PREPARE NOW FOR HURRICANE SEASON [] Release Date: 5월 17, 2017 BATON ROUGE, LA. — Hurricane season officially begins June 1 and FEMA urges Louisianans to prepare. Getting ready now goes a long way in saving lives and reducing property damage later. Readiness for the tropical season depends on preparing, planning and staying informed. PREPARE: * Update your disaster kit. [] recommends gathering a number of items such as: a three-day supply of non-perishable food and bottled water, a battery-operated radio, a flashlight, extra batteries, cash, medicines, a first aid kit, pet foods, and important family documents. * Cut down or trim damaged trees and limbs, clear out debris from pipes or culverts so that water doesn’t back up and cause flooding. * Tie down or take inside unattached outdoor toys and furniture when a severe storm approaches. PLAN: * Know your evacuation routes and prepare options for overnight lodging. Develop a family evacuation plan to keep your family together and safe. * Contact your local emergency management officials about evacuation orders, routes, and shelters at Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP) Contacts []. * Develop an Emergency Communication Plan [], which includes the telephone number of a family member or friend outside the state—a point of contact—in the event of separation when a storm hits. BE INFORMED: * Download the FEMA Mobile App [] for disaster-related information. * Listen to NOAA Weather Radio [] or local radio or TV stations for up-to- date storm information, and be prepared to take action. * Search the internet or log on to Twitter with the name of your metropolitan area and the word “alerts” to be connected to the latest information. * Wait until local officials say it’s safe to return home before doing so. Those who live in FEMA manufactured housing units should know this temporary housing does not provide safe shelter during a hurricane or tornado. Here are some tips for those who live in FEMA MHUs: * Leave an MHU when there are tornado or hurricane warnings. * All FEMA MHUs come equipped with weather radios; listen for storm warnings. * Put important items on high shelves in case of floods. More information may be found online at []. OTHER USEFUL LINKS: []    Emergency.Louisiana.Gov [] Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Guide [] Get A Game Plan App []  Louisiana 2-1-1 [] provides information about available health and human services. National Flood Insurance Program [] or call or call FEMA at 1-800-427-4661.