Florida Hurricane Hermine
Incident Period: Aug 31, 2016 - Sep 11, 2016
Declaration Date: Sep 28, 2016
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Applying for Assistance
Homeowners, renters and business owners in Citrus, Dixie, Hernando, Hillsborough, Leon, Levy, Pasco and Pinellas counties are urged to register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as they may be eligible for disaster assistance.
Assistance may include grants for temporary housing, rental assistance and home repairs, and for other serious disaster-related needs, such as repairing or replacing damaged or destroyed personal property, and medical and dental expenses.
Low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration may also be available to cover losses not fully compensated by insurance.
Florida residents should register with FEMA even if they have insurance, but only if their property was damaged by the floods or wind-driven damage. FEMA cannot duplicate insurance payments, but under-insured applicants may receive help after their insurance claims have been settled.
3 Ways to Register:
Online: www.DisasterAssistance.gov
By Phone: 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 800-462-7585
In Person: Visit a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). Download the FEMA App to find the nearest location.
Information You Will Need:
Social Security number
Address of the damaged home or apartment
Description of the damage
Information about insurance coverage
A current contact telephone number
An address where you can receive mail
Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of funds
Know What to Expect When the Inspector Visits
Once homeowners register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a FEMA housing inspector will call to schedule an inspection for those living in designated counties. Here’s what survivors need to know about the inspection process:
Everyone should know:
The FEMA inspector will show a photo ID badge.
If you are not shown photo identification, then do not allow the inspection.
If you suspect someone is posing as a FEMA inspector, call your local law enforcement agency.
You may receive visits from more than one inspector. Other inspectors may represent federal, state, parish and local government agencies, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the National Flood Insurance Program and/or insurance companies.
Representatives of volunteer agencies may contact you to offer their services.
Before the FEMA inspection, it’s important that you know:
An adult 18 or older who lived in the residence before the disaster must be present for the inspection.
That person must have the following documents:
Photo identification;
Proof of ownership and occupancy of the damaged residence such as: property tax bill; mortgage payment bill or receipt, or utility service bill;
Homeowner and vehicle insurance documents;
List of persons living in residence at time of disaster that you compiled; and
List of disaster damage to the home and its contents that you compiled.
Most important to know:
You cannot get an inspection without registering with FEMA.
Call 800-621-FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585. People who use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS) can call 800-621-3362.
You can register online at www.disasterassistance.gov.
You can register with FEMA at a Disaster Recovery Center.
If you have questions, FEMA’s toll-free telephone numbers operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (local time) seven days a week until further notice.
Funding Obligations
Individual Assistance | Amount |
Total Housing Assistance (HA) - Dollars Approved | $6,904,983.45 |
Total Other Needs Assistance (ONA) - Dollars Approved | $1,788,320.16 |
Total Individual & Households Program Dollars Approved | $8,693,303.61 |
Individual Assistance Applications Approved | 1984 |
Public Assistance | Amount |
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated | $31,889,485.89 |
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated | $25,662,341.91 |
Total Public Assistance Grants Dollars Obligated | $59,362,714.80 |