness, and grants management operations.

Mr. Logan joined FEMA in 2010 as senior counselor to the Deputy Administrator for Protection and National Preparedness. During his time at FEMA he has served in several Senior Executive Service positions, including Deputy Assistant Administrator for Grant Programs; Director of Public Assistance; Director of National Training and Education; and Acting Assistant Administrator for National Preparedness.

Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Logan served as a senior analyst and then as director of the Homeland Security and Technology Division in the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. In that capacity, he managed the activities of the Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council and provided advice and guidance to governors and their staff on biosecurity, pandemic influenza preparedness, critical infrastructure protection and emergency management.

Mr. Logan holds a bachelor’s degree in government from the College of William and Mary in Virginia and a Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University in Washington, D.C. He is an alumnus of the Executive Leaders Program at the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security in Monterey, Calif.

He lives in Alexandria, VA.

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