MORE THAN $2 MILLION AWARDED TO GRIFFIN HOSPITAL IN DERBY, CONNECTICUT [] Release Date: 六月 1, 2021 REGION 1 – Griffin Hospital received $2,078,108 from FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) Program for the care and treatment of COVID-19 patients during the early months of the pandemic. This funding provides reimbursement to Griffin Hospital in Derby for the setup of a COVID testing tent outside the hospital. Griffin Hospital was also able to repurpose an existing 23-bed unit for COVID patients by adding electrical connections and setting up a nurse calling system. The reimbursements to the hospital are for expenses incurred between Jan. 21 through Aug. 31, 2020. FEMA is providing a 100% federal cost share of eligible expenses for this PA project. It covers reimbursements for the costs of a testing tent, expanding capacity by repurposing a 23-bed unit, personal protective equipment, and disinfecting supplies. “The actions taken by this hospital were vital in the fight against COVID-19,” said Acting Region 1 Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer Paul Ford, who oversees FEMA’s operations in New England. “FEMA and the state are thankful Griffin Hospital took these actions to save many lives in the Derby area.” As of May 27, FEMA obligated $498.2 million related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Connecticut. Additional information about FEMA’s PA Program can be located at: ### _FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters_