UNINCORPORATED LOGAN COUNTY FACING PROBATION FROM THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM [https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20211203/unincorporated-logan-county-facing-probation-national-flood-insurance] DENVER – Unincorporated Logan County, Colorado will be placed on probationary status by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on March 30, 2022, due to deficiencies and violations with the county’s floodplain management program unless the county can either remediate all outstanding violations or prepare a compliance plan approved by FEMA. Logan County is an NFIP-participating community with 30 flood insurance policies in force with a total coverage of more than $5,000,000 as of December 3, 2021. When a community joins the NFIP, it voluntarily adopts local floodplain management regulations to meet NFIP minimum floodplain management criteria. Placement on probation is a formal notice to the community that the local floodplain management program is not compliant with the criteria of the NFIP and is the first step in the process to suspend the community’s eligibility to participate in the NFIP. Unless the county either remediates the violations or completes a compliance plan approved by FEMA, the probation period will begin on March 30, 2022, and be in effect for one year. The county’s participation includes only unincorporated areas.  The Towns of Fleming and Illiff and the City of Sterling participate independently in the NFIP and would not be impacted by the probation. The violations in Logan County are a result of development occurring without a county floodplain development permit and allowing construction in violation of local floodplain management ordinances. This includes several structures built within the floodplain that were not elevated above the base flood elevation as designated on the county’s flood maps. During the probationary period, flood insurance coverage will remain available within Logan County. However, a $50 surcharge will be added to the premium of each new and renewed flood insurance policy sold within the community for at least one year from the effective date of probation. Each flood insurance policyholder in unincorporated Logan County will receive a notice about the impending probation and the $50 surcharge. Failure to correct identified deficiencies and to improve the floodplain management program within Logan County during the probationary period can lead to suspension from the NFIP. Flood insurance from the NFIP is no longer available for purchase for communities on suspension. If a flood disaster occurs in a suspended community, most types of federal disaster assistance would not be available. This includes the acquisition, construction, or repair of insurable structures within the Special Flood Hazard Area as well as federal assistance to individuals and households for housing and personal property. FEMA will continue to provide technical assistance and guidance to the county to resolve program deficiencies and correct the violations to help ensure that Logan County residents and property owners continue to have flood insurance coverage available.