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07SE-01-DENS - Scanner, Density
Handheld scanning device that uses technology such as backscatter x-rays or millimeter wave technology to indicate the presence of anomalies. This allows detection of contraband organic material in areas such as tires, fuel tanks, etc.
Grant Notes
Display should be day/night readable and can be operated while wearing heavy work gloves. Can be pole-mounted (with remote display) for reaching difficult locations. Should meet MIL-STD 810 standards for drop/impact and temperature variances. Equipment requests must be aligned with the Border Security requirements of the corresponding Sector. All Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) recipients will need to submit a detailed justification to the respective Program Analyst and obtain approval prior to the purchase of this equipment. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
More Information
FEMA Related Grant Programs
- Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)
Standardized Equipment List
For more information on operating considerations, mandatory and applicable standards, and training requirements, visit the Interagency Board’s Standardized Equipment List website.
Note: Some equipment items on the Authorized Equipment List may not be listed on the Standardized Equipment List.
System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders
For market survey reports, visit the System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders website. To search for an equipment item, use the same Authorized Equipment List item number.
Note: Some equipment items may not have market survey reports.