FREE LEGAL HELP STILL AVAILABLE TO TORNADO SURVIVORS [] Release Date: June 14, 2023 MADISON, MISS. – FEMA and the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency want survivors of the March tornadoes to know that free help remains available for legal needs related to the disaster. Survivors with unmet legal needs can call the special DISASTER LEGAL SERVICES (DLS) HOTLINE AT (877) 691-6185. They may be prompted to leave a message, but a specialist will call them back. The DLS hotline got fewer than a dozen calls from April 3 to June 6, and FEMA is urging eligible survivors to take advantage of this special service. The hotline will operate only through the end of June. DLS lawyers can help survivors with: * Unpaid or underpaid insurance claims for loss of property, loss of life, doctor and hospital bills, etc. * New wills, powers of attorney, or other legal papers lost in the tornadoes. * Problems with home repair contracts and contractors. * Advice on problems with landlords, including land lease agreements. * Estate administration, including guardianships and conservatorships. * Consumer protection matters, remedies and procedures. * FEMA appeals and other disaster-related actions. Homeowners and renters whose primary residence is in Carroll, Humphreys, Monroe, Montgomery, Panola or Sharkey counties with unresolved and storm-caused legal issues should consider calling. Callers should identify the storm-related issue they need legal help with, and the county where their storm-damaged property is located. DLS attorneys are volunteers who provide survivors with free legal counseling and advice and may provide legal representation for cases that will not generate fees. They are not FEMA employees. Any services or conversations between a survivor and one of the attorneys are confidential and will not be shared with FEMA. If the volunteer attorneys are unable to assist survivors with their legal needs, callers will be referred to independent attorneys who can provide pro-bono or low-cost services through the lawyer referral network in the affected area. DLS is a partnership between The Mississippi Bar, The Mississippi Bar Young Lawyers Division, the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and FEMA. For the latest information on recovery from Mississippi tornadoes, visit March 24 2023 Severe Weather Disaster Information - MEMA ( [] and []. On Twitter follow MEMA @MSEMA [] and FEMA Region 4 @femaregion4 []