FEMA REIMBURSES BRIDGEPORT HOSPITAL $8 MILLION FOR EMERGENCY COVID-19 WORK [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210518/fema-reimburses-bridgeport-hospital-8-million-emergency-covid-19-work] Release Date: 5월 18, 2021 REGION I – FEMA is reimbursing Bridgeport Hospital $8,440,919 to cover costs the hospital incurred at the start of the country’s battle against COVID-19.  Covered under the reimbursement are actions the hospital quickly took from January 20 until June 30, 2020 to ramp up its facilities and equipment to meet the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 cases. Faced with this unparalleled emergency, the hospital provided an Emergency Operations Center to coordinate the logistics for the care and treatment of COVID patients, a disease testing and triage center at both its Bridgeport and Milford sites for patient care, and converted rooms for the specialized care of COVID patients.  The hospital is also being reimbursed for the purchase of medical equipment and accessories, PPE, the rental of beds and stretchers, the installation of security cameras, the purchase of meals and lodging for staff caring for COVID patients, and disinfectants and staff to maintain a heightened state of cleanliness. Acting Regional Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer Paul Ford noted, “The steps Bridgeport Hospital took to care for its COVID patients will stand it in good stead for regular hospital traffic or any future health crisis. FEMA is pleased to support the hospital in amplifying its disaster readiness.” FEMA’s Public Assistance Program reimburses eligible applicants for actions taken in the immediate response and during recovery from a major disaster. Eligible applicants include the state, federally recognized tribal governments, local governments, and certain private non-profit organizations. ### _FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters._