FEMA CONTINUES TO STREAMLINE RECOVERY IN PUERTO RICO, ENHANCES RESILIENT OUTCOMES AND EQUITABLE SOLUTIONS [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20240501/fema-continues-streamline-recovery-puerto-rico-enhances-resilient-outcomes] Release Date: April 30, 2024 _The Puerto Rico Region 2 Interim Progress Report was published today and highlights recovery on the ground and FEMA’s ongoing efforts to build back better._ Washington -- FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell today announced the agency published its first-ever Puerto Rico Interim Progress Report [https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_puerto-rico-from-recovery-to-resilience_english.pdf] to highlight progress on the island after hurricanes María and Fiona, and the earthquakes in 2020. FEMA’s efforts to help rebuild are paving the way for an unprecedented recovery and, in coordination with the Government of Puerto Rico, the pace of the recovery has gained momentum in the last several years as new infrastructure, permanent repairs and reconstruction can be seen across the island. “Collectively, we are working on over 11,000 recovery projects from these disasters that will dramatically impact the everyday lives of residents,” said FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell. “With each site that is rebuilt, we are investing in Puerto Rico’s economy and helping to build the Island’s resilience to severe weather events. This critical work will also help boost the Island’s recovery and response capabilities for future generations—ensuring communities are safer and more secure in this increasingly challenging disaster landscape.”  FEMA is maximizing this historic opportunity to ensure the island is built back in a way that is stronger and can lessen the impacts of other natural disasters in the future. By partnering with communities and local leaders to understand their vulnerabilities, FEMA is leading the way to find equitable solutions that help advance equity and climate adaptation and ensure recovery is community-driven. Through funding to implement current building codes across the island and other rebuilding projects to mitigate historic flooding in the Caño Martín Peña community in San Juan, for example, FEMA is ensuring recovery efforts result in resilient outcomes. Residents in this community will benefit from improvements to the sanitary sewer system and stormwater infrastructure in the area, among other significant permanent work. The entire federal family is helping to boost island’s resiliency efforts through innovative practices that will strengthen communities and better serve the island’s residents. Working closely with other federal agencies, recovery partners and the communities, FEMA is focused on ensuring efforts on the ground are community-driven and support the unique needs and challenges of residents. Partnerships with the University of Puerto Rico to assess hurricane damage along the island’s coast and the U.S. Department of Energy to help the island reach 100% renewable energy by 2050, among others. are helping inform the way forward through the lens of climate change and climate adaptability.   “Puerto Rico continues to recover due to our workforce’s commitment to the task of rebuilding a resilient island.  While preserving its historic and environmental heritage, they take great pride in knowing that their efforts contribute to building a strong, beautiful and resilient island for future generations,” said Regional Administrator David Warrington, FEMA Region 2.  “With each project that is rebuilt, the island moves closer to becoming an example of resilience in the Caribbean.” FEMA, together with local communities and whole of government, is committed to Puerto Rico’s longterm recovery and will continue to offer unwavering support as the island and its people build towards a bright and resilient future.