PROPOSED FLOOD MAP REFLECTS CHANGES TO LOCAL FLOOD RISK, INSURANCE RATES [] Release Date: Tháng 2 8, 2018 90-DAY APPEAL PERIOD FOR FILING APPEALS AND COMMENTS BEGINS FEBRUARY 8   MISSOULA, MONT.—Missoula County’s flood insurance rate map update for the Swan River is nearing completion. The new maps will provide Missoula County with more accurate flood risk information for the Swan River area that can help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance. The mapping project was initiated by Missoula County and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC).  It is part of a nationwide effort led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to increase local knowledge of flood risks and support actions to address and reduce those risks. “Missoula County has worked closely with Montana DNRC and FEMA to update the existing Swan River floodplain maps that were produced back in the early 1980’s,” said Todd Klietz, Missoula County Floodplain Administrator. “These updated maps provide more reliable and detailed information about flooding risks in the Swan Valley for landowners and the County.” Before new flood insurance rate maps become effective, there is a 90-day appeal period during which local residents and business owners can provide additional data for consideration before the maps are final. This appeal period starts on February 8, 2018 and ends May 8, 2018. Missoula County officials encourage residents and business owners to review the proposed flood insurance rate maps for the Swan River to learn about local flood risks, potential future flood insurance requirements, and any concerns or questions about the information provided. If you have technical and scientific information, such as detailed hydraulic or hydrologic data, you may be able to appeal the flood risk information on the preliminary flood map during the 90-day appeal period. For further details on this process or to view the proposed maps, visit [] or contact Missoula County Floodplain Administrator Todd Klietz, at 406-258-4841 or