PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR HOUSES OF WORSHIP [] Release Date: oct 6, 2022 Florida houses of worship and other private nonprofit organizations may be eligible for FEMA assistance to help pay for emergency protective measures, debris removal and restoration of facilities damaged by Hurricane Ian. Houses of Worship are considered private nonprofit organizations that provide a noncritical, essential social service, such as community and senior citizen centers. This category of nonprofits must go through the loan application process with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Assistance program before FEMA can determine eligibility for its Public Assistance program. SBA’s low-interest disaster loans provide up to $2 million for damaged repair or replacement of hurricane-damaged property, including furniture, fixtures, and other essential contents. Houses of worship are not required to take out a loan, but FEMA will not fund repairs unless an SBA loan application has been denied or does not fully cover the permanent work costs. Houses of worship should contact their county emergency management office for more information on how to submit a FEMA Request for Public Assistance.