Draft Environmental Assessment Diamondhead Wastewater Treatment Plant Relocation Hancock County, Mississippi October 2006 U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA-1604-DR-MS Transitional Recovery Office – Biloxi, MS This document was prepared by URS Group, Inc. 200 Orchard Ridge Drive, Suite 101 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 111 Capitol Street, Suite 400 Jackson, MS 39201 Contract No. HSFEHQ-06-D-0489 Task Order No. HSFEHQ-06-J-0003 15708003.00100 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT RELOCATION OF DIAMONDHEAD WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DIAMONDHEAD, HANCOCK COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI FEMA-1604-DR-MS Diamondhead Water and Sewer District has applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for assistance with a flood mitigation project for the Diamondhead Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Hancock County, Mississippi. The WWTP was devastated by storm surges associated with Hurricane Katrina in 2005. FEMA proposes to provide assistance for this project through the Public Assistance Program (PA) under Presidential Disaster Declaration FEMA-1604-DR-MS. In accordance with 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for FEMA, Subpart B, Agency Implementing Procedures, Part 10.9, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared pursuant to Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as implemented by the regulations promulgated by the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508). The purpose of the EA is to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the relocation project, and to determine whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). In the EA process, FEMA considered two alternatives, the No Action Alternative and the Proposed Action Alternative. The Proposed Action Alternative would relocate the WWTP to a 13-acre site located north of Interstate 10 and west of Park Ten Drive. The construction of the new WWTP would remove the facility from the floodplain and would reduce repair costs associated with recurrent flooding. The proposed project would include rerouting five existing force mains to the new facility and construction of District offices and a maintenance facility at the new site. The attached EA has been prepared in accordance with FEMA’s regulations in 44 CFR Part 10 (Environmental Considerations) and Executive Orders 11988 (Floodplain Management), 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), and 12898 (Environmental Justice) and all other relevant Federal, state, and local laws. Based on the findings of the attached EA, coordination with the appropriate agencies, and adherence to the project conditions set forth in the EA, FEMA has determined that the proposed project qualifies as a major Federal action that will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. As a result of this FONSI, an EIS will not be prepared and the proposed project as described in the attached EA may proceed. Date: Michael Grisham Environmental Liaison Officer FEMA-1604-DR-MS Transitional Recovery Office – Biloxi, MS Section 1 Introduction..............................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Location................................................................................1-1 1.2 Project Description.............................................................................1-1 1.3 Purpose and Need .............................................................................. 1-2 Section 2 Alternatives Considered ..................................................................2-1 2.1 No Action Alternative...........................................................................2-1 2.2 Proposed Action Alternative.................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Alternatives Considered and Dismissed ..........................................................2-2 Section 3 Affected Environment and Impacts .........................................................3-1 3.1 Geology, topography, and soils .................................................................3-1 3.2 Water Resources ................................................................................3-2 3.3 Surface Water...................................................................................3-2 3.4 Floodplains.....................................................................................3-3 3.5 Groundwater ....................................................................................3-4 3.6 Biological Resources ...........................................................................3-4 3.7 Air Quality ....................................................................................3-5 3.8 Transportation..................................................................................3-6 3.9 Noise ..........................................................................................3-7 3.10 Cultural Resources.............................................................................3-7 3.11 Socioeconomic Resources .......................................................................3-8 3.12 Environmental Justice..........................................................................3-9 3.13 Safety ........................................................................................3-9 3.14 Hazardous Materials ...........................................................................3-10 Section 4 Public Involvement........................................................................4-1 Section 5 Agency Coordination and Permits...........................................................5-1 Section 6 Conditions and Mitigation Measures .......................................................6-1 Section 7 Conclusions...............................................................................7-1 Section 8 References ...............................................................................8-1 Appendix A Figures Appendix B Agency Coordination amsl above mean sea level BMP Best Management Practice CAA Clean Air Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CO carbon monoxide CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act dB decibel DNL Day-Night Average Sound Level EA Environmental Assessment EDR Environmental Data Resources EIS Environmental Impact Statement EO Executive Order EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact FPPA Farmland Protection Policy Act MDEQ Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality MDMR Mississippi Department of Marine Resources NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NCA Noise Control Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NISTAC NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NO2 nitrogen dioxide NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NWI National Wetlands Inventory O3 ozone OSHA Occupational Safety and Health PA Public Assistance Program Pb lead PM2.5 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns PM10 particulate matter less than 2.5 microns RAS Returned Activated Sludge RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act SO2 sulfur dioxide SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service VOC Volatile Organic Compound WAS Waste Activated Sludge WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant 1. Section 1 ONE Introduction The Diamondhead Water and Sewer District (District) has applied to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for assistance with a flood mitigation project for the Diamondhead Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Hancock County, Mississippi. The WWTP was devastated by storm surges associated with Hurricane Katrina in 2005. FEMA proposes to provide assistance for this project through the Public Assistance Program (PA) under Presidential Disaster Declaration FEMA-1604-DR-MS. In accordance with 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for FEMA, Subpart B, Agency Implementing Procedures, Part 10.9, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared pursuant to Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as implemented by the regulations promulgated by the President’s Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508). The purpose of the EA is to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project, and to determine whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION The Diamondhead Water and Sewer District is located at 4425 Park Ten Drive in Diamondhead, Mississippi. The District operates the Diamondhead WWTP, which is located at 311 Noma Drive, north of Interstate 10. The Diamondhead WWTP provides service to approximately 3,900 residential and commercial customers. The WWTP treats an average of 1.25 million gallons per day of wastewater with an activated sludge process. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast, causing a storm surge that reached nearly 25 feet and devastated large portions of the District’s service area, which includes approximately 4,300 customers. Key District facilities, including the WWTP, were severely damaged by the storm’s wind and floodwaters. The WWTP was rendered inoperable for approximately 4 weeks following the storm. In the short term, emergency rehabilitation efforts have enabled the WWTP to provide appropriate wastewater treatment. For the long term, the District proposes to relocate the WWTP to higher ground outside of the floodplain to increase reliability and minimize future damages and service disruptions. The existing WWTP is located at the end of Noma Drive and on the edge of the tidal marsh which is part of the Jourdan River system. The site comprises about 6 acres and the average ground elevation is 6 feet above mean sea level (amsl). The sludge digester, which originally was a package plant, is located on open land across Noma Drive from the WWTP. The existing WWTP is located within the floodplain and within an area of extensive wetlands. The Jourdan River is tidal in this area and the site elevation is so low that during high tides, river water surcharges the plant outfall pipe. During Hurricane Katrina, the soil beneath the existing WWTP liquefied, causing intense cracking to the oxidation basins. Temporary emergency repairs were made immediately following Hurricane Katrina to bring the existing WWTP facility back to operational status. These repairs are not expected nor intended to withstand many months of regular use. If these temporary repairs fail, customers risk service interruptions which could pose potential human health concerns from sewers backing up into businesses and residences. The District proposes to relocate the WWTP to higher ground outside of the floodplain (see Appendix A, Figure 1). Existing force mains would be re-routed to the new facility. Upon completion of the new WWTP, the existing WWTP would be demolished and the site would be re-graded and maintained as open space. Stabilization measures such as seeding or mulching would be implemented as necessary to reduce erosion and runoff. The new WWTP would include the following processes: a headworks facility including grit basin, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, ultraviolet disinfection facilities, aerobic digester tanks and drying beds, belt press sludge dewatering facilities with truck loading, an equalization tank, and a returned activated sludge/waste activated sludge (RAS/WAS) pump station. District offices and a maintenance facility may also be constructed at the site of the new WWTP. 1.3 PURPOSE AND NEED The existing WWTP sustained significant damage as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Temporary emergency repairs were made immediately to bring the facility back to operational status. These repairs are not expected to withstand regular sustained use and are not a long-term solution. The current WWTP is situated within the 100-year floodplain, where it is vulnerable to storm surges. The site contains saturated clay soils that hold a perched water table very near to the soil surface, causing water to pond and collect during rain events. The clay soils have very low and variable bearing capacities that would require extremely costly foundations should new structures be built or rebuilt on-site. Furthermore, the site is located within the Jourdan River tidal marsh area, and during high tide conditions, Jourdan River tidewaters surcharge the outfall pipe. During regular heavy rain events that are accompanied by severe winds, the resulting waves on the Jourdan River roll out of the marsh and onto the plant site. The WWTP facility, in its current location, is at risk of flooding under normal to heavy rain events, as well as during future hurricanes. As a result of flooding and extensive damage caused by Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005, it is necessary to move the WWTP to higher ground to reduce repetitive repair costs associated with flooding, and to ensure operational efficiency on a continual basis. 2. Section 2 TWO Alternatives Considered The following alternatives are considered for the relocation of the Diamondhead WWTP: 2.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE Under the No Action Alternative, the Diamondhead WWTP would not be relocated. Permanent repairs would be made as needed, if the temporary repairs made after Hurricane Katrina fail. The existing WWTP would continue to be at risk from future flooding and repetitive losses related to future disasters; customers could experience service interruptions or potential human health concerns from sewers backing up into businesses and residences. 2.2 PROPOSED ACTION ALTERNATIVE Under the Proposed Action Alternative, the WWTP facility would be relocated to the western portion of a commercial/business area located south of Park Ten Drive (see Appendix A, Figure 2). The new WWTP would be built on a proposed project site bounded to the north by a right-ofway for the extension of Park Ten Drive, to the west by undeveloped privately owned property, to the south by undeveloped property and Interstate 10, and to the east by the Diamondhead Water District’s office and other commercial properties. The proposed project site is approximately 3/4 mile northeast of the existing WWTP on an approximately 10-acre, mostly forested parcel that is located outside of the FEMA flood hazard zone and outside of extensive wetlands or sensitive areas. Currently, the proposed project site is zoned for residential development. Rough clearing of roadways and drainageways for a planned residential neighborhood occurred in the 1970s; however, the property was never developed further. The proposed site plan for the WWTP is shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. The proposed project site is configured to provide a 150-foot setback along the plant’s perimeter to achieve State of Mississippi requirements. This setback may also be used to potentially site the District’s offices and maintenance facilities. The WWTP would be only partially visible to surrounding areas, and vehicular access to this site would not interfere with the future development of surrounding properties. Existing force mains would be re-routed to the new WWTP (see Appendix A, Figure 4). Re-routing the force mains would require some ground disturbance; however, the majority of the ground disturbance would occur along existing road right-of-ways. Noma Drive is the only existing paved roadway along the new force main route. Diamondhead WWTP plans to open-cut road crossings, but will utilize directional boring if necessary. The new WWTP would contain one paved circular road throughout the facility and two small parking lots for District personnel. Access to the new WWTP would be through the existing access to the District’s office located on Park Ten Drive via Gex Drive and Yacht Club Road, and through a smaller rear entrance located at Noma Drive. Business traffic would enter the northeast corner via Park Ten Drive; operations traffic and large deliveries would access the northwest corner of the site via Noma Drive. This access is consistent with existing traffic patterns and loading to the existing District offices, WWTP, and maintenance facilities. 2.3 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED AND DISMISSED Elevation of Existing WWTP FEMA considered an alternative to elevate the existing WWTP above the 100-year flood elevation. The elevation of the groundwater table on the site is high and the soils are saturated, making maintenance of the site difficult. The site also has a perched groundwater table, resulting in ponded surface water during extended periods of rainfall. The subsurface soil characteristics are very poor, saturated clay in many areas; resulting in very low and variable bearing capacities which increase the difficulty of constructing reliable building foundations. For these reasons, this alternative was not considered to be feasible and was dismissed from further consideration. Relocation of WWTP to West Diamondhead Consideration was given to relocating the WWTP to property in west Diamondhead and north of Interstate 10. However, because essentially all of the land that lies west of Diamondhead and north of I-10 is low-lying and located within the flood zone, a WWTP in that area would be at risk of future flooding. During Hurricane Katrina, storm surge and floodwaters occurred in many of the developed areas located on the west side of Diamondhead. Therefore, this alternative was not considered to be feasible and was dismissed from consideration. Relocation within Commercial/Business Area Two sites within the Diamondhead commercial/business area were considered as alternative locations for the WWTP. One site is an approximately 18-acre vacant site, located directly south of Diamondhead Drive East, between a strip mall and a rehabilitation center, which was recently purchased by Hancock Medical Center. The site is bounded to the north by the rear property lines of homes along the south side of Diamondhead Drive East. The site is bounded to the south by the northern right-ofway of Interstate 10. An approximately 200-foot forested buffer would be preserved in perpetuity along the northern portion of the site. Construction at this site would require significant disruption to the existing force main system, and an extended outfall force main would be required. Therefore, this site was not considered to be feasible and was dismissed from consideration. A second site is an approximately 21-acre, trapezoidal shaped site, south of Park Ten Drive and west of property owned by a bowling alley. The south is bounded by the right-of-way of Interstate 10. Interior Specialties, a commercial business, is located on the eastern portion of the property adjacent to the bowling alley. The west is bounded by undeveloped, residentially zoned property. Wetlands located in the southeast section on the property would limit development to the northern section of the property (approximately 10 acres), causing the proposed WWTP to be highly visible to the surrounding commercial businesses. The shape of the property is not conducive to siting a WWTP and is not large enough to accommodate the District offices and maintenance facilities. Therefore, this site was not considered to be feasible and was dismissed from consideration. 3. Section 3 THREE Affected Environment and Impacts 3.1 GEOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND SOILS Existing Environment Mississippi does not contain any fault zones and typically does not experience seismic activity. The New Madrid fault line, located in the Mississippi River Valley, is the most active fault zone east of the Rocky Mountains. Seismic activity from this fault line of a magnitude 6.8 or greater on the Richter scale has been known to occur in part or all of Mississippi (USGS, 2006c). The proposed project site contains soils consisting of Atmore silt loam and Escambia loam with 2 to 5 percent slopes. The Atmore and Escambia series consist of deep, poorly drained, moderately and slowly permeable soils found on Coastal plain depressions and interstream divides (USGS, 2006b). Citronelle formations of red sand and gravel and white clay formed probably during the Pleistocene period and Coastal deposits of loam, sand gravel, and clay were deposited during the Holocene period. The topography at the proposed project site is level, and the project site is located at 20 feet above mean sea level (amsl). The Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) states that federal agencies must “minimize the extent to which federal programs contribute to the unnecessary conversion of farmland to nonagricultural uses…” Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, no impacts to geology or topography would occur. Impacts to soils such as runoff and erosion would continue to occur due to repeated flooding at the existing WWTP location. Should the existing temporary repairs fail, more intrusive emergency repairs may be necessary; such repairs could have a more severe impact on soils. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no impacts to geology would occur. Minor, long-term impacts to topography would occur on the proposed project site due to grading required for construction. Short-term impacts to soils would occur during the construction of the new facility and the demolition of the existing WWTP. The applicant would be required to submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Effluent would be discharged at the same point as the existing WWTP. Based on preliminary discussions with the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ), since water quality would not be affected by the WWTP’s relocation, the existing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit may be amended for the new plant. This amendment of the NPDES permit would be coordinated prior to the commissioning of the new facility. Implementation of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) would be required at both the construction and demolition locations. BMPs include, but are not limited to; the installation of silt fences and revegetating bare soils to minimize erosion. The proposed project site does not contain soils classified as prime or unique farmland. Beneficial long term impacts to soils would occur at the existing WWTP as a result of the site being re-graded to natural conditions and being left to revegetate naturally. Any vegetation that is planted as part of the demolition BMPs or that establishes naturally will provide soil stabilization; thereby reducing soil erosion. 3.2 WATER RESOURCES Existing Environment The proposed project site is approximately 4 miles east of the Jourdan River and 2 miles north of the City of Bay St. Louis. The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) enables coastal states, including Mississippi, to designate state coastal zone boundaries and develop coastal management programs to improve protection of sensitive shoreline resources and guide sustainable use of coastal areas. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the proposed project site is located within the Mississippi Coastal Zone. According to the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Map, no wetlands are located on or immediately adjacent to the proposed project site. However, during a site visit conducted on September 28, 2006, red pitcher plant (Sarracenia rubra), a wetland indicator species, was observed in a small area on the eastern portion of the proposed project site. A complete wetland delineation of the proposed project site is scheduled for October 2006. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, impacts to water resources could occur due to repeated flooding and the potential contribution of point-source pollutants into the Jourdan River should the existing temporary WWTP repairs fail. Proposed Action Alternative – Minor adverse impacts to water resources would occur under the Proposed Action during construction at the proposed project site. Implementation of BMPs would minimize erosion at both the construction and demolition sites. Demolition of the existing WWTP, located within the tidal marsh area of the Jourdan River, would have a beneficial impact to water resources because the site would be left to revegetate and return to a natural community. On September 28, 2006, FEMA requested a project review from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR), Bureau of Wetlands Permitting regarding the Coastal Zone Management Act and wetlands; no response has been received to date. After completion of the wetland delineation, consultation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and MDMR will be conducted to determine any applicable permits required. 3.3 SURFACE WATER Existing Environment The proposed project site slants slightly southwest; elevations on-site range from 15 feet on the northern and eastern portions of the site to 10 feet in the southwestern corner. No known waters of the United States occur within the proposed project site; however, complete wetlands delineation has not yet been completed on the proposed site. Surface water flows southwest across the proposed project site. The site contains an existing drainage system that was created during preliminary construction in the 1970s of a planned residential neighborhood that was never completed. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, adverse impacts to surface water could occur due to repeated flooding of the existing WWTP and the influx of untreated pollutants into the Jourdan River should the temporary repairs fail. Proposed Action Alternative – Temporary short term impacts to downstream surface waters, including the Jourdan River, would occur during the construction and demolition periods of the Proposed Action Alternative from erosion of soils during construction. To reduce impacts to surface water, implementation of appropriate BMPs, such as installing silt fences and revegetating bare soils would minimize runoff. The newly constructed WWTP would be connected to the existing outfall. A SWPPP would be required. Effluent would be discharged at the same point as the existing WWTP. Since water quality would not be affected by the WWTP’s relocation, the existing NPDES permit would be amended for the new plant. This amendment of the NPDES permit would be coordinated prior to the commissioning of the new facility. 3.4 FLOODPLAINS Existing Environment Executive Order (EO) 11988 (Floodplain Management) requires that a Federal agency avoid direct or indirect support of development within the 100-year floodplain whenever there is a practicable alternative. FEMA uses Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) to identify the regulatory 100-year floodplain for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) (see Appendix A, Figure 5). Diamondhead is a participant in the NFIP. Consistent with EO 11988, FIRMs were examined during the preparation of this EA (FEMA, 2006). Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, the existing WWTP would continue to be located in flood zone A8, a special flood hazard area. Long term adverse impacts to the floodplain would continue because the existing WWTP impedes natural floodplain uses. Further, the WWTP would continue to experience flooding from heavy rain events, as well as future hurricanes. Proposed Action Alternative – The proposed project site is located in flood zone B, moderate flood hazard area and zone C, areas of minimal flooding. Under the Proposed Action Alternative, beneficial impacts to the floodplain would occur. The existing WWTP would be demolished and returned to a natural condition. 3.5 GROUNDWATER Existing Environment The proposed project site is located above the coastal lowlands aquifer system. Recharge of the aquifer in the vicinity of the proposed project site occurs in areas of higher elevations because water flows southwest toward the Gulf of Mexico. Dissolved solids, such as salinity, increase as the velocity of the water decreases approaching the sea. Freshwater parts of the aquifer are typically located about 500 feet below sea level. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, no impacts to groundwater would occur. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, the newly constructed WWTP would connect to the public water supply. Therefore, no impacts to groundwater are anticipated. 3.6 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Existing Environment The proposed project site consists of pine forest with a fairly developed understory and shrub layer. During a site visit conducted on September 28, 2006, the following species were observed: slash pine (Pinus elliottii), along with a few scattered longleaf pine (Pinus palustris), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). The understory consists of red maple (Acer rubrum), sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), and water oak (Quercus nigra). The shrub layer included yaupon (Ilex vomitoria), gallberry (Ilex glabra), and swamp titi (Cyrilla racemiflora). The herb layer is composed of: poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), several greenbrier species (Smilax spp.), and various grasses. In one small area, the herb layer also included several red pitcher plants (Sarracenia rubra). The proposed project site supports wildlife common to undeveloped suburban areas in Mississippi, including songbirds, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). According the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Louisiana quillwort (Isoetes louisianensis) is the only federally listed plant species that potentially occurs in Hancock County. It is a rare aquatic plant that occurs on sand and gravel bars, overflow channels, and areas in or near shallow, blackwater streams in riparian woodland and bayhead forests of pine flatwoods and upland pine forests (CPC, 2006). Habitat for the Louisiana quillwort was not observed during the site visit on September 28, 2006. USFWS lists the following federally endangered (E) and threatened (T) animal species for Hancock County (USFWS, 2006): Scientific Name Common Name Status Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi Gulf sturgeon T Charadrius melodus Piping Plover T Caretta caretta Loggerhead turtle T Chelonia mydas Green turtle T Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise T Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle T Pelecanus occidentalis Brown pelican E Potamilus inflatus Inflated heelsplitter T Lepidochelys kempii Kemp's ridley E Ursus americanus luteolus Louisiana black bear T The proposed project site does not contain habitat for any federally listed species; therefore, it is unlikely that any threatened and endangered species are present. On September 28, 2006, FEMA requested a project review by USFWS; no response has been received to date. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no impacts to biological resources. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, the proposed project site would be cleared of vegetation and graded. Approximately 10 acres of wildlife habitat would be converted to WWTP use. Demolition of the existing WWTP would provide beneficial impacts to biological resources by reinstating natural communities and processes. The demolition site would be re-graded to preconstruction conditions and seeded for stabilization. Because the existing WWTP is located within the floodplain, once the facility has been demolished, the area will remain in open space. 3.7 AIR QUALITY Existing Environment Under the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes primary and secondary air quality standards. Primary air quality standards protect the public health, including the health of “sensitive populations, such as people with asthma, children, and older adults.” Secondary air quality standards protect public welfare by promoting ecosystems health, preventing decreased visibility, and damage to crops and buildings. EPA has set national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for six of the following criteria pollutants; ozone (03), particulate matter (PM 2.5 and 10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and lead (Pb). According to the MDEQ, the entire state of Mississippi is classified as in attainment, meaning criteria air pollutants do not exceed the NAAQS. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, the WWTP would not be relocated and no short- or long-term impacts to air quality would occur. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative short term impacts to air quality would occur during demolition of the existing WWTP and construction of the new WWTP. To reduce temporary impacts to air quality, the construction contractors would be required to water down construction areas when necessary. Emissions from fuel-burning internal combustion engines (e.g., heavy equipment and earthmoving machinery) could temporarily increase the levels of some of the criteria pollutants, including CO, NO2, O3, PM10, and noncriteria pollutants such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). To reduce the emission of criteria pollutants, fuel-burning equipment running times would be kept to a minimum and engines would be properly maintained. 3.8 TRANSPORTATION Existing Environment The proposed WWTP is located north of Interstate 10 and east of Park Ten Drive. Park Ten Drive via Gex Drive and Yacht Club Road provides access to the proposed project site. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, the WWTP would not be relocated to no changes to traffic would occur. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no significant adverse impacts to transportation or site access are anticipated. The new WWTP would contain one paved circular road throughout the facility and two small parking lots for District personnel. Access to the new WWTP would be through the existing access to the District’s office located on Park Ten Drive via Gex Drive and Yacht Club Road, and through a smaller rear entrance located at Noma Drive. Business traffic would enter the northeast corner via Park Ten Drive; operations traffic and large deliveries would access the northwest corner of the site via Noma Drive. This access is consistent with existing traffic patterns and loading to the existing District offices, WWTP, and maintenance facilities. There would be a minor temporary increase in the volume of construction traffic on roads in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project site that could potentially result in a slower traffic flow for the duration of the construction phase. To mitigate potential delays, construction vehicles and equipment would be stored on site during project construction and appropriate signage would be posted on affected roadways. Re-routing of existing force mains would involve open-cut installation of new force mains across several low-traffic, dirt roadways and one paved roadway (Noma Drive). Access to approximately four residences and one tennis court facility could be temporarily affected by construction across Noma Drive. Installation would be phased to allow traffic to continue to pass in an alternate lane during the installation of the force mains. No road closures are anticipated. 3.9 NOISE Existing Environment Sound is most commonly measured in decibels (dB) on the A-weighted scale, which is the scale most similar to the range of sounds that the human ear can hear. The Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) is an average measure of sound. The DNL descriptor is accepted by federal agencies as a standard for estimating sound impacts and establishing guidelines for compatible land uses. Noise, defined herein as undesirable sound, is federally regulated by the Noise Control Act of 1972 (NCA). Although the NCA gives the EPA authority to prepare guidelines for acceptable ambient noise levels, it only charges those federal agencies that operate noise-producing facilities or equipment to implement noise standards. EPA guidelines, and those of many other federal agencies, state that outdoor sound levels in excess of 55 dB DNL are “normally unacceptable” for noise-sensitive land uses such as residences, schools, or hospitals. The proposed project site consists mainly of undeveloped forested land. There are no noisesensitive areas within a 4-mile radius of the proposed project site. A noise ordinance does not exist for Diamondhead. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, no impacts to noise would occur. Noise levels at the existing WWTP would not change. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no long-term impacts to noise would occur. During the construction period temporary short-term increases in noise levels are anticipated. To reduce noise levels during the construction period, construction activities would take place during normal business hours. Equipment and machinery installed at the proposed WWTP would meet all local, state, and Federal noise regulations. 3.10 CULTURAL RESOURCES Existing Environment A preliminary archeological pedestrian survey was conducted on Thursday, September 28, 2006; existing topographic maps at the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) indicating known archaeological resources in the vicinity of the proposed project site were also reviewed. During the pedestrian survey no evidence of archeological or cultural resources was observed and no known archaeological resources exist on the proposed project site. No historic structures were identified within the vicinity of the proposed project site and it is not located within a historic district. Four archaeological sites were identified within a 2-mile radius of the proposed project site: 1. HA 606, Cuevas Home, located on the south bank of Mill Creek, was discovered during construction preparation for the Diamondhead subdivision. It has both prehistoric and historic components. Excavation to clarify the site components and determine National Register eligibility has not been conducted. 2. HA 614, Dix Site, located on the south bank of Mill Creek, was also identified during construction preparation for the Diamondhead subdivision. It has both prehistoric and historic components. Excavation to clarify the site components and determine National Register eligibility has not been conducted. 3. HA 550, Diamondhead, a large shell midden with Mississippian, Middle Woodland, and Late Woodland components, is located on the east bank of the Jordan River, southwest of the proposed project site. The site was determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. 4. HA 593, GCS-21 consists of the remains of a blacksmith shop, located near the eastern shore of the Jordan River and southwest of the proposed project site. Excavation to clarify the site components and determine National Register eligibility has not been conducted. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative no impacts to archeological or cultural resources would occur. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no impacts to archeological or cultural resources are anticipated. FEMA submitted a request for project review to the SHPO on September 28, 2006; no response has been received to date. 3.11 SOCIOECONOMIC RESOURCES Existing Environment The proposed project site is bounded on the north and west by a forested area, on the south by Interstate 10, and on the east by commercial businesses. The proposed project site is located within census tract 305. The total population of census tract 305 in 2000 was 5,912 people, with 52 percent participating in the labor force. The leading employment sectors are management, professional, and related occupations (43 percent); sales and office occupations (29 percent); and service occupations (14 percent). Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, no impacts to socioeconomic resources would occur. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no permanent employment positions would be created or lost. Temporary jobs would be created during the demolition of the existing WWTP and construction of the new facility. 3.12 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Existing Environment EO 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low- Income Populations) requires federal agencies to make achieving environmental justice part of their mission. Agencies are required to identify and correct programs, policies, and activities that have disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations. Socioeconomic and demographic data for the project area were analyzed to determine if a disproportionate number (greater than 50 percent) of minority or lowincome persons have the potential to be adversely affected by the proposed project. According to the 2000 Census of Population, in 1999 the median household income reported in the State of Mississippi was $31,330 with 20 percent of individuals living below the poverty level. Within Hancock County the median annual household income was $35,202, with 14 percent of the population living below the poverty level. The annual median household income reported within census tract 305 was $50,137, with 7 percent of the population living below the poverty level. In addition, minorities represented 45 percent, 8 percent, and 4 percent, respectively, of the population of the State of Mississippi, Hancock County, and census tract 305 (USCB, 2000). Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no disproportionately high and adverse effect on minority or low-income populations. All populations could potentially be adversely affected by service interruptions if the temporary repairs to the existing WWTP fail of if the facility is flooded. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, there would be no adverse impacts on minority or low-income populations. Implementation of the Proposed Action Alternative would benefit all populations within the WWTP service area. 3.13 SAFETY Existing Environment Safety and security issues considered in this EA include the health and safety of the area residents and the public at-large, and the protection of personnel involved in activities related to the proposed construction of the WWTP and the demolition of the existing WWTP. EO 13045, Protection of Children, requires federal agencies to make it a high priority to identify and assess environmental health and safety risks that may disproportionately affect children. There are no schools located with 5 miles of the proposed project site. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative no direct impacts to safety of the population near the existing WWTP would occur. If the temporary repairs to the existing WWTP should fail, service interruptions which could pose potential human health concerns. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, construction activities could present safety risks to those performing the activities. To minimize risks to safety and human health, all construction activities would be performed using qualified personnel trained in the proper use of the appropriate equipment, including all appropriate safety precautions. Additionally, all activities would be conducted in a safe manner in accordance with the standards specified in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The appropriate signage and barriers should be in place prior to construction activities to alert pedestrians and motorists of project activities. 3.14 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Existing Environment Hazardous substances are defined as any solid, liquid, contained gaseous or semisolid waste, or any combination of wastes that pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health and the environment. Hazardous substances are primarily generated by industry, hospitals, research facilities, and the government. Improper management and disposal of hazardous substances can lead to pollution of groundwater or other drinking water supplies, and the contamination of surface water and soil. The primary federal regulations for the management and disposal of hazardous substances are the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). An Environmental Data Resources (EDR) Hazardous Materials search was conducted in September 2006; no hazardous materials have been stored at or located on or within a 1-mile radius of the proposed project site. No recognizable hazardous materials or wastes were identified at the proposed project site during the September 28, 2006, site visit. Affected Environment No Action Alternative – Under the No Action Alternative the WWTP would not be relocated and the existing WWTP would continue to operate with the current temporary repair measures and no impacts to hazardous materials or wastes would occur. The WWTP would continue to discharge treated water under its existing SWPPP and NPDES permit. Sludge from the WWTP would continue to be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Proposed Action Alternative – Under the Proposed Action Alternative, no impacts to hazardous materials or wastes are anticipated. Although subsurface hazardous materials are not anticipated to be present, excavation activities could expose or otherwise affect subsurface hazardous wastes or materials. Any hazardous materials discovered, generated, or used during implementation of the proposed project will be disposed of and handled in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. The proposed WWTP would be constructed at the proposed project site and utilize re-routed force mains to discharge treated water to the existing outfall. A SWPPP would be required. Effluent would be discharged at the same point as the existing WWTP. Since water quality would not be affected by the WWTP’s relocation, the existing NPDES permit would be amended for the new plant. This amendment of the NPDES permit would be coordinated prior to the commissioning of the new facility. Sludge from the WWTP would be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. 4. Section 4 FOUR Public Involvement FEMA is the lead federal agency for conducting the NEPA compliance process for the WWTP relocation project in Diamondhead, Mississippi. It is the goal of the lead agency to expedite the preparation and review of NEPA documents and to be responsive to the needs of the community and the purpose and need of the proposed action while meeting the intent of NEPA and complying with all NEPA provisions. The Diamondhead Water and Sewer District will notify the public of the draft Environment Assessment through publication of a public notice in a local newspaper. FEMA will conduct an expedited public comment period commencing on the initial date of publication of the public notice. 5. Section 5 FIVE Agency Coordination and Permits The following agencies and organizations were contacted by a letter requesting project review during the preparation of this EA. If required for NEPA documentation, agencies (marked with a *) were asked to submit a formal response. Letters received to date are included in the Appendix B. Federal • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Regulatory Division * • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, Water Management Division • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jackson Field Office* State • Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce • Mississippi Department of Archives and History* • Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Pollution Control, Environmental Permits Division* • Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Bureau of Wetlands Permitting • Mississippi Department of Transportation, Environmental Division • Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commission In accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations, the applicant would be responsible for acquiring any necessary permits prior to commencing construction at the proposed project site. 6. Section 6 SIX Conditions and Mitigation Measures The following table summarizes the potential impacts of the Proposed Action Alternative and conditions or mitigation measures to offset those impacts: Affected Environment Impacts Mitigation Geology, Topography and Soils No impacts to geology; longterm minor impacts to topography. Short-term impacts to soils during the construction period. Appropriate BMPs, such as installing silt fences and revegetating bare soils immediately upon completion of construction to stabilize soils. Water Resources Beneficial impact to water resources due to the demolition of the existing WWTP and the return of natural floodplain processes to the existing WWTP site. None Surface Water Temporary short-term impacts to surface water are possible during demolition and construction activities. Appropriate BMPs, such as installing silt fences and revegetating bare soils would minimize runoff. Floodplains Beneficial impact due to relocation of the WWTP outside of the floodplain. None Groundwater No impacts to groundwater are anticipated. None Biological Resources Approximately 10 acres of forested wildlife habitat would be converted to WWTP facility use. Beneficial impact to biological resources from conversion of the existing WWTP site to open space. None Air Quality Short-term impacts to air quality would occur during the construction period. Construction contractors would be required to water down construction areas when necessary and fuel-burning equipment running times would be kept to a minimum and engines would be properly maintained. Transportation There would be a minor temporary increase in the volume of construction traffic on roads in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project site. Construction vehicles and equipment would be stored on-site during project construction and appropriate signage would be posted on affected roadways. Noise Short-term impacts to noise would occur at the proposed project site during the construction period. Construction would take place during normal business hours and equipment and machinery installed at the proposed WWTP would meet all local, state, and federal noise regulations. Cultural Resources No impacts to archeological or historic resources are anticipated. None Socioeconomic Resources No impacts to socioeconomic resources would occur. None Environmental Justice No disproportionately high or adverse effect on minority or low-income populations would occur. None Safety No impacts to safety are anticipated. All construction activities would be performed using qualified personnel and in accordance with the standards specified in OSHA regulations. Appropriate signage and barriers should be in place prior to construction activities to alert pedestrians and motorists of project activities. Hazardous Materials No impacts to hazardous materials or wastes are anticipated. Excavation activities could expose or otherwise affect subsurface hazardous wastes or materials. Any hazardous materials discovered, generated, or used during construction would be disposed of and handled in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. 7. Section 7 SEVEN Conclusions The Diamondhead Water and Sewer District, Mississippi, proposes to relocate the Diamondhead Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to a site located north of Interstate 10 and west of Park Ten Drive. The existing WWTP is located within the tidal marsh and floodplain of the Jourdan River and is susceptible to flooding during high tide and heavy rainfall events. The soils at the existing site are often saturated, making routine maintenance difficult. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast causing a 25-foot storm surge within major sections of the District’s service area. This storm surge caused significant damage to the District’s WWTP; the plant was fundamentally out of service for approximately 4 weeks. Temporary emergency repairs were made immediately following Hurricane Katrina to bring the existing WWTP facility back to operational status. These repairs are not expected nor intended to withstand many months of regular use. The Proposed Action Alternative would relocate the WWTP outside of the floodplain. This would reduce future flood damage repair costs and ensure the ongoing operational capacity of the WWTP. In compliance with NEPA this EA describes the anticipated effects the Proposed Action Alternative on geology, water resources, surface water, floodplains, groundwater, biological resources, air quality, transportation, noise, cultural resources, socioeconomic resources, environmental justice, safety, and hazardous materials. Beneficial impacts to water resources and floodplains are anticipated due to the removal of the WWTP from the floodplain and returning the existing WWTP site to open space. No impacts to groundwater, biological resources, cultural, socioeconomics, environmental justice, safety, and hazardous materials are anticipated with the Proposed Action Alternative. During the construction period, short-term impacts to geology, soils, surface water, air quality, noise, and transportation are anticipated. All short-term impacts require conditions to minimize and mitigate impacts to the proposed project site and surrounding areas. Center for Plant Conservation. 2006. http://www.centerforplantconservation.org/ASP/CPC_ViewProfile.asp?CPCNum=2345. Accessed 10/11/06. Diamondhead Fire Protection District. 2006. http://dhfire.tripod.com/. Accessed 9/27/06. Environmental Data Resources (EDR), Inc. 2006. The EDR Radius Map with GeoCheck. www.edrnet.com. Accessed 9/22/06. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2006. Flood Insurance Rate Map. www.fema.gov. Accessed 9/25/06. FEMA. 2006a. http://www.fema.gov/business/nfip/19def2.shtm. Accessed 9/25/06. Gulfport Memorial Hospital. 2006. http://www.gulfportmemorial.com/hospitalservices/default.htm. Accessed 9/27/06. Hancock County Government. 2006. http://www.ms1stop.com/1stop/ms/hancockco/home.nsf/SightsandSounds?openpage. Accessed 9/27/06. Hancock County Public Schools. 2006. http://www.hancock.k12.ms.us/Schools.htm. Accessed 9/27/06. Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). 2006. http://www.deq.state.ms.us/MDEQ.nsf/page/Air_AirQualityPlanningandEmissionStandar ds?OpenDocument. Accessed 9/25/06. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2006. State Coastal Zone Boundaries. http://coastalmanagement.noaa.gov/mystate/docs/StateCZBoundaries.pdf#search=%22co astal%20zone%20%20mississippi%20noaa%22. Accessed 10/11/06. Topozone. 2006. http://www.topozone.com. Accessed 10/5/06. U.S. Department of Labor. 2006. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos229.htm#nature. Accessed 9/25/06. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2006. http://www.fws.gov/southeast/jackson/MsCo_TE.html. Accessed 10/11/06. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). 2006. Ground Water Atlas of the United States, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi HA 730-F. http://capp.water.usgs.gov/gwa/ch_f/F-text3.html. Accessed 10/11/06. USGS. 2006a. http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngmbin/ ILView.pl?sid=q500_16555_us_1.sid&vtype=b&sfact=1.5c. Accessed 10/4/06. USGS. 2006b. http://ortho.ftw.nrcs.usda.gov/osd/dat/A/ATMORE.html. Accessed 10/5/06. USGS. 2006c. http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/prepare/factsheets/NewMadrid/. Accessed 10/4/06. Appendix A Figures SCALE NOT TO SCALE PROJ NO CLIENT TITLE CHK BY DR BY DES BY FILE PROJ REVISION NO Diamondhead Water and Sewer District PROJECT AREA MN 1 MN 10-19-06 10-19-06 Diamondhead WWTP Relocation Project FIGURE Proposed WWTP Location Existing WWTP Location 15708003 SCALE AS SHOWN FIGURE PROJ NO CLIENT TITLE CHK BY DR BY DES BY FILE PROJ REVISION NO Diamondhead Water and Sewer District FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 15708003 5 LAL Diamondhead WWTP Relocation Project x 10/13/06 X Proposed WWTP Location Existing WWTP Location Appendix B Agency Coordination SCALE NOT TO SCALE FIGURE PROJ NO CLIENT TITLE CHK BY DR BY DES BY FILE PROJ REVISION NO Diamondhead Water and Sewer District PROJECT LOCATION 15708003 1 BR Diamondhead WWTP Relocation Project AC X 9/15/06 9/15/06 Source: Carollo Engineers; DWSD Prop X WWTP Loc (state coords) mwd 08/23/06 SCALE NOT TO SCALE FIGURE PROJ NO CLIENT TITLE CHK BY DR BY DES BY FILE PROJ REVISION NO Diamondhead Water and Sewer District SITE PLAN 15708003 2 BR Diamondhead WWTP Relocation Project AC X 9/15/06 9/15/06 X Source: Carollo Engineers SCALE NOT TO SCALE FIGURE PROJ NO CLIENT TITLE CHK BY DR BY DES BY FILE PROJ REVISION NO Diamondhead Water and Sewer District LOCATION OF RE-ROUTED FORCEMAINS 15708003 3 BR Diamondhead WWTP Relocation Project AC X 9/15/06 9/15/06 X Source: Carollo Engineers