U.S. Department of Homeland Security 500 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20472 Fact Sheet LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATE The Logistics Management Directorate (LMD) is FEMA’s major program office responsible for policy, guidance, standards, execution and governance of logistics support, services and operations. The mission is to effectively Plan, Manage and Sustain the national logistics response and recovery operations, in support of domestic emergencies and special events – to act as the National Logistics Coordinator (NLC) or Single Logistics Integrator for National incident support. LMD is organized around four core competencies: Logistics Operations; Logistics Plans and Exercises; Distribution Management; and Property Management. The following provides an executive overview of current operations: National Logistics Coordinator/National Logistics Staging Area Lessons Learned As the National Logistics Coordinator, LMD provides the strategic capability to position initial response resources based on anticipated requirements of a pending disaster and before a disaster declaration through a network of National Logistics Staging Areas (NLSAs). NLSAs are an extension of the National Distribution System which includes Distribution Centers as well as sites positioned to enable an agile, flexible and adaptable resource management and provisioning capability. This is vital to ensure that resources are in or near the area of disaster impact for immediate distribution upon direction of the appropriate state and federal officials. These resources remain national assets until directed forward to points of distribution (PODs) where the state takes control. This concept of operations worked well in supporting the advance positioning of millions of meals, millions of liters of water, thousands of cots, blankets and tarps, and thousands of rolls of plastic sheeting during the immediate period prior to landfall for both Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. LMD organized and deployed NLSA teams, comprised of personnel from across FEMA, to operate the NLSAs by performing the functions of shipment receiving, temporary holding, and onward dispatch to PODs. Based on review of the lessons learned from past disaster events, LMD is actively engaged in revising logistics doctrine including recommending changes to the Logistics Management and Resource Support Annex (ESF #7) to the National Response Framework. Initial Response Resources FEMA relies on the LMD to maintain and deliver life-saving commodities in support of its all hazards mission. Central to this concept are the Initial Response Resources (IRR) that are ready to be deployed to relieve the suffering of disaster victims. These items consist of six basic items: 1) water, 2) tarps, 3) meals www.fema.gov 4) cots, 5) blue roof sheeting and 6) blankets. These items are intended to sustain lives and prevent further property damage during an emergency or disaster. The LMD maintains constant vigil over the amount of pre-positioned IRR assets to ensure an adequate response capability across the United States and associated Territories. Primary Distribution Centers are located in Atlanta, Georgia; Fort Worth, Texas; Cumberland, Maryland; Moffett Field, California; also Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Guam. During catastrophic events IRR commodities may be distributed to as many as 60 forward sites for distribution. During complex disaster scenarios these commodities flow through specifically designed National Logistics Support Bases (NLSB) operated by FEMA’s Logistics Management Directorate, to State Resourced Staging Areas, also known as Points of Distribution (POD) operated by State and Local governments. IRR commodities are tracked in the Logistics Information Management System which is the agency personal property system of record. In November of 2008 the Logistics Management Directorate established a Quality Assurance Team within the Property Management Division to validate all IRR commodities. The team was established in coordination with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to ensure that the agency general ledger remains accurate from acquisition to disbursement. The team ensures inventories are completed each month and a high state of readiness is maintained. The six types of IRR are maintained in a state of high readiness through periodic inspections for shelf life expiration dates and the identification of the need to rotate stock. Combined IRR stocks fluctuate with disaster activity but currently comprise 16.3 million items with a total value of $93.7 million. Total Asset Visibility (TAV) TAV supports FEMA’s mission of responding to all hazards expediently and efficiently – by improving the performance and accountability of the nation’s end-to-end supply chain management of critical assets and commodities. Through this process TAV supports the Logistics Management Directorate’s (LMD) mission as the National Logistics Coordinator Logistics Management Transformation Initiative (LMTI) This initiative is the overarching program to help transform the Logistics Management Directorate (LMD) into a more effective, responsive organization with improved readiness and response capability. LMTI has conducted a comprehensive analysis and assessment of current logistics core competencies exploring possibilities for outsourcing opportunities, while ensuring fiscal prudence and accountability. Demonstration Program Logistics Capability Assessment Tool This project is a Congressionally-directed program to form innovative public and private logistical partnerships to improve readiness, increase response capacity, maximize the management and impact of homeland security resources, increase the States’ logistics planning and execution capabilities and collaboration with the Federal government. Milestones include: . Developing a FEMA regional program for national rollout of the Logistics Capability Assessment (LCA) . Initially focusing on hurricane states and additional representative states in all FEMA Regions in FY09-10 . Developing a Resource Requirements Calculator (RRC) to define the resource requirements portion of the Gap Analysis Program and providing a response and sustainment tool for FEMA and the state to determine requirements for critical commodities during incidents . RRC introduction and training to be incorporated with LCA implementations with state emergency management agencies beginning FY09 - 2 - Partnership with FEMA Private Sector Office LMD has proactively strengthened its relationship with the private sector by: . Hosting biweekly “Vendor Day” meetings intended to afford interested companies and vendors the opportunity to share information on their products and services . Conducting outreach to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and trade associations to build awareness of FEMA Logistics processes and procedures . Including consideration of the private sector’s role as part of the Demonstration Program’s needs analysis Key Readiness Contracts Regular Contracts and Inter-agency Agreements (IAA) which provide an enhanced logistics readiness capability: . Contractor support (personnel/organic drivers/fleet management) . Vehicle maintenance contract . Supplies and services IAA/General Services Administration . Transportation Services IAA/General Services Administration . National bus evacuation readiness . Plastic sheeting (blue roof) Blanket Purchase Agreement . Supplies and services IAA/Defense Logistics Agency . Total Asset Visibility . Logistics Management Transformation Initiative (LMTI) . Base camp support contract Professional Credentialing In partnership with the Disaster Reserve Workforce, LMD completed the development of credentialing plans for the Logistics Disaster Reservist cadre. The credentialing plans are undergoing agency review and are projected to be rolled out in the Fall. FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters. - 3 -