FEMA ENCOURAGES LOUISIANA TEENS TO APPLY TO THE NATIONAL YOUTH PREPAREDNESS COUNCIL [https://www.fema.gov/node/613488] Release Date: February 13, 2021 BATON ROUGE, LA. – Do you know, or are you a teen who has a passion for preparedness? FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division is now accepting Youth Preparedness Council [https://www.ready.gov/kids/youth-preparedness-council] (YPC) applications. Since 2012, FEMA has brought youth from across the nation together. The YPC provides an opportunity to join FEMA in the critical mission of emergency preparedness. As part of the YPC, members can build leadership skills and represent their schools and communities. The YPC gives young people the chance to meet peers from across the country and work on projects such as preparedness fairs for their communities. A virtual summit in July gives members a chance to meet others and hear from FEMA experts. Teens serve on the YPC for two years. The application period began Jan. 18 and ends March 7. The application instructions are on the website Youth Preparedness Council | Ready.gov [https://www.ready.gov/kids/youth-preparedness-council]. Those who apply should express what preparedness means to them and how their skills and background could strengthen FEMA’s work. Applicants can choose to apply through either a written or video responses. Teens in grades 8 through 11 who are interested in applying can learn more about the process and have their questions answered on a webinar at 8 p.m. Feb. 18. The webinar will walk students through the application process and give applicants a glimpse of what it’s like to be on the council. To participate, you must register for this webinar [https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMjIsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkIjoiMjAyMTAyMTAuMzQ5Nzk4ODEiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3VybGRlZmVuc2UudXMvdjMvX19odHRwczovZmVtYS56b29tZ292LmNvbS93ZWJpbmFyL3JlZ2lzdGVyL1dOX1ZLVlJBWV9QUU9LVU05N0N4SU5FcVFfXzshIUJDbFJ1T1Y1Y3Z0YnVOSSFSaDFqNWtyWG5tTzdoNk5qdUNTbVI1dEZ5NExUVTVic3VFSzdmRVYyRGROZGVxWEZLNFZOX201aVNqUVprTERLTzd6WE5nJTI0In0.0yYZf06EWMt6RVLpuJ_2Qvqn43uPPWhe8zC98CEwzVY/s/1377536241/br/97325561583-l__;!!BClRuOV5cvtbuNI!RWR3Nidt3fRSoHfUSq-_IjGQDUJTt2-mJGnJ_-sbJ2FRTUQUfwA4WOmtmzFAvmp2A94Cjyc$] in advance.  To learn more about the YPC and its current members, visit https://www.ready.gov/kids/youth-preparedness-council. Follow the FEMA Region 6 Twitter account at twitter.com/FEMARegion6 [https://twitter.com/FEMARegion6].