News and Media: Disaster 4399

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


FEMA has approved an additional $1,945,625 for the state of Florida to reimburse Bay District Schools for management costs following Hurricane Michael in 2018.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
FEMA has approved an additional $1,253,002 for the state of Florida to reimburse Gulf County for management costs following Hurricane Michael in 2018.
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FEMA has approved grants totaling $9,066,552 to reimburse recovery expenses in Florida for Hurricane Michael in 2018.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
FEMA has approved a grant of $2,584,225 for Jackson Hospital in Marianna for the purchase and installation of 12 permanent generators within the hospital’s network of facilities.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
FEMA has approved an additional $6,971,729 to the state of Florida to reimburse PowerSouth Energy Cooperative for Hurricane Michael-related recovery expenses.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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