PHOTOS OF WHOLE-OF-AMERICA COVID-19 RESPONSE VOLUME 23 [] Release Date: April 21, 2020 WASHINGTON — The whole-of-America response to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic continued today, as supplies from a Project Airbridge flight which arrived in Los Angeles were dispersed to hot spots around the nation and National Guardsmen in Guam and Illinois provided their carpentry and medical expertise. FEMA continues to expedite movement of commercially pre-sourced and commercially procured critical supplies from the global market to medical distributors in various locations across the U.S. through Project Airbridge. As of April 20, Project Airbridge has completed 68 flights with an additional 46 scheduled for a total of approximately 114 flights. Through Project Airbridge, the following supplies have been delivered from overseas manufacturers to the U.S. and into private sector supply chains from March 29 to April 19: * More than 760,000 N-95 masks. * More than 600 million gloves. * More than 52 million surgical masks. * More than 7.1 million surgical gowns. * Nearly 2.1 million thermometers. * More than 562,000 face shields. To date, FEMA has obligated $5.7 billion in support of COVID-19 efforts. In the last 24 hours that amount includes: * $34 million for Colorado. * $2.3 million for New Jersey. * $1.3 million for Pennsylvania. FEMA PROJECT AIRBRIDGE FLIGHT ARRIVES IN LOS ANGELES FOR COVID-19 SUPPORT [An airplane parked at an airport, as cargo is unloaded.] LOS ANGELES (APRIL 20, 2020) — A FEMA Project Airbridge flight arrives at Los Angeles International Airport with more than 6 million medical supplies to support the whole-of-America response to states, tribes and territories combating the spread of COVID-19. _FEMA photo by Victor Inge_   NAVY EXCHANGE ASSOCIATES SUPPORT MILITARY MEMBERS IN COVID-19 RESPONSE [A women behind a cart of bags] MAYPORT, FLA, (APRIL 20, 2020) — A Navy Lodge Mayport, Fla., associate delivers breakfast to a guest.  The Navy Exchange Service Command is comprised of 14,000 personnel worldwide, supporting military families in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   _U.S. Navy and NEXCOM Public Affairs photo_   708TH MEDICAL COMPANY CLEARS APARTMENT RESIDENTS FOR COVID-19 [10 people standing around outside] TAYLORVILLE, ILL. (APRIL 20, 2020) — Members of the 708th Medical Company, based in North Riverside, Illinois, gather before testing Park Glen apartment residents for COVID-19.  The soldiers tested the entire building and the quarantine for Park Glenn was lifted.  Many residents are now reunited with their families. _708th Medical Company photo by Staff Sgt. Robert Adams_   COVID-19 SCREENING CONTINUES AT NAVY COMMAND IN PENSACOLA [A male soldier standing on the driver side of a suv with a female soldier inside of the vehicle ] PENSACOLA, FLA. (APRIL 20, 2020) — Hospitalman Taylor Paschal, a laboratory technician assigned to Navy Medicine Operational Training Center, Pensacola, is screened at Naval Medical Readiness and Training Command before entering.   _U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Carter Denton_   GUAM NATIONAL GUARD ENGINEERS PROVIDE EXPERTISE AT SKILLED NURSING FACILITY [a female soldier cutting wood ] BARRIGADA, GUAM (APRIL 20, 2020) — Senior Airman Melissa Gagaring, of Guam Air National Guard’s 254th REDHORSE Squadron, cuts wood for an environmental control unit installation at a Skilled Nursing Facility in Barrigada. The Guam National Guard continues to work with federal and local agencies during the island’s fight against COVID-19. _U.S. Army National Guard photo by JoAnna Delfin_   ###