DR-4861-WV NR-012 A SECOND DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER IN MCDOWELL COUNTY WV OPENING THURSDAY; OVER $10 MILLION IN FEMA ASSISTANCE HAS BEEN APPROVED [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20250319/dr-4861-wv-nr-012-second-disaster-recovery-center-mcdowell-county-wv-opening] Release Date: Mas 19, 2025 News release A SECOND DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER IN MCDOWELL COUNTY, W.VA. OPENING THURSDAY MARCH 20; OVER $10 MILLION IN FEMA ASSISTANCE HAS BEEN APPROVED CHARLESTON, W.Va. – A second Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) will be opening in McDowell County at the Board of Education Building at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday March 20, 2025. The opening of this additional DRC coincides with the $10 million milestone in approved FEMA assistance. FEMA encourages all residents of the impacted counties to register for assistance, including homeowners and renters. The center is located at:  MCDOWELL COUNTY (WELCH) DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER Board of Education Building 900 Mount View High School Road Welch, WV 24801   Hours of operation: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Saturday March 22: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., weather dependent Saturday, March 29: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., weather dependent  Closed on Sundays   The DRCs located in the table below remain open. DRCs are open to all, including survivors with mobility issues, impaired vision, and those who are who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Residents of the designated counties can visit any open DRC for assistance.  MERCER COUNTY DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER MCDOWELL COUNTY DISASTER (BRADSHAW) RECOVERY CENTER  Lifeline Princeton Church of God 250 Oakvale Road  Princeton, WV 24740   Hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturdays: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Closed Sundays  Closed March 12, March 22, April 19 Bradshaw Town Hall 10002 Marshall Hwy Bradshaw, WV 24817   Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays MINGO COUNTY DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER WYOMING COUNTY DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER Williamson Campus 1601 Armory Drive Williamson, WV 25661   Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed on Sundays Wyoming Court House 24 Main Ave Pineville, WV 24874   Hours of operation: Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed on Sundays   Residents in Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne, and Wyoming counties who were impacted by the winter flooding between February 15 – 18, 2025 can visit a DRC to apply for assistance, ask questions about their application, speak with representatives from other agencies, including the Small Business Administration, submit receipts for eligible cleanup and repair costs, and more. Renters may also have eligible costs and should apply for FEMA assistance. [FEMA and SBA survey damages in the impacted areas of WV following the February 15-28, 2025 winter flooding. (FEMA) ] _FEMA and SBA staff survey damages in the impacted areas of WV following the February 15-18, 2025 winter flooding. (FEMA)_ As a reminder, FEMA disaster assistance comes in the form of grants, which do not need to be repaid, accepting FEMA funds will not affect eligibility for Social Security – including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, or other federal benefit programs. FEMA assistance does not need to be repaid. Residents should file insurance claims as soon as possible, in addition to submitting an application for FEMA assistance. By law, FEMA cannot cover expenses that have already been covered by other sources like insurance, crowdfunding, local or state programs, donations, or financial assistance from voluntary agencies.  FEMA remains dedicated to assisting the residents of West Virginia and encourages everyone in Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne, and Wyoming counties who were impacted by the winter flooding between February 15 – 18, 2025 to connect with FEMA to identify next steps in your recovery. For more information on West Virginia’s disaster recovery, visit emd.wv.gov, [https://emd.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx] West Virginia Emergency Management Division Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/WVEMD], www.fema.gov/disaster/4861 [https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4861], and  www.facebook.com/FEMA. [https://www.facebook.com/FEMA] Graphic [Second Disaster Recovery Center in McDowell County W.Va. Graphic]  ###   _ FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters._ _Follow __FEMA online_ [https://www.fema.gov/about/news-multimedia/blog]_, on X __@FEMA_ [https://x.com/FEMA]_ or __@FEMAEspanol_ [https://x.com/FEMAEspanol]_, on FEMA's __Facebook page_ [https://www.facebook.com/FEMA]_ or __Espanol page_ [https://www.facebook.com/FEMAespanol]_ and at FEMA's __YouTube_ [https://www.youtube.com/user/FEMA]_ account. Also, follow on __X FEMA_Cam_ [https://x.com/FEMA_Cam]_. _ _For preparedness information follow the Ready Campaign on X at _@Ready.gov [https://x.com/Readygov]_, on Instagram _@Ready.gov [https://www.instagram.com/readygov/]_ or on the __Ready Facebook_ [https://www.facebook.com/readygov]_ page.  _