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M.6. Duplication of Programs

FEMA will not provide assistance for activities for which it determines the more specific authority lies with another federal agency or program. Other programs and authorities should be examined before applying for HMA. HMA programs are not intended to be used as a substitute for other available program authorities. Available program authorities may include other FEMA programs and programs under other federal agencies, such as the EPA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. FEMA may disallow or recoup amounts that duplicate other authorities. For more information about exceptions to duplication of programs prohibitions on USACE projects, refer to Part 12.B.

M.6.1. Federally Authorized Water Resources Development Projects

Section 1210(b) of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 creates an exception for HMGP to the prohibition under HMA that FEMA will not provide financial assistance for activities FEMA has determined another federal agency has more specific authority to conduct.[178] Specifically, section 1210(b) of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act provides that FEMA may use HMGP assistance to fund the construction of federally authorized water resources development projects that would normally fall under the primary authority of USACE, as long as those activities are also eligible under HMGP. For more information, refer to Part 12.B.


178. Division D of Public Law 115-254 (Oct. 5, 2018)