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D. HMGP Project Subapplication Minimum Eligibility Criteria Checklist

The purpose of the HMGP Project Subapplication Minimum Eligibility Criteria Checklist is to ensure that applications/subapplications submitted to FEMA contain the minimum criteria for eligibility. For additional project types not listed below, refer to Part 11 (other than mitigation planning and planning-related activities) and Part 12. For mitigation planning activities, refer to Appendix E.

If an application/subapplication lacks the necessary eligibility information, FEMA cannot determine eligibility and approve an application. If information is lacking, FEMA may request additional information during the review process. Each requirement lists the section of the HMA Guide where more information can be found. The checklist below is intended as a helpful resource, and it is not a request for information.

Table 38. HMGP Project Subapplication Minimum Eligibility Criteria Checklist

Question Yes No Notes
General Requirements      
Is necessary documentation included in the subapplication? (Part 6.B.3)      
Is this a phased project? (Part 4.D.3)      
Is technical assistance needed? The subapplicant is encouraged to contact the applicant to request application development assistance. FEMA resources may be available but will only be provided if requested by the applicant. (Part 4.D.1.4)      
Applicants and Subapplicants
Is an eligible applicant identified? (states, federally recognized tribal governments and territories) (Part 4.A)      
Is an eligible subapplicant identified? (state agencies, local governments, federally recognized tribal governments and private nonprofit organizations) (Part 4.B)      
If applicable, does the applicant/subapplicant participate in the National Flood Insurance Program? (Part 4.H)      
Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Requirements
Does the applicant/subapplicant have a hazard mitigation plan? (Part 4.C)      
Is the proposed HMA project(s) in conformance with the State Mitigation Plan and Local or Tribal Mitigation Plan approved under 44 CFR Part 201? (Part 4.C.2.2 and Part 6.C)      
Scope of Work Requirements
Does the scope of work describe the proposed activity, and is it an eligible project type? (Part 6.C.1)      
For construction projects, have alternatives been considered as part of the decision-making process and are they described? (Part 6.C.1.2)      
Are photographs of each structure and the general project area included? (Part 6.F.1)      
Is geographic information about the activity being scoped (and clearly labeled maps) included? (Part 6.F and Part 6.C.1.2)      
Is the latitude, longitude and address for each structure provided? (Part 6.C.1.2)      
Does the scope of work explain why the selected activity is the most practical, effective and environmentally sound option? (Part 6.C.1.2)      
Have long-term changes to the area been considered and has documentation regarding long-term maintenance been provided? (Part 6.C.1.2)      
Does the activity solve a problem independently or does it constitute a functional portion of a solution? (Part 4.D.2 and Part 4.G)      
Does the activity address a repetitive problem or significant risk to public health? [1]      
Schedule Requirements
Does the schedule identify major milestones that reflect the scope of work and that do not exceed the period of performance of the award? (Part 6.C.2)      
Budget Requirements
Has a budget and a budget narrative been provided that supports the scope of work? (Part 6.C.3)      
If the project requires phased or incremental funding, does the budget reflect the amount estimated for each funding increment? (Part 6.C.3.1)      
Have the non-federal cost share and match sources been identified? (Part 6.B.3 and Part 6.C.3)      
Does the project report the availability or receipt of duplicative grants, loans, insurance payments, legal claims, gifts or other payments pertaining to the property being mitigated using HMA (potential duplication of benefits such as insurance and Small Business Administration loans if information is available during project development)? (Part 4.M.7)      
Cost-Effectiveness and Feasibility Requirements
Does the project include a benefit-cost analysis, alternate cost-effectiveness documentation (such as substantial damage verification and located in a riverine floodplain; pre-calculated benefits) or a narrative supporting cost-effectiveness and request for consideration under 5% HMGP discretionary funding? (Part 5.C.1.6 and Part 6.D)      
Does the project include technical information to support the proposed action? (Part 6.E and Part 6.C.1.2)      
Environmental and Historic Preservation Requirements
Does the project demonstrate conformance with environmental and historic preservation requirements? (Part 6.F.1)      
Assurance Requirements
Has the statement of assurances been provided? Assurances may vary for construction or non-construction activities. [2] (Part 6.B.3)      
Has SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, been provided? [3] (Part 6.B.3)      
Mitigation Project Requirements
The following sections outline the minimum eligibility criteria for project specific activities.
Property Acquisition Requirements
Does the project comply with the timelines and all other criteria set forth in 44 CFR Part 80, including the deed restriction language consistent with the FEMA Model Deed Restriction? (Part 12.B.1.2)      
Does the project identify eligible activities such as:      
§  Acquisition and Relocation (Part 12.B.1.2)?
§  Acquisition and Demolition (Part 12.B.1.2)?
If applicable, has documentation that the property owner is a national of the United States or a qualified alien been provided? (Part 12.B.1.2)      
Does the project include voluntary participation documentation for each property? (Part 12.B.1.3.2)      
For properties that are to be relocated, will the structure be relocated outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area? (Part 12.B.1.4.2)      
Structure Elevation Requirements
Does the project identify the is or elevation required by FEMA or local ordinance? (Part 12.B.3.3)      
Does the project include finished floor elevation? Elevation Certificate (FEMA Form 086-0-33) is preferred. (Part 12.B.3.3)      
Does the project include the proposed elevation height of the structure? (Part 12.B.3.3)      
Is the project designed and implemented consistent with latest ASCE-24 or equivalent? (Part 12.B.      
Flood Risk Reduction Requirements
Does the project include initial technical information to support size, costs and local permitting requirements? (Part 12.B.5.3)      
Does the project describe how it will reduce flooding depths and damage and specify the level of protection provided? (Part 12.B.5.3)      
Safe Room Requirements
Does the project include the population size and basis? (Part 12.B.      
Is the safe room project located outside of FEMA-designated SFHAs? Or, is the safe room project located in a FEMA-designated SFHA area (or the 500-year flood hazard area) but the 8-step Decision Process has successfully been completed for Executive Order (EO) 11988 on Floodplain Management (May 24, 1977),[4] (i.e., the consultation with the local and state emergency management officials led to the conclusion that there is no other feasible option than having the safe room project sited in an SFHA or the 500-year flood hazard area, as outlined in FEMA P-361)? (Part 12.B.8.2.1)      
Is the safe room designed and implemented consistent with FEMA P-361? (Part 12.B.8.2.7)      
Wind Retrofit Requirements
Does the project include the proposed level of protection? (Part 12.B.10.3.2)      
Has the project been designed and implemented consistent with P-804? (Part 12.B.10.2.5)      
Secondary Power Source Requirements
Does critical facility information include data such as the date the structure was built, building type and the functions provided, construction type and additional details relating to the existing condition of the structure? (Part 12.B.11.3)      
[1] 44 CFR § 206.434(c)(5)(i).
[2] Available on under the SF-424 Family. The assurances may include SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction; SF-424B, Assurances for Non-Construction; SF-424C, Budget Information for Construction; and SF-424D, Assurances for Construction
[3] Available on
[4] As amended by EO 13690 on Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input (Jan. 30, 2015), as provided by 44 CFR § 9.6