FY 2024 TRANSIT SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM KEY CHANGES [https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness/transit-security/fy-24-key-changes] Release Date: abr 16, 2024 DOWNLOAD A PDF COPY OF THIS WEBPAGE. [https://www.fema.gov/print/pdf/node/676005] The Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) [https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness/transit-security] provides funding to eligible public transportation systems (which include intra-city bus, ferries and all forms of passenger rail) to protect critical transportation infrastructure and the travelling public from terrorism, and to increase transportation infrastructure resilience. This document outlines key changes for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 TSGP. RISK ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT FEMA spent the past several years working with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to develop and test a process for identifying risk and prioritizing investments unique to the suite of surface transportation security programs. To date, 28 TSGP recipients have already completed this process voluntarily with FEMA and TSA technical support. Recipients of funding will be required to have a Public Transit Risk Assessment completed within the past three years or implement one in conjunction with their FY 2024 TSGP award. For those that have not yet completed the process, technical assistance is available to assist with compliance during the period of performance of the FY 2024 TSGP award. COST INFORMATION MOVED FROM THE PREPAREDNESS GRANTS MANUAL The majority of information on funding restrictions and allowable costs has moved from the Preparedness Grants Manual (PGM) to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Please refer to Section D of the TSGP FY 2024 NOFO for detailed information on these cost categories.  FEMA GRANTS OUTCOMES (FEMA GO) SYSTEM Applicants must apply to the TSGP on the new FEMA GO platform. The previous Non-Disaster Grants (ND Grants) platform will become a legacy system for grant programs from FY 2023 and earlier. For more information about FEMA GO, please review Section D of the TSGP NOFO and FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO) | FEMA.gov [https://www.fema.gov/grants/guidance-tools/fema-go] for additional guidance and tools.