FEMA EXTENDS APPLICATION PERIOD FOR HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20211028/fema-extends-application-period-hazard-mitigation-grant-program-funds] Release Date: Oktòb 28, 2021 _About $4 billion is available to Puerto Rico under FEMA’s HMGP program and other funding sources_ GUAYNABO, PUERTO RICO – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) granted the Government of Puerto Rico’s request to extend the application period for funds under the Agency’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, known as HMGP, through April 30, 2022. These funds help reduce the risk of loss of life and property from future disasters. To date, over $1 billion has been approved to help increase the island’s resiliency through mitigation work. These mitigation proposals include $5.5 million to the Puerto Rico Permit Management Office to review and adopt updated building codes in Puerto Rico. Another $28.6 million was granted to the Puerto Rico Planning Board for the first phase of a project that aims to increase staffing and resources to enforce building code compliance. Other projects like sewer, drainage and pump station improvements in the municipality of Loiza will be made possible with HMGP funds. “We are committed to working closely with the Government of Puerto Rico as the island’s historic recovery continues. FEMA recognizes the local government’s efforts to move these projects forward and the challenges faced because of the pandemic. Understanding the complexity of this disaster our goal is to continue to provide support so that the island can leverage this unique opportunity to build back stronger,” said the FEMA Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator in Puerto Rico, José G. Baquero. FEMA staff will provide technical assistance to the Government of Puerto Rico to help maximize the availability of HMGP funds, as needed. This includes assisting with project applications, cost shares and other requirements to access these funds. This is the fourth extension to the HMGP application period, and FEMA reserves two additional options to extend the deadline through Oct. 31, 2022. These additional extensions are contingent upon the achievement of specific milestones by the Government of Puerto Rico, including progress reports and detailed lists of priority projects. Manuel A. Laboy Rivera, Executive Director of COR3, noted that "this deadline extension will allow us additional time to maximize the available federal funds and to work and submit more robust project proposals, including projects related to power generation that depend on a technical study currently being led by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). We remain steadfast in our commitment to submit all work proposals in accordance with federal and local regulations in order to allocate these funds in compliance with Governor Pedro R. Pierluisi's public policy. Puerto Rico has access to a total of $4 billion in mitigation funds, $3 billion of which correspond to  FEMA HMGP funds and $1 billion from local funding. All HMGP funds are obligated to the Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency, which is responsible for ensuring that all reimbursements meet the statutory, regulatory and programmatic requirements established by FEMA. To access more information on the recovery of Puerto Rico from Hurricane María, visit fema.gov/disaster/4339 [http://www.fema.gov/disaster/4339] and recuperacion.pr [http://www.recuperacion.pr/]. Follow us on social media at Facebook.com/FEMAPuertoRico [http://www.facebook.com/femapuertorico], Facebook.com/COR3pr [http://www.facebook.com/cor3pr] and Twitter @COR3pr [https://twitter.com/cor3pr].